How dumb is the MSM..per them..Divide $500 million by 325 million = $1M/American? again!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
By now most people have seen this extremely STUPID clip...
where these two idiots Brian Williams included state:

Brian Williams shared tweet claiming Bloomberg could have given every American $1M. The problem: Math.

This is absolutely just as stupid as this example of people with NO MATH or common sense!
How many of you believe the following:"Americans consume 500 million straws a day"!
This belief has caused several municipalities to ban straws. Yup!!
But the vast majority of people that believe both these stories is amazing!
Just some common sense folks...

Last edited:
By now most people have seen this extremely STUPID clip...
where these two idiots Brian Williams included state:
View attachment 311043

This is absolutely just as stupid as this example of people with NO MATH or common sense!
How many of you believe the following:"Americans consume 500 million straws a day"!
This belief has caused several municipalities to ban straws. Yup!!
But the vast majority of people that believe both these stories is amazing!
Just some common sense folks...

Your link does not work.

And the funny part is we had someone make a thread with this same math problem just a few days ago.

Seems math is a weakness in our country.
I know Bernie Sanders spent the same $91 billion tax increase 5 times over in a single debate to pay for all the free shit he was promising.
By now most people have seen this extremely STUPID clip...
where these two idiots Brian Williams included state:
View attachment 311043

This is absolutely just as stupid as this example of people with NO MATH or common sense!
How many of you believe the following:"Americans consume 500 million straws a day"!
This belief has caused several municipalities to ban straws. Yup!!
But the vast majority of people that believe both these stories is amazing!
Just some common sense folks...

Your link does not work.

And the funny part is we had someone make a thread with this same math problem just a few days ago.

Seems math is a weakness in our country.

Thanks I just fixed the above link.

My thread not only shows that the common sense math capabilities are shrift,
BUT even the common sense differentiation of "manufactured" and "consumption" with regards to plastic straws is evident!

My point is that when people believe what they read especially from the biased MSM is it any wonder that a small group like MSM
has some influence on a shrinking number of people!

Especially also when the majority of people who distrust the MSM read the following:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Just how biased is the media against Trump? - US & Canada
These dumb fucks who major in lesbian poetry don’t know shit when they get into the real world.

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