Debate Now How is Canada an ally?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So in my quest for justice in Canada in which I have ratted out many covert police here and exposed them into the light for the U.S government to see I have thought about this question often.

Just how is Canada an ally to the United States?

I would argue, at least economically, without question we are not allies. We have stolen 100s of thousands of U.S jobs, many by bribing, and "wink wink" tactics. We have artficially maintained a low dollar, and we enter US corporations. Right now, we are refusing to give anything on NAFTA hoping Trump loses mid-terms and in 2020 and Canada can continue to exploit U.S taxpayers.

Militarily, we rely fully of U.S for our defense. Yes, we have fought with some Special Forces in Afghanistan, and I take nothing away from the good men and women of Canadian military, but as a whole we give FAR FAR less than we receive.

Security wise we have been an absolute danger to America. From a half century of having many Russians use Canadian I.D and KGB crossing the border into America from Canada, to the current crop of Chinese destroying America. Not to mention our higher than average export of terror to the Middle East and influencing online radicalism against the U.S. We have relied on the FBI to not only protect Americans but also Canadians. This is fully unacceptable.

Our political system is a state and security appratus oligarch, more closely aligning with East Germany than America. Without U.S capitalism, bought cheerleaders for Canada and U.S taxpayers, Canadas socialism would have been belly up some time ago.

So I ask the question again, since Canada talks about this "special relationship", HOW?! How is Canada an ally to the United States?
The US has a trade SURPLUS with Canada. And Canada doesn't have any enemies, so not needing protection from the US. But they are always there to support and sometimes even help. Plus, Canadians are generally good people.
The US has a trade SURPLUS with Canada. And Canada doesn't have any enemies, so not needing protection from the US. But they are always there to support and sometimes even help. Plus, Canadians are generally good people.

We don't have a surplus, I cannot, well, I absolutely refuse to re-explain this. The entire "service surplus" is grossly disingenuous. It would take 5000 words to describe it in detail again.

Canada has been aggressively against Russia for decades (and vice versa, while oddly welcoming spying by China) and they have retaliated. We have also stabbed multiple allies in the back, in particular America, all of these attacks are via our desire to economically exploit our "friends".

So, this includes the sovereignty claims in the Arctic, recent complaints to the WTO (an anti-American agency as it were) from New Zealand and Australia. Arguments with Denmark over some island over there. Trade issues with India. A complicated relationship with France. We were caught spying on Brazil. Recruiting youth in UK to join ISIS (probably with the blessing of mi6, but that doesn't matter)!

Canada has decided that as a colony of the British and a state run system that crushed individual liberty and rewards government oligarchy patsies, the best approach is to exploit every nation economically to fund the "Canadian Monarchy".

IN theory and in practice, the U.S Constitution is diametrically in opposition to the Canadian system of governance. Even former spies against the U.S admire the U.S Constitution (some have defected because of it), while Canadian state news often mock U.S Rights as "extremism".
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The US has a trade surplus with Canada. You haven't proven otherwise.

The only thing that Canada and Russia confront each other on is in hockey.

Canada's claims in the arctic have nothing to do with the US.

Complaints at the WTO are standard, and are called for in trade agreements, so nothing wrong with that.

Never heard about Canada spying on Brazil (probably didn't happen), but to say that Canada recruits people for ISIS shows that you're insane.

Canada is no longer a colony of Britain, it's been about 35 years or more.

The US Constitution is fine, but so is Canada's. What's your bone to pick with the Canucks?
I won't respond to each point, but will say America does NOT have a surplus, and even if they did, it would be an intentionally massaged surplus by Canada (another example of the state controlled economy), go back 20 years, and you better do a deep dive on the source of the services trade, it's a racket.

U.S is involved in the Arctic, Canada is making a claim for which the U.S is also applying one.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is designed to ensure state interference in your life with little to no recourse. Worse, it is simply toilet paper for our security apparatus.

You can call me insane, but don't call me a liar:

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence | CBC News
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So in my quest for justice in Canada in which I have ratted out many covert police here and exposed them into the light for the U.S government to see I have thought about this question often.

Just how is Canada an ally to the United States?

I would argue, at least economically, without question we are not allies. We have stolen 100s of thousands of U.S jobs, many by bribing, and "wink wink" tactics. We have artficially maintained a low dollar, and we enter US corporations. Right now, we are refusing to give anything on NAFTA hoping Trump loses mid-terms and in 2020 and Canada can continue to exploit U.S taxpayers.

Militarily, we rely fully of U.S for our defense. Yes, we have fought with some Special Forces in Afghanistan, and I take nothing away from the good men and women of Canadian military, but as a whole we give FAR FAR less than we receive.

Security wise we have been an absolute danger to America. From a half century of having many Russians use Canadian I.D and KGB crossing the border into America from Canada, to the current crop of Chinese destroying America. Not to mention our higher than average export of terror to the Middle East and influencing online radicalism against the U.S. We have relied on the FBI to not only protect Americans but also Canadians. This is fully unacceptable.

Our political system is a state and security appratus oligarch, more closely aligning with East Germany than America. Without U.S capitalism, bought cheerleaders for Canada and U.S taxpayers, Canadas socialism would have been belly up some time ago.

So I ask the question again, since Canada talks about this "special relationship", HOW?! How is Canada an ally to the United States?

Canada is a great ally

They send us great Canadian beer, Canadian bacon and allow our hockey teams to win the Stanley Cup every year

They also taught us curling
I won't respond to each point, but will say America does NOT have a surplus, and eve if they did, it would be an intentionally massaged surplus by Canada (another example of the state controlled economy), go back 20 years, and you better do a deep dive on the source of the services trade, it's a racket.

U.S is involved in the Arctic, Canada is making a claim for which the U.S is also applying one.

You can call me insane, but don't call me a liar:

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence | CBC News
"claims", Um.... no.
Both countries can make claims on the arctic, no problem there, doesn't mean they are against each other or anything.
You haven't shown anything to dispel the FACT that the US has a trade surplus with Canada.

You're not a liar, just heavily confused, and probably drunk. :biggrin:
I won't respond to each point, but will say America does NOT have a surplus, and eve if they did, it would be an intentionally massaged surplus by Canada (another example of the state controlled economy), go back 20 years, and you better do a deep dive on the source of the services trade, it's a racket.

U.S is involved in the Arctic, Canada is making a claim for which the U.S is also applying one.

You can call me insane, but don't call me a liar:

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence

Spy accused of helping teens join ISIS claims he worked for Canadian intelligence | CBC News
"claims", Um.... no.
Both countries can make claims on the arctic, no problem there, doesn't mean they are against each other or anything.
You haven't shown anything to dispel the FACT that the US has a trade surplus with Canada.

You're not a liar, just heavily confused, and probably drunk. :biggrin:

Just keep feeding us your jobs and watching Canada sell sensitive military technology to China, such as they are going to do with Norsat International, or the open door we allowed with Huawei as they monopolized G4 technology and destroyed U.S tech industries; and Canada will happily remain your "friend".
So in my quest for justice in Canada in which I have ratted out many covert police here and exposed them into the light for the U.S government to see I have thought about this question often.

Just how is Canada an ally to the United States?

I would argue, at least economically, without question we are not allies. We have stolen 100s of thousands of U.S jobs, many by bribing, and "wink wink" tactics. We have artficially maintained a low dollar, and we enter US corporations. Right now, we are refusing to give anything on NAFTA hoping Trump loses mid-terms and in 2020 and Canada can continue to exploit U.S taxpayers.

Militarily, we rely fully of U.S for our defense. Yes, we have fought with some Special Forces in Afghanistan, and I take nothing away from the good men and women of Canadian military, but as a whole we give FAR FAR less than we receive.

Security wise we have been an absolute danger to America. From a half century of having many Russians use Canadian I.D and KGB crossing the border into America from Canada, to the current crop of Chinese destroying America. Not to mention our higher than average export of terror to the Middle East and influencing online radicalism against the U.S. We have relied on the FBI to not only protect Americans but also Canadians. This is fully unacceptable.

Our political system is a state and security appratus oligarch, more closely aligning with East Germany than America. Without U.S capitalism, bought cheerleaders for Canada and U.S taxpayers, Canadas socialism would have been belly up some time ago.

So I ask the question again, since Canada talks about this "special relationship", HOW?! How is Canada an ally to the United States?

The problem is the US does similar things, taking jobs, strong arming etc. Allies are people who aren't going to attack you, so in that sense, they're allies.
So in my quest for justice in Canada in which I have ratted out many covert police here and exposed them into the light for the U.S government to see I have thought about this question often.

Just how is Canada an ally to the United States?

I would argue, at least economically, without question we are not allies. We have stolen 100s of thousands of U.S jobs, many by bribing, and "wink wink" tactics. We have artficially maintained a low dollar, and we enter US corporations. Right now, we are refusing to give anything on NAFTA hoping Trump loses mid-terms and in 2020 and Canada can continue to exploit U.S taxpayers.

Militarily, we rely fully of U.S for our defense. Yes, we have fought with some Special Forces in Afghanistan, and I take nothing away from the good men and women of Canadian military, but as a whole we give FAR FAR less than we receive.

Security wise we have been an absolute danger to America. From a half century of having many Russians use Canadian I.D and KGB crossing the border into America from Canada, to the current crop of Chinese destroying America. Not to mention our higher than average export of terror to the Middle East and influencing online radicalism against the U.S. We have relied on the FBI to not only protect Americans but also Canadians. This is fully unacceptable.

Our political system is a state and security appratus oligarch, more closely aligning with East Germany than America. Without U.S capitalism, bought cheerleaders for Canada and U.S taxpayers, Canadas socialism would have been belly up some time ago.

So I ask the question again, since Canada talks about this "special relationship", HOW?! How is Canada an ally to the United States?

The problem is the US does similar things, taking jobs, strong arming etc. Allies are people who aren't going to attack you, so in that sense, they're allies.

The US is far worse about this though.

Since the OP mentions other countries, I will too - We say we are the ally of Israel but they are not our ally. They benefit and we pay. And pay and pay.

We trade with both our north and south neighbors and we benefit much more than they do. I don't think that will change any time soon.

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