How Joe Biden Can Keep America Great


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

Thats exactly what the blob has done.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

Thats exactly what the blob has done.

Biden hasn't done anything. He can't get past "Compose a sentence."
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

Thats exactly what the blob has done.

Biden hasn't done anything. He can't get past "Compose a sentence."
Tramp can't even spell sentence!
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

I'm afraid he will be spending all his time fending off investigations and impeachment attempts.

Karma is a cruel mistress.

Welcome to the new normal.

Impeach his ass for his quid pro quo, you know, a REAL crime. Hard to deny it when you have it ON VIDEO.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

I'm afraid he will be spending all his time fending off investigations and impeachment attempts.

Karma is a cruel mistress.

Welcome to the new normal.

Impeach his ass for his quid pro quo, you know, a REAL crime.

I doesn't matter for what. It has already been established that rumor and innuendo are grounds for impeachment.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

Thats exactly what the blob has done.

Biden hasn't done anything. He can't get past "Compose a sentence."
AND he most likely wears adult diapers. That DEPENDS on what he has to eat before going out in public.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...
He can help Keep America Great by RETIRING. Tonight. Thank you.
I predict that if Biden is elected he will perform a miracle.

The corona virus will completely disappear and the media will never talk about it again.*

*Unless a republican is elected in 2024 in which case it will make a deadly return.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

I see you're working hard. Some of that is even true.
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...
I couldn't get past "if Joe Biden wins" without laughing...
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

I'm afraid he will be spending all his time fending off investigations and impeachment attempts.

Karma is a cruel mistress.

Welcome to the new normal.

Impeach his ass for his quid pro quo, you know, a REAL crime. Hard to deny it when you have it ON VIDEO.
SON OF A B! AFTER I THREATENED HIM, THE PROSECUTOR WAS FIRED! Is there any ambiguity in what Biden said?
If Joe Biden wins the election, I have determined how he can Keep America Great.

Don’t repeal or replace Obamacare.

Double the deficit within his first two years in office.

Add three trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years in office.

Have a perfect conversation with Russia to ask for dirt on Ted Cruz.

Lie at least 23 times a day.

Slander his political opponents and spread conspiracy theories about them.

Call people he doesn’t like names. The more juvenile, the better.

Grab some women by the pussy.

Alienate all of our allies as quickly as possible.

Don’t call on Fox News at press conferences and call them “fake news”.

Go on golf junkets a thousand miles away at taxpayer expense at least once or twice a week.

Disrespect our military and veterans at every opportunity.

Spend the first year in office on a victory lap around the country.

Hand out maps of the electoral college results to everyone he comes in contact with.

Brag about his big brain, best words, and what a genius he is at least once in every five sentences he speaks.

Hire the most corrupt people he can find.

Hire a man who let a serial child molester walk free for a Cabinet level position.

Take credit for every stock market gain. Tout every new gain as a new record that is all because of himself.

Deny blame for anything which does not go well.

When people he hired commit a crime or fuck up, claim to barely know them.

Trash his predecessor as often as possible.

When any protesters show up at his public events, tell the crowd he'd like to punch them in the face, and tell the crowd they should "knock the hell out of them" and that he will pay their legal bills.

Claim that five million illegal ballots were cast for Trump.

Escalate tensions with North Korea and then tell everyone how much he is in love with Kim Jong Un.

Announce to the world that any Republican who does not applaud his state of the union is "treasonous".

Discuss with a communist foreign leader about giving the elimination of term limits a shot.

Give a security clearance to his son over the objections of national security officials.

Lift bans on foreign companies which are a national security threat to the U.S.

If any former Trump administration official criticizes him, have their security clearance revoked.

Make constant claims of "accomplishing more than any other administration in history".

Govern by snit.

When ridding himself of someone who has upset him, don't have the courage to tell them to their faces they are fired.

Bring his son into government and credit him with creating millions of jobs.

Block any and all subpoenas from Congress.

Govern by Executive Order.

Dismantle every program of his predecessor.

Ask communist leader Xi to help him win re-election.

Invite ISIS to Camp David.

Describe any Democrats who disagree with him as "human scum".

If our country is invaded by a pandemic, call it a hoax and go golfing and hold rallies and totally dismiss the seriousness of the plague until at least 100,000 Americans are dead.

Call Republican voters "cheaters" at every opportunity.

Tweet a conspiracy theory accusing an OANN host of murder.

Constantly tweet misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies fed to him by MSNBC, several times a day.

Just for starters...

Unlike Trump, Biden actually grabs women by the pussy and other parts with or without their consent. As for security clearance for his son, Biden struggles enough to keep his son from not being investigated or indicted.

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