How Many, if any, net seats have the Ds lost Since Hillary Lost?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Local and state seats are the bench of the national parties. But the Ds used to have a winning formula for elections Have organized crime crack down on street crime and make the voters and taxpayers feel safe. But most of the sources of revenue for a disciplined organized criminal gang to keep the street crime manageable has dried up.

Gambling is legal

Prostitution has moved online.

loansharking is now legal. Little Nicky Scarfo went to jail for charging lower rates than what are now charged by legal firms that advertise on TV

So drugs have exploded in usage and the local and state Ds would have to dismantle their cash machines, their GOTV teams and the rest in order to fight street crime. Instead they offer sanctuary to felons that give them more street crime. So, how many more city council and state legislature seats can they lose before they cease to be a national party?
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

Have Democrats lost 900 seats in state legislatures since Obama has been president?

It's a left wing source, so it's probably higher in reality, and some moderate democrats winning are a loss for the national Party as well, and those are harder to count.

The increasing loss of their media hacks' credibility is forcing higher and higher costs on them to buy even modest wins in small states, so now they're going to pretend they're all for you working class Deplorables again. Unfortunately their copy writers are still the pseudo-intellectual gimps they had before, and they're incompetents more fixated on pandering to their peer groups to be effective liars for the New Improved Blue Collar Whitey Hater Party, and it's impossible to do so without angering their La Raza and Hood Rat Vermin base and damaging that vote's turnout at the same time.

You can feel their panic in the cites in this article, where they desperately hoping to generate enough Trump Hate to match the Bush Hate via the same old media dishonesty they had in 2004.

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

I asked Post what happened in the midwest. She conceded that the DLCC had seen “the race tightening,” but “certainly didn’t expect bloodbath that happened … We have a lot of learning to do about how to go back to our roots.”

This, she explained, included better messaging about economic pain, a focus on solutions, and the use of what she termed “language that real voters speak in.”

lol yeah good luck with that, tards.

As far as the Democratic party is concerned, the very worst outcome on November 8, 2016 may somehow lay the foundation for a better result on Election Day 2020. By way of evidence, Post offered a story.

“I ran the Boulder, Colorado, Kerry office in 2004,” she said. “I would wake up in morning and there would be a line out the door to get involved. I think the Bush presidency motivated a lot of legislative leaders we have in office now to step up and try to do things in their state.”

This moment was a tough one, she said. “But in a few days we’ll be off the mat and back at it.”

Yes, keep taking those stronger drugs, Kerry; stave off reality as long as you can.
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I think in many ways they already have. I have heard them described on talk shows as the coastal party and that's damn close to true.

And on the east coast they have a few states. California is facing some rather extreme problems.
1 they have a very damaged dam that can't hold up through another rainy season like the last.
2 they have six cities in bankruptcy and no money.
3 they have already raised tax rates and usage fees to new highs.
4 in the year 2025 their state employee retirement costs will be four times what it is now!
5 they are losing industry at a rate far greater then start ups.
6 as you well know when property taxes go up home values go down.
7 tpp was a Obama pay off to them via long shoreman jobs
8 California not passing medical pot cost them 100 million plus in revenues
9 with the feds rolling back restrictions and standards cars built for California could cost several thousand dollars more on top of the newly raised gas tax plus registration fees.

Like with any company it's not an issue of if you like the folks or not. It's an issue of how it's managed. It's poorly run and it's books are terrible. Many of their city bonds have failed or rate as very high risk. That is leading to a state bond failure as the state has already issued bonds to cover the cities.

With Hillary as president the feds would have covered the state bonds. If they do not win it all by 2024 they will be no more.
Failure means mass riots and a Super crime wave they're not even remotely equipped to deal with as their pet Diversity Zoo bites the hand that quit feeding them and looting is the more lucrative alternative for the Dreamers and their parents. It will be fun watching all the trendy Hollywood types frantically having walls built around their neighborhoods and hiring private armies, though; getting up close and personal with 'Diversity' is for the little people, not them; just ask Pelosi and Feinstein.
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I would like to add that problem number 9 may well be the issue that fires up the country against California.
When the other 49 States learn they are paying several thousand dollars more for their cars in order to meet California requirements you may see a backlash. Auto manufacturers may be forced to build two sets of cars.
One set 49 state compliant and the other California compliant.

Gun manufacturers are already having to do that and it has increased the base price in that state. I can even prove that with toilet prices as not all toilets are 50 state legal! You can be arrested for boot legging non compliant toilets into californial
Chuck Schumer already lives in a nice well manicured fortress community, and so does Obama, so they needn't worry, and Bernie live too far away from his constituents to be concerned, either. Many of the lower level sycophants will follow the path paved by the DC brie and chardonnay Dems in the '60's and '70's: snivel and cry for the President to declare martial law and shoot the rabble down when the rioting shit hits their backyards.
Chuck Schumer already lives in a nice well manicured fortress community, and so does Obama, so they needn't worry, and Bernie live too far away from his constituents to be concerned, either. Many of the lower level sycophants will follow the path paved by the DC brie and chardonnay Dems in the '60's and '70's: snivel and cry for the President to declare martial law and shoot the rabble down when the rioting shit hits their backyards.
The greatest thing that could happen right now in California would be for islamic state to go on a killing spree in the Hollywood hills. Because quite honestly those are the sons a bitches who need a lesson right in their front yard!
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

Have Democrats lost 900 seats in state legislatures since Obama has been president?

It's a left wing source, so it's probably higher in reality, and some moderate democrats winning are a loss for the national Party as well, and those are harder to count.

The increasing loss of their media hacks' credibility is forcing higher and higher costs on them to buy even modest wins in small states, so now they're going to pretend they're all for you working class Deplorables again. Unfortunately their copy writers are still the pseudo-intellectual gimps they had before, and they're incompetents more fixated on pandering to their peer groups to be effective liars for the New Improved Blue Collar Whitey Hater Party, and it's impossible to do so without angering their La Raza and Hood Rat Vermin base and damaging that vote's turnout at the same time.

You can feel their panic in the cites in this article, where they desperately hoping to generate enough Trump Hate to match the Bush Hate via the same old media dishonesty they had in 2004.

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

I asked Post what happened in the midwest. She conceded that the DLCC had seen “the race tightening,” but “certainly didn’t expect bloodbath that happened … We have a lot of learning to do about how to go back to our roots.”

This, she explained, included better messaging about economic pain, a focus on solutions, and the use of what she termed “language that real voters speak in.”

lol yeah good luck with that, tards.

As far as the Democratic party is concerned, the very worst outcome on November 8, 2016 may somehow lay the foundation for a better result on Election Day 2020. By way of evidence, Post offered a story.

“I ran the Boulder, Colorado, Kerry office in 2004,” she said. “I would wake up in morning and there would be a line out the door to get involved. I think the Bush presidency motivated a lot of legislative leaders we have in office now to step up and try to do things in their state.”

This moment was a tough one, she said. “But in a few days we’ll be off the mat and back at it.”

Yes, keep taking those stronger drugs, Kerry; stave off reality as long as you can.
No doubt the D Party is in trouble and has become the party of the establishment. They are a regional rather than national party.

Being the skeptic, I suspect the Rs will do something stupid (on purpose) to make sure their partners in crime survive.
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

Have Democrats lost 900 seats in state legislatures since Obama has been president?

It's a left wing source, so it's probably higher in reality, and some moderate democrats winning are a loss for the national Party as well, and those are harder to count.

The increasing loss of their media hacks' credibility is forcing higher and higher costs on them to buy even modest wins in small states, so now they're going to pretend they're all for you working class Deplorables again. Unfortunately their copy writers are still the pseudo-intellectual gimps they had before, and they're incompetents more fixated on pandering to their peer groups to be effective liars for the New Improved Blue Collar Whitey Hater Party, and it's impossible to do so without angering their La Raza and Hood Rat Vermin base and damaging that vote's turnout at the same time.

You can feel their panic in the cites in this article, where they desperately hoping to generate enough Trump Hate to match the Bush Hate via the same old media dishonesty they had in 2004.

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

I asked Post what happened in the midwest. She conceded that the DLCC had seen “the race tightening,” but “certainly didn’t expect bloodbath that happened … We have a lot of learning to do about how to go back to our roots.”

This, she explained, included better messaging about economic pain, a focus on solutions, and the use of what she termed “language that real voters speak in.”

lol yeah good luck with that, tards.

As far as the Democratic party is concerned, the very worst outcome on November 8, 2016 may somehow lay the foundation for a better result on Election Day 2020. By way of evidence, Post offered a story.

“I ran the Boulder, Colorado, Kerry office in 2004,” she said. “I would wake up in morning and there would be a line out the door to get involved. I think the Bush presidency motivated a lot of legislative leaders we have in office now to step up and try to do things in their state.”

This moment was a tough one, she said. “But in a few days we’ll be off the mat and back at it.”

Yes, keep taking those stronger drugs, Kerry; stave off reality as long as you can.
No doubt the D Party is in trouble and has become the party of the establishment. They are a regional rather than national party.

Being the skeptic, I suspect the Rs will do something stupid (on purpose) to make sure their partners in crime survive.
I think Trump may have reversed that tactic. I think right now more trump supporters are ready and willing to run for office. The pulse of America has changed and Trump represents a totally new group of Republicans with their own style and ways. 2020 off year will confirm or deny that. But given the last three off years and the presidential there is really no reason to say it's not possible.

Other then some of the economic factors that I covered for California there are growing social issues on the coast. The rise of that Democrat terrorist group antifa. When you start shutting down a cities parades you are striking fear into the middle class. That is always a bad idea. The majority of the middle class are your swing voters by overwhelming margins.

You instill fear in them and they do a full hard pivot towards hard-line law and order. And right now that's not how the middle class views Democrats. They already see Democrats as soft on Islam not only here but world wide.
Add that to their decades old anti gun stance the middle class not only feels unprotected on a federal level but on the streets in front of their homes as well.

When the voters see a party no longer concerned about their safety then they view the party as a threat.
That very view is Democrats biggest mistake. Not putting the personal safety of their voters first!
One more added comment here as its 4am and I need to shift to a board in Europe.its about William the wie!
This thread has been the greatest gathering of minds I have ever witnessed on this board. You not only bring some of the hardest subjects but without a doubt some of the most brilliant posters. I know I can be a bit rowdy on other areas of the board but coming to one of your threads means you must be ready to face some of the site's greatest minds.

Bravo to you!!

Local and state seats are the bench of the national parties. But the Ds used to have a winning formula for elections Have organized crime crack down on street crime and make the voters and taxpayers feel safe. But most of the sources of revenue for a disciplined organized criminal gang to keep the street crime manageable has dried up.

Gambling is legal

Prostitution has moved online.

loansharking is now legal. Little Nicky Scarfo went to jail for charging lower rates than what are now charged by legal firms that advertise on TV

So drugs have exploded in usage and the local and state Ds would have to dismantle their cash machines, their GOTV teams and the rest in order to fight street crime. Instead they offer sanctuary to felons that give them more street crime. So, how many more city council and state legislature seats can they lose before they cease to be a national party?

The violent crime rate in New York City is lower under de Blasio than it was under Giuliani.
One more added comment here as its 4am and I need to shift to a board in Europe.its about William the wie!
This thread has been the greatest gathering of minds I have ever witnessed on this board. You not only bring some of the hardest subjects but without a doubt some of the most brilliant posters. I know I can be a bit rowdy on other areas of the board but coming to one of your threads means you must be ready to face some of the site's greatest minds.

Bravo to you!!

One more added comment here as its 4am and I need to shift to a board in Europe.its about William the wie!
This thread has been the greatest gathering of minds I have ever witnessed on this board. You not only bring some of the hardest subjects but without a doubt some of the most brilliant posters. I know I can be a bit rowdy on other areas of the board but coming to one of your threads means you must be ready to face some of the site's greatest minds.

Bravo to you!!


Thank you but what confuses me is why did the Democrats go after the bread and butter of the bent noses that kept their voters in line if not always safe?

New England under the Office, New York under the Commission, Chicago under the Outfit, the Bay area under the Hells Angels and the Hot Springs mob all offered plausible deniability and money to the Ds so why did they throw that away?
Local and state seats are the bench of the national parties. But the Ds used to have a winning formula for elections Have organized crime crack down on street crime and make the voters and taxpayers feel safe. But most of the sources of revenue for a disciplined organized criminal gang to keep the street crime manageable has dried up.

Gambling is legal

Prostitution has moved online.

loansharking is now legal. Little Nicky Scarfo went to jail for charging lower rates than what are now charged by legal firms that advertise on TV

So drugs have exploded in usage and the local and state Ds would have to dismantle their cash machines, their GOTV teams and the rest in order to fight street crime. Instead they offer sanctuary to felons that give them more street crime. So, how many more city council and state legislature seats can they lose before they cease to be a national party?
California legalized pot and is expecting revenues of around a billion dollars.
Theyve lost between 900-1000 seats local, state and national over the last 8 years. The radical fringe has taken over the dem party and they are losing significantly. The dems would start winning back seats if they were running candidates like jim webb.
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

No, the Democrats have not lost 900 seats since Hillary lost. lol, but thanks for the laugh.

lol then tell that to Cokie Roberts, one your own leftist propagandists and fellow deviants. You wouldn't know anything about it yourself.

Fine quote Cokie Roberts saying that the Democrats have lost 900 seats in the last 6 months.
Despite Trump's 'win' in 2016, the state and local elections were roughly a split between Republicans and Democrats.

That's the bottom for the Democrats, the pendulum is now swinging back to the left.
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

No, the Democrats have not lost 900 seats since Hillary lost. lol, but thanks for the laugh.

lol then tell that to Cokie Roberts, one your own leftist propagandists and fellow deviants. You wouldn't know anything about it yourself.

Fine quote Cokie Roberts saying that the Democrats have lost 900 seats in the last 6 months.
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

No, the Democrats have not lost 900 seats since Hillary lost. lol, but thanks for the laugh.

lol then tell that to Cokie Roberts, one your own leftist propagandists and fellow deviants. You wouldn't know anything about it yourself.

Fine quote Cokie Roberts saying that the Democrats have lost 900 seats in the last 6 months.

What? You need a nurse to come by and click on my link for you? Ring that little buzzer thing there by your bedpan.
One source claims they lost 900 seats in state legs, which is probably close.

Have Democrats lost 900 seats in state legislatures since Obama has been president?

It's a left wing source, so it's probably higher in reality, and some moderate democrats winning are a loss for the national Party as well, and those are harder to count.

The increasing loss of their media hacks' credibility is forcing higher and higher costs on them to buy even modest wins in small states, so now they're going to pretend they're all for you working class Deplorables again. Unfortunately their copy writers are still the pseudo-intellectual gimps they had before, and they're incompetents more fixated on pandering to their peer groups to be effective liars for the New Improved Blue Collar Whitey Hater Party, and it's impossible to do so without angering their La Raza and Hood Rat Vermin base and damaging that vote's turnout at the same time.

You can feel their panic in the cites in this article, where they desperately hoping to generate enough Trump Hate to match the Bush Hate via the same old media dishonesty they had in 2004.

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

I asked Post what happened in the midwest. She conceded that the DLCC had seen “the race tightening,” but “certainly didn’t expect bloodbath that happened … We have a lot of learning to do about how to go back to our roots.”

This, she explained, included better messaging about economic pain, a focus on solutions, and the use of what she termed “language that real voters speak in.”

lol yeah good luck with that, tards.

As far as the Democratic party is concerned, the very worst outcome on November 8, 2016 may somehow lay the foundation for a better result on Election Day 2020. By way of evidence, Post offered a story.

“I ran the Boulder, Colorado, Kerry office in 2004,” she said. “I would wake up in morning and there would be a line out the door to get involved. I think the Bush presidency motivated a lot of legislative leaders we have in office now to step up and try to do things in their state.”

This moment was a tough one, she said. “But in a few days we’ll be off the mat and back at it.”

Yes, keep taking those stronger drugs, Kerry; stave off reality as long as you can.
No doubt the D Party is in trouble and has become the party of the establishment. They are a regional rather than national party.

Being the skeptic, I suspect the Rs will do something stupid (on purpose) to make sure their partners in crime survive.
Certainly establishment Republicans would like that solution but do they have the power to pull it off?

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