How fitting...Univision co-hosts forum with the Mexifornia Democratic Party...Racist?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
Yup, Mexico openly interferes in our elections by sending illegals who vote and illegals that get anchor babies that grow up and vote Democrat.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”


You LefTarded folks would piss your pants if Republicans held a convention hosted by a Russia based media firm...wouldn’t you?
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”


You LefTarded folks would piss your pants if Republicans held a convention hosted by a Russia based media firm...wouldn’t you?

Univision is an American company, you dipshit.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”


You LefTarded folks would piss your pants if Republicans held a convention hosted by a Russia based media firm...wouldn’t you?

Univision is an American company, you dipshit.

Haha...a real American company would broadcast in filthy wetbacks prove daily...ones location does not make them dumbmotherfucker.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?

This nation was founded by the British...I’ll go with English for $1,000 Alex
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?

This nation was founded by the British...I’ll go with English for $1,000 Alex
Even if you discount the actual native Americans this nation was founded by immigrants.

There were plenty of folks running around speaking Spanish and french.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?

This nation was founded by the British...I’ll go with English for $1,000 Alex
Even if you discount the actual native Americans this nation was founded by immigrants.

There were plenty of folks running around speaking Spanish and french.

We like to talk about greater percentages and predominance. What language was our Bill Of Rights written in?
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
LOL. I really do get a kick out of uneducated, ignorant morons like you.

Your English is horrendous, but you're too uneducated and stupid to even realize it.

By the way, asshole, English isn't the native language of North America.

The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

And no simpleton, our founding fathers aren't rolling ON their graves.

At least you picked the perfect name to describe yourself.
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The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?

This nation was founded by the British...I’ll go with English for $1,000 Alex
Even if you discount the actual native Americans this nation was founded by immigrants.

There were plenty of folks running around speaking Spanish and french.

We like to talk about greater percentages and predominance. What language was our Bill Of Rights written in?
Still not the "native" language.

Or the official language for that matter.

There have always been Spanish speaking people here.

Get over it snowflake.
The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

Haha...oh the irony...I can’t make this shit dumbmotherfucker
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”

What's our native language?

This nation was founded by the British...I’ll go with English for $1,000 Alex
Even if you discount the actual native Americans this nation was founded by immigrants.

There were plenty of folks running around speaking Spanish and french.

We like to talk about greater percentages and predominance. What language was our Bill Of Rights written in?
Still not the "native" language.

Or the official language for that matter.

There have always been Spanish speaking people here.

Get over it snowflake.

Haha...okay, go with that.
I’m sure that shit flies in LibTardia. Meanwhile, in the real world, the manual for our nation is written in English, our schools teach English, our radio and television broadcast in English and one must be fluent in the English language to become naturalized....haha
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
LOL. I really do get a kick out of uneducated, ignorant morons like you.

Your English is horrendous, but you're too uneducated and stupid to even realize it.

By the way, asshole, English isn't the native language of North America.

The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

And no simpleton, our founding fathers aren't rolling ON their graves.

At least you picked the perfect name to describe yourself.
Good attempt at rebuttal, but no applause for you... Yes we have plenty who speak other languages here, but the universal language to learn, use, and to complete or conduct business here in the U.S. is English.

Allowing to much diversity in languages poses a security risk, confusion, chaos, and
other problems such as adding the cost to taxpayers for special assistance programs to help those who are in need of language interpreters, extra books, paperwork, information done in specific languages etc.

Who pays for it all ? We the American unsuspecting hardworking tax payers that's who.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
LOL. I really do get a kick out of uneducated, ignorant morons like you.

Your English is horrendous, but you're too uneducated and stupid to even realize it.

By the way, asshole, English isn't the native language of North America.

The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

And no simpleton, our founding fathers aren't rolling ON their graves.

At least you picked the perfect name to describe yourself.

English isn't the native language?

Well someone is well versed in talking total bullshit.

English has been the language of the country for hundreds of years... until Democrats realized that the only way they can win is to import bunch of 3rd worlders.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
LOL. I really do get a kick out of uneducated, ignorant morons like you.

Your English is horrendous, but you're too uneducated and stupid to even realize it.

By the way, asshole, English isn't the native language of North America.

The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

And no simpleton, our founding fathers aren't rolling ON their graves.

At least you picked the perfect name to describe yourself.
Good attempt at rebuttal, but no applause for you... Yes we have plenty who speak other languages here, but the universal language to learn, use, and to complete or conduct business here in the U.S. is English.

Allowing to much diversity in languages poses a security risk, confusion, chaos, and
other problems such as adding the cost to taxpayers for special assistance programs to help those who are in need of language interpreters, extra books, paperwork, information done in specific languages etc.

Who pays for it all ? We the American unsuspecting hardworking tax payers that's who.

The tax payer is an enemy of the leftist, anyone who is productive is.
The Democrat Party continues to pander to those whom can’t even speak our native language. Their conventions hosted and televised by a media company that broadcasts to Mexico’s people.
WTF...I wonder if our founders are rolling on their graves.

California Democratic Party and Univision to host 2019 presidential forum in Long Beach
“As the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S., Univision is committed to empowering the Latino community with information about the electoral process and the candidates,” Univision News President Daniel Coronell said. “Univision’s participation as co-host of November’s Democratic Presidential Forum will allow candidates to present their platforms on the #1 source of news and information for the Hispanic community and allow us to continue to meet our commitment.”
LOL. I really do get a kick out of uneducated, ignorant morons like you.

Your English is horrendous, but you're too uneducated and stupid to even realize it.

By the way, asshole, English isn't the native language of North America.

The majority of people that to come to this country are bilingual, and their children end up writing and speaking English far superior to the way you fracture the English language every time you attempt to write it or speak it.

And no simpleton, our founding fathers aren't rolling ON their graves.

At least you picked the perfect name to describe yourself.
Good attempt at rebuttal, but no applause for you... Yes we have plenty who speak other languages here, but the universal language to learn, use, and to complete or conduct business here in the U.S. is English.

Allowing to much diversity in languages poses a security risk, confusion, chaos, and
other problems such as adding the cost to taxpayers for special assistance programs to help those who are in need of language interpreters, extra books, paperwork, information done in specific languages etc.

Who pays for it all ? We the American unsuspecting hardworking tax payers that's who.

The tax payer is an enemy of the leftist, anyone who is productive is.
Only in as much as their views, but they love to stand there and take the tax payers money away for their bullcrap. So it's work hard, but keep your mouths shut serfs. That's their motto today.

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