How many reputations were ruined by close encounters of the Trump kind?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Consider all of Trump's "best people" who have gone to jail, and/or been publicly reviled (by Trump himself even) who would have been free and free of public disgrace if they had eschewed Trumpery - respected captains of industry, distinguished military brass, senior Republican politicians, famous athletes, Stormy Daniels...

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- as well, of course, as previously obscure lowlifes too numerous to mention.

He has touched so many lives.

Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadoupolus, Steve Bannon, Tom Barrack, Elliot Broidy, George Nader, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, etc., etc., etc....​

We would be woefully remiss if we didn't acknowledge the hundreds and hundreds of clueless Trump goons, including Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc., who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted for attacking our democratic process.

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I think most don't have any reason to throw Trump under the bus, unless they are writing a book or under a subpoena. Some of them have stood on principle, and that has allowed them to discuss all of Trump's sociopathic behavior, but many of these people had to be unprincipled to start working for him in the first place.
Consider all of Trump's "best people" who have gone to jail, and/or been publicly reviled (by Trump himself even) who would have been free and free of public disgrace if they had eschewed Trumpery - respected captains of industry, distinguished military brass, senior Republican politicians, famous athletes, Stormy Daniels...

- as well, of course, as previously obscure lowlifes too numerous to mention.

He has touched so many lives.

Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadoupolus, Steve Bannon, Tom Barrack, Elliot Broidy, George Nader, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, etc., etc., etc....​

We would be woefully remiss if we didn't acknowledge the hundreds and hundreds of clueless Trump goons, including Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc., who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted for attacking our democratic process.

Michael Avantti, and Adam Shifty come to mind....then you got Comey, Lisa Page, name a few
I have asked many times who at this point would be stupid enough to work for Crooked Donald.

You'd have to be the cuckiest of masochists. Dumber than a bag of dildos.
I would as long as he paid in cash, in advance and he signed a paper that allows me to do my fucking job and him to sit there silently!

Otherwise no!
Well...the temptation to join in the exploitation of the rube herd for fun and profit would be hard to resist.
The record is what it is.
Some inevitably don't like it.
All you lefty liberals continually post about is Trump, who has been out of office for 2 years.
Why don't y'all post about Biden / VP Kamala's accomplishments?
I've been searching for them, but they don't seem to exist..
Do you happen to know of any? ... :dunno:
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I have asked many times who at this point would be stupid enough to work for Crooked Donald.

You'd have to be the cuckiest of masochists. Dumber than a bag of dildos.
That's only because of the hysterical hatred of Trump by the left who will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who supports him.
Seems all you lefty liberals continually post about is Trump, who has been out of office for 2 years.
Why don't y'all post about Biden / VP Kamala's accomplishments??
I've been searching for them, but can't seem to find any. ... :dunno:
They don't want to remind the public about who they voted for.
Consider all of Trump's "best people" who have gone to jail, and/or been publicly reviled (by Trump himself even) who would have been free and free of public disgrace if they had eschewed Trumpery - respected captains of industry, distinguished military brass, senior Republican politicians, famous athletes, Stormy Daniels...

- as well, of course, as previously obscure lowlifes too numerous to mention.

He has touched so many lives.

Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadoupolus, Steve Bannon, Tom Barrack, Elliot Broidy, George Nader, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, etc., etc., etc....​

We would be woefully remiss if we didn't acknowledge the hundreds and hundreds of clueless Trump goons, including Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc., who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted for attacking our democratic process.

Do you have a point?
That's only because of the hysterical hatred of Trump by the left who will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who supports him.
No, it's because of how many crooks Crooked Donald hires who end up disgraced or jailed. If you are a crook, it is a really bad idea to take a high profile job.

Even if you are semi-honest, if you go to work for the Trump Crime Family, Crooked Donald will throw you under the bus in a flash if it is helpful to him.

How many reputations were ruined by close encounters of the Trump kind?​

Meet Donald Trump's campaign manager, convict Paul Manafort:


Paul Manafort sentenced to a total of 7.5 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud, and charged with mortgage fraud in N.Y.

Meet Donald Trump's campaign advisor, convict George Papadopoulous:


George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison

Meet Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, Q-tard Michael Flynn:


Trump pardons Flynn despite guilty plea in Russia probe

Meet Donald Trump aide, convict Rick Gates:



Rick Gates, Ex-Trump Aide and Key Witness for Mueller, Is Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

Meet Donald Trump fund-raiser Elliott Broidy:


Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty in Foreign Lobbying Case

Meet Donald Trump's campaign ally, George Nader:


George Nader Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison | Law & Crime

A Lebanese American businessman and former Trump campaign ally-turned-witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was sentenced to a decade behind bars on Friday for child sex-trafficking and child pornography offenses.

Meet Donald Trump's fixer, convict Michael Cohen:


Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations

Meet Donald Trump's advisor, convict Tom Barrack:


Trump ally Tom Barrack jailed on charges of acting as an agent of a foreign government

Meet Donald Trump's confidant, convict Roger Stone:


Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison

Roger likes to participate in gay parades and get licked by trannies:


This may be why Trump hired Stone:


Meet Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, convict Steven Bannon:


Steve Bannon found guilty on both contempt of Congress charges

Bannon charged with fraud, money laundering, conspiracy in ‘We Build the Wall’

Meet Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani:


Court Suspends Giuliani’s Law License, Citing Trump Election Lies

President Trump’s staggering record of uncharged criminal misconduct

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud[/ur]

Not to be confused with:

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’​

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

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"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

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The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

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Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

She inflated her resume and peddled a fake Time cover. Trump appointed her to the State Department.

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Ryan Zinke Broke Ethics Rules While Leading Trump’s Interior Dept., Watchdog Finds

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