How Low can You Go?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The Huffington Post, seldom known for anything associated with journalism or facts, now provides yet another example of how ludicrous is their campaign to brand any prominent conservative (or libertarian) as a "racist." Facts? Not necessary. Logic? Are you kidding.

In the rant that is the subject of their current pearl-clutching, Carlson laments the campaign by Biden and others to "replace" (he could have said, "nullify") the votes of millions of American Republicans with the votes of government-dependent immigrants from shit-hole countries. Starting with the thirty million or so who are already in the country - who Biden would give voter registration PHOTO-ID cards tomorrow, if he thought he could get away with it - and continuing to the mass of faux-"refugees" that he is rapaciously admitting to our country now, his strategy is as obvious as it is depraved.

And it is "racist" to point it our and complain.

What "race," exactly are Central American "Hispanics"? Most are 80% SPANISH ethnicity, with a smattering of Native American (90% of natives died out in the 17th century due to disease and wars).

One could write a fairly sizable pamphlet just describing the phony pretexts on which today's Leftists brand anyone who disagrees with them a "racist." This one is mid-pack; ridiculous, but not surprising.
Carlson laments the campaign by Biden and others to "replace" (he could have said, "nullify") the votes of millions of American Republicans with the votes of government-dependent immigrants from shit-hole countries.

Way to go Tuck
Throw raw meat at the hungry horde.

You are the “Real” Americans they are trying to replace you with brown people.
Carlson is so ignorant that he doesn't understand that immigrants have to successfully complete the naturalization process in order to vote and that our law and our tradition is one person, one vote. One person's vote does not "replace" or "nullify" the vote of another. Republicans have the same right to go to the polls as everyone else. It is totally ironic that the same party that has attempted to void the votes of millions of voters who voted for Biden in order for trump to be declared the winner of the 2020 election is now complaining that the votes of its supporters are being "replaced" or "nullified."

No voter is under any obligation to support the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter. It is up to each party to persuade each voter to support its candidates.

There is no basis for suggesting that any voter is "government-dependent," and the country that a naturalized citizen left is entirely irrelevant. With the exception of our native peoples, everybody here, or their ancestors, came from somewhere else. There must have been a reason that they all left their countries of origin, most knowing that they would never see their family members, their friends and neighbors, their neighborhoods ever again.

At the same time as the OP complains about Carlson and other "conservatives" being called "racist," he centers his entire rant around the race and ethnicity of voters and potential voters.
It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. The "Progressive" program is to bring in people from third-world countries, inducing them to come and remain with a cornucopia of unconstitutional "free" goodies.

Such people will inevitably, after going through a truncated process of naturalization, vote for the party that is most likely to perpetuate and enhance the basket of goodies. The fact that such people and such countries are seldom "lily-white" has nothing to do with the relevant facts. It is a strategy of nullifying - one for one - as many Republican votes as possible. Those who fail to see it are either delusional or stupid.

Of course, most of the Lefties here pretend not to see it because they totally agree with the strategy.
It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. The "Progressive" program is to bring in people from third-world countries, inducing them to come and remain with a cornucopia of unconstitutional "free" goodies.

Such people will inevitably, after going through a truncated process of naturalization, vote for the party that is most likely to perpetuate and enhance the basket of goodies. The fact that such people and such countries are seldom "lily-white" has nothing to do with the relevant facts. It is a strategy of nullifying - one for one - as many Republican votes as possible. Those who fail to see it are either delusional or stupid.

Of course, most of the Lefties here pretend not to see it because they totally agree with the strategy.

Yet another wacked-out conspiracy theory. The republicans are responsible for the choices they make, and choose to cater to a very limited base of authoritarians who want to dominate the people of the U.S. and has a decided animosity toward millions of their fellow citizens, whom they blame for all of their ills and attack, demographic group by demographic group. The fault that they don't win a specific election lies with themselves alone.
3/5 of a vote is coming back for brown and black skinned people.

Nobody is anywhere close to advocating that.

A whole vote if you're an American citizen, 18 years or older, and not otherwise ineligible.

No vote at all if you're not an American citizen at all.

It's that latter condition with which your side seems to have a big problem.
No vote at all if you're not an American citizen at all.

It's that latter condition with which your side seems to have a big problem.

There never has been a problem with non-citizens voting, though. This is made-up nonsense.
There never has been a problem with non-citizens voting, though. This is made-up nonsense.

Why, then, is your side so solidly opposed to any efforts to ensure the integrity of elections, by verifying the identity of voters to ensure that they are eligible to vote?

The only plausible explanation for this is that you know damn well that voter fraud is taking place, and your side expects to benefit from it.
There never has been a problem with non-citizens voting, though. This is made-up nonsense.

Why, then, is your side so solidly opposed to any efforts to ensure the integrity of elections, by verifying the identity of voters to ensure that they are eligible to vote?

The only plausible explanation for this is that you know damn well that voter fraud is taking place, and your side expects to benefit from it.

Prove it. It is up to you folks to do so before we all go jumping through artificial hoops set up by liars and charlatans when our voting system has worked just fine. Don't expect us all to cater to right-wing trash. It's a waste of our time and energy and you people aren't worth it.

The Huffington Post, seldom known for anything associated with journalism or facts, now provides yet another example of how ludicrous is their campaign to brand any prominent conservative (or libertarian) as a "racist." Facts? Not necessary. Logic? Are you kidding.

In the rant that is the subject of their current pearl-clutching, Carlson laments the campaign by Biden and others to "replace" (he could have said, "nullify") the votes of millions of American Republicans with the votes of government-dependent immigrants from shit-hole countries. Starting with the thirty million or so who are already in the country - who Biden would give voter registration PHOTO-ID cards tomorrow, if he thought he could get away with it - and continuing to the mass of faux-"refugees" that he is rapaciously admitting to our country now, his strategy is as obvious as it is depraved.

And it is "racist" to point it our and complain.

What "race," exactly are Central American "Hispanics"? Most are 80% SPANISH ethnicity, with a smattering of Native American (90% of natives died out in the 17th century due to disease and wars).

One could write a fairly sizable pamphlet just describing the phony pretexts on which today's Leftists brand anyone who disagrees with them a "racist." This one is mid-pack; ridiculous, but not surprising.
The ADL has been and always will be a low life group of liberal jews that hates white Americans
It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. The "Progressive" program is to bring in people from third-world countries, inducing them to come and remain with a cornucopia of unconstitutional "free" goodies.

Such people will inevitably, after going through a truncated process of naturalization, vote for the party that is most likely to perpetuate and enhance the basket of goodies. The fact that such people and such countries are seldom "lily-white" has nothing to do with the relevant facts. It is a strategy of nullifying - one for one - as many Republican votes as possible. Those who fail to see it are either delusional or stupid.

Of course, most of the Lefties here pretend not to see it because they totally agree with the strategy.

Yet another wacked-out conspiracy theory. The republicans are responsible for the choices they make, and choose to cater to a very limited base of authoritarians who want to dominate the people of the U.S. and has a decided animosity toward millions of their fellow citizens, whom they blame for all of their ills and attack, demographic group by demographic group. The fault that they don't win a specific election lies with themselves alone.
why are you such a pathetic racist then...white people have done nothing to you...except pay for your welfare and food stamps
Carlson laments the campaign by Biden and others to "replace" (he could have said, "nullify") the votes of millions of American Republicans with the votes of government-dependent immigrants from shit-hole countries.

Way to go Tuck
Throw raw meat at the hungry horde.

You are the “Real” Americans they are trying to replace you with brown people.
What color meat is your race baiting?
It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. The "Progressive" program is to bring in people from third-world countries, inducing them to come and remain with a cornucopia of unconstitutional "free" goodies.

Such people will inevitably, after going through a truncated process of naturalization, vote for the party that is most likely to perpetuate and enhance the basket of goodies. The fact that such people and such countries are seldom "lily-white" has nothing to do with the relevant facts. It is a strategy of nullifying - one for one - as many Republican votes as possible. Those who fail to see it are either delusional or stupid.

Of course, most of the Lefties here pretend not to see it because they totally agree with the strategy.

Yet another wacked-out conspiracy theory. The republicans are responsible for the choices they make, and choose to cater to a very limited base of authoritarians who want to dominate the people of the U.S. and has a decided animosity toward millions of their fellow citizens, whom they blame for all of their ills and attack, demographic group by demographic group. The fault that they don't win a specific election lies with themselves alone.
why are you such a pathetic racist then...white people have done nothing to you...except pay for your welfare and food stamps
She is a man-hating sexist too.
Why, then, is your side so solidly opposed to any efforts to ensure the integrity of elections, by verifying the identity of voters to ensure that they are eligible to vote?

The only plausible explanation for this is that you know damn well that voter fraud is taking place, and your side expects to benefit from it.

Prove it. It is up to you folks to do so before we all go jumping through artificial hoops set up by liars and charlatans when our voting system has worked just fine. Don't expect us all to cater to right-wing trash. It's a waste of our time and energy and you people aren't worth it.

I think it is obvious that the only reason that your side is so opposed to any measures to protect the integrity of the electoral system is that you know that fraud is taking place, that you want it to take place and you expect to benefit from it.

The burden is not on me to prove what is already obvious, but on you to prove that what appears obvious is false.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and that the claim that your side has any benevolent reason for wanting to allow such blatant fraud to take place is certainly an extraordinary claim.
It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. The "Progressive" program is to bring in people from third-world countries, inducing them to come and remain with a cornucopia of unconstitutional "free" goodies.

Such people will inevitably, after going through a truncated process of naturalization, vote for the party that is most likely to perpetuate and enhance the basket of goodies. The fact that such people and such countries are seldom "lily-white" has nothing to do with the relevant facts. It is a strategy of nullifying - one for one - as many Republican votes as possible. Those who fail to see it are either delusional or stupid.

Of course, most of the Lefties here pretend not to see it because they totally agree with the strategy.

Yet another wacked-out conspiracy theory. The republicans are responsible for the choices they make, and choose to cater to a very limited base of authoritarians who want to dominate the people of the U.S. and has a decided animosity toward millions of their fellow citizens, whom they blame for all of their ills and attack, demographic group by demographic group. The fault that they don't win a specific election lies with themselves alone.
why are you such a pathetic racist then...white people have done nothing to you...except pay for your welfare and food stamps
I'm an American of European ancestry who has never been on welfare and food stamps. I've paid a fortune in taxes in my lifetime: federal, state, property, and Social Security. Your assertion that I am a racist is beyond absurd. I would be turning on my own family.

You people have wasted more than enough of taxpayers' money on bloated "defense" contracts, the "wall," "abstinence-only education," security for the orange whore's main squeeze in NYC, flying the orange whore to "rallies" and golf outings, foreign jaunts, paying the salaries of unqualified political appointees to promulgate rules aimed at imposing the ideas of dumb-shit religious cults on all Americans, and much more. Now you people want us to pay for your brats to go to indoctrination "schools."

There is a huge difference between being white and being ethics-free white trash who have to practice identity politics in order to feel important because they have nothing else to offer society.

Now start accepting responsibility for your conduct, the choices you make, the policies you support, and the candidates that you endorse.

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