How many children under age 18 have died specifically from COVID, i.e. no comorbidity symptoms... ZERO! So why the mask mandates?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
According to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 271 children have died from Covid.
Nearly 3 million kids in the US have tested positive for the virus since the pandemic began.

And if the above John Hopkins study is correct those that died had other comorbidity conditions... obese, heart, lungs (remember kids around second hand smoke can have weakened lungs!)and other conditions.
So you set the threshold of your children catching COVID as death?

Anything they survive is acceptable
This stems from the fact that teachers, at the heart of this, are lazy. They pushed their unions to oppose mandatory vaccines, while at the same time forcing school boards to bring measures forward on students. They (unions) have only just recently relented. Yet the stipulations continue, and continue.
This gums up the works, thus permitting them the opportunity to sit on their fat asses and complain.

Worthless, lazy...teachers.
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
This stupidity has to to stop. Having a co-morbidity doesn't mean these kids didn't die of covid. Even the that don't die could face life changing illness, and they can carry it home to family and friends. Masks don't harm anyone, and the do help mitigate the spread.

Stop with the misinformation and lies. You are hurting people.
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
Its only the brainless dumbasses who listen to the MSM media that still believe covid kills children.
According to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 271 children have died from Covid.
Nearly 3 million kids in the US have tested positive for the virus since the pandemic began

If only these same mask nazi nurses would wear a mask for the thousands of unborn killed PER DAY in this country alone.
This stupidity has to to stop. Having a co-morbidity doesn't mean these kids didn't die of covid. Even the that don't die could face life changing illness, and they can carry it home to family and friends. Masks don't harm anyone, and the do help mitigate the spread.

Stop with the misinformation and lies. You are hurting people.
Where is there mis-information? Are you saying John Hopkins made these numbers up?
AND again... why should anyone believe someone like you who NEVER provides any proof to your statements AND whose screen name means "God of Farts"? Really you have ZERO credibility as you provide NO proof and didn't seem to know you represent a God of FARTS!
This stupidity has to to stop. Having a co-morbidity doesn't mean these kids didn't die of covid. Even the that don't die could face life changing illness, and they can carry it home to family and friends. Masks don't harm anyone, and the do help mitigate the spread.

Stop with the misinformation and lies. You are hurting people.
It is a fact. . . the mitigation efforts are going to harm the children worse than the disease will.

If you do not know this? You are either pushing an agenda, brainwashed by the agenda, or too lazy to really care about the children.

How Covid-19 is changing the world’s children
From their academic success to their social skills and mental health, the pandemic is a crisis for today’s children – and the fallout may follow them for the rest of their lives.

". . .While the child’s intellectual development may be the most obvious victim of these shutdowns, it’s by no means the only thing at risk. Teachers are often the first people to notice deteriorating mental health among their students and to encourage them to seek treatment, and many schools provide counselling and psychotherapy on site. In the US, for instance, around 13% of adolescents receive mental healthcare from their schools. Indeed, for a sizeable chunk – 35% – of vulnerable adolescents being treated for mental health issues, schools are the only source of support for their problems.

In general, children with more siblings appear to develop social skills at a quicker rate, so it may be that it’s only children who are worst affected.

It is possible to provide some help remotely, but so-called “telemental health services” are far from ideal – since they face exactly the same barriers that make distance learning difficult. “Mental health services also involve a degree of privacy, and not all families have the living arrangements to allow for that,” explains Ezra Golberstein at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. Once again, it will probably be the poorest families who suffer the most.
Without regular contact with students, teachers and counsellors will also be unable to report suspected cases of abuse. “For many children, home is an unpleasant, undesirable, and unsafe place to be, and school provides a much-needed shelter,” says Armitage.
Golberstein pointed me to one recent analysis of data from Florida, which found a 27% reduction in alleged cases of abuse during March and April 2020. It seems highly unlikely that abusers have mended their ways during this period, suggesting that a large number of cases are going unreported as a result of the closures.
The sad truth is that the amount of child abuse – and indeed all kinds of domestic abuse – will have probably increased throughout the pandemic. “If people are confined to overcrowded households and living in deprived circumstances, this is already associated with the high likelihood for domestic abuse,” says Van Lancker. And at least for the moment, many of these crimes can be hidden by the pandemic.. . . "

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Child Cognitive Development: Initial Findings in a
Longitudinal Observational Study of Child Health

Since the first reports of novel coronavirus in the 2020, public health organizations have advocated
preventative policies to limit virus, including stay-at-home orders that closed businesses, daycares,
schools, playgrounds, and limited child learning and typical activities. Fear of infection and possible
employment loss has placed stress on parents; while parents who could work from home faced chal-
lenges in both working and providing full-time attentive childcare. For pregnant individuals, fear of at-
tending prenatal visits also increased maternal stress, anxiety, and depression. Not surprising, there
has been concern over how these factors, as well as missed educational opportunities and reduced
interaction, stimulation, and creative play with other children might impact child neurodevelopment.
Leveraging a large on-going longitudinal study of child neurodevelopment, we examined general
childhood cognitive scores in 2020 and 2021 vs. the preceding decade, 2011-2019. We find that chil-
dren born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive perfor-
mance compared to children born pre-pandemic. Moreover, we find that males and children in lower
socioeconomic families have been most affected. Results highlight that even in the absence of direct
SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 illness, the environmental changes associated COVID-19 pan-
demic is significantly and negatively affecting infant and child development."

My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
are you sure about that?? Many children have a preexisting condition and are on medicine that depressess the immune system.
are you sure about that?? Many children have a preexisting condition and are on medicine that depressess the immune system.

OH I agree! Many children have pre-existing conditions which is what this link says...

a total of 335 children (NOTE: almost ALL had comorbidity conditions) ages 17 and under have died of COVID-19, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Question:How many kids under age 17 have gotten COVID?
As of August 19, over 4.59 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic.
How many children are hospitalized with COVID?

1.6%-3.6% of their total cumulated hospitalizations, or 166,000 !

How many children under age 18 in the USA???
Today, the number of children (under age 18) in the United States is at an all-time high of 74.2 million.Jan 1, 2011

Think about IT! 0.00045270% That is how the % of all children under 18, have died from COVID! 335.
Think about IT! 6.20270270% of the 74 million kids get COVID!
Think about it! 2.22% of the 4.59 million cases are hospitalized!
And why don't you ask the MSM about this??
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!

Very very little of this has anything to do with reality or statistical fact
It’s an emotion based exaggeration of a virus designed to harm Trumps re-election and to punish the most productive independent business people into becoming government dependents. Those two goals have been accomplished but they can’t/won’t roll back the emotional tide of fear they have released
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!

It is elementary, my dear Watson. School boards across the nation receive special COVID funding but only if they force children to wear masks and social distance, and only if teachers and janitors are forced to get the jab. Now for the why of it. Why force children to wear masks? There are many reasons—each one no less evil than the other. Humiliation. To stunt our children's physical growth and lung capacity. To ruin our children's self-image and teach them unflinching loyalty to the State. And finally, to make mask wearing as normal as possible for them so they teach their future children masks are okay and necessary.
More insidious is indoctrination of 4-10 year olds into government authority and control and compliance. Thinking for yourself will be unknown to them.
They will grow up unquestioning of the bullshit that is being heaped on us who can still think.
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
Thanks, also, keep in mind that COVID deaths in older people were the result of comorbid conditions....You know, like vehicle injuries, pneumonia, Parkinson's, cancer, etc. If ANY evidence of COVID is found they are summarily declared a 'COVID' death.

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