How immigrants create jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How immigrants create jobs
by Tyler Cowen on October 31, 2010

We see the job-creating benefits of trade and immigration every day, even if we don’t always recognize them. As other papers by Professor Peri have shown, low-skilled immigrants usually fill gaps in American labor markets and generally enhance domestic business prospects rather than destroy jobs; this occurs because of an important phenomenon, the presence of what are known as “complementary” workers, namely those who add value to the work of others. An immigrant will often take a job as a construction worker, a drywall installer or a taxi driver, for example, while a native-born worker may end up being promoted to supervisor. And as immigrants succeed here, they help the United States develop strong business and social networks with the rest of the world, making it easier for us to do business with India, Brazil and most other countries, again creating more jobs.

The negative effects of rampant illegal immigration into the United States - article by Waldo Benavidez - Defend Colorado Now - a Colorado immigration reform organization supporting initiatives and legislation to stop illegal immigration and stop ill

Crock if I ever heard it. My grandson who worked as apprentice in construction and after training could not get a job in construction because illegal aliens are taking those jobs in now working in Venezuela for a Venezuelan contractor.
Million of American construction workers are unemployed because construction contractors want cheap labor but cheap labor has turned out to be not so cheap. I know a woman who fell because grab bars were not in studs and came out of the wall. Cost the company a $100,000. Much of the work done by illegal aliens have to be done over at a cost to the contractor.
The proponents of open borders or at least unlimited immigration argue that these people are not harming anyone “all they want is work”, [/B]”they do not bother anyone” and “they only take jobs not one else wants”, this naive and simplistic rational for illegal immigration fails to acknowledge the far reaching and critical impact on the low income people. The competition for low income housing is a primary example of how those that advocate for immigrants ignore the working families that cannot compete for the high rents landlords are demanding for their rental units. Whereas a family of four with one bread winner has a difficult time meeting the inflated rents being asked for housing, often substandard, plus the high cost of energy bills plus feed and cloth the family on seven, eight or nine dollars per hour. Immigrants can pay whatever is asked by landlords because they pack four and five, often times more working individuals into the unit and by pooling their resources easily manage rent. (welfare grants, food stamps, Medicaid for anchor babies) The result is that rents are inflated because a group of working adults can always outbid one working individual with a family, so the bottom line becomes inflated rents, increasing the cost of living and depressed wages, putting the working class citizen at a distinct disadvantage.
The negative effects of rampant illegal immigration into the United States - article by Waldo Benavidez - Defend Colorado Now - a Colorado immigration reform organization supporting initiatives and legislation to stop illegal immigration and stop ill

Very good article to read;
The liberal politicians worn out rational goes like this... "We have to understand that this is a nation of immigrants".
Immigrants of old did not come here for food stamps, free medical and low income housing and benefit for their american born children.
BOY I'll say immigrants create jobs! The entire identity theft crisis is almost entirely based on immigrants legal and illegal stealing identities for the benefits they provide, good credit, no problem. Then there are the number of police officers needed to arrest the criminals, plus courts, and staff. Of course we need more lawyers, and their staff, and office space for them. How about the number of rapes committed by immigrant men? That means more medical personnel, more psychiatrists and counselors. The Railroad Killer alone created a couple of hundred jobs many for morticians and funeral personnel. Then there are the jobs taken by assorted drug dealers, human traffickers, child abductionists, and extortionists. Chop shops need more employees skilled in taking apart stolen cars for the parts which are sold. Someone needs to sell those parts! Sales people whose who keep the E-bay accounts maintained. Crime is a major industry, a lot of it is immigrant based.

Once I was in a Big 5 store in California. A young hispanic man was trying on shoes. My husband said "See, he's a customer just like you. A consumer. The store sells shoes, he wants to buy shoes. He works like you work he spends just like we are doing right now."

Then the kid reached into his jacket, pulled out a gun and robbed us, the rest of the customers and the store. And, yes, he walked out with the new shoes. Unfortunatley stealing the shoes may have created a job in India someplace.

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