How f'ing stupid is Mayor Bloomberg?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
[ame=]Deaf interpreter gets into her job - YouTube[/ame]

He's wasting tax dollars on a signer when they invented this thing called 'closed caption tv.'
Deaf interpreter gets into her job - YouTube

He's wasting tax dollars on a signer when they invented this thing called 'closed caption tv.'

There is probably one person in the city that does not have that capability so the political correct police are watching 24/7 to make sure that person is not discriminated against.
Otherwise some slip and fall attorney will file a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the city
and against the Mayor personally.... :mad:
Deaf interpreter gets into her job - YouTube

He's wasting tax dollars on a signer when they invented this thing called 'closed caption tv.'

There is probably one person in the city that does not have that capability so the political correct police are watching 24/7 to make sure that person is not discriminated against.
Otherwise some slip and fall attorney will file a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the city
and against the Mayor personally.... :mad:

I doubt he sees it like that. Judges throw out frivolous lawsuits all the time. He just wants to appear so enlightened and considerate on the taxpayer's dime.
Gosh, you guys sure do take delight in eating your own.

Bloomberg was the toast of the Republican town when he ran as one.
Probably makes a lot more money that GreatGasbag does...

The sign-interpreter was probably there for any hearing impaired in the audience.

Anybody who is hearing impaired and there, almost certainly has a signer with them idiot. And I doubt that was the case anyways.


Oh__ well you defied it. It must be true. That city worker is probably making $100K and a fat pension just so she can stroke Bloomberg's metaphorical cock.
Anybody who is hearing impaired and there, almost certainly has a signer with them idiot. And I doubt that was the case anyways.


Oh__ well you defied it. It must be true. That city worker is probably making $100K and a fat pension just so she can stroke Bloomberg's metaphorical cock.

No, it's just life experience. The hearing impaired generally read lips on the daily, most don't afford signers at their sides, and major speeches generally have signers. Your thread is incredibally small and cynical.
Gosh, you guys sure do take delight in eating your own.

Bloomberg was the toast of the Republican town when he ran as one.

Oh bullshit. Everyone knew he was a rich moron trying to run under the banner of R.

But we knew he was stupid from the get go. Hell's bells Sallow come on.

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