How did we get to this point?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?
The Dems sold their souls to the Devil. Dems, for the most part, are faithless, joyless heathens. VERY sad.:(
Trump was the nail in the coffin.

The most divisive President in modern-history, if not American history in general.

This is what he wants, this is Trump's America.
Like you care about that? You are supporting a guy that says the other side doesnt deserve to know his positions, threatens to fight citizens who disagree with him and says blacks arent black if they dont tow the line.
You are either disingenuous or a YUGE fucking moron.
The Dems sold their souls to the Devil. Dems, for the most part, are faithless, joyless heathens. VERY sad.:(
Not as sad as worshipping a racist president.

"Not as sad as worshipping a racist president."

Your use of the term 'worship' is proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now.....which side called their candidate god, Jesus, and the messiah?

Yup.....your side.
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I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?

I can sympathize. My in-laws will not speak to their daughter over her "new" support for Donald Trump. My own immediate family has been fractured by political vitriol. What I have discovered, however, is Trump supporters are far more willing to engage with Biden people and less likely to distance themselves from liberal family members and friends over the election.

We've reached this point because two sides now exist who believe so strongly in their politics of choice the matter of the winner has become a life or death situation. As someone already mentioned the media and entertainment and online industries are largely to blame, as they have sought to divide rather than encourage unity and sanity and reason through healthy debate.
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?

'Hope And Change'

A 'Fundamental Change' In The US Government
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?

I can sympathize. My in-laws will not speak to their daughter over her "new" support for Donald Trump. My own immediate family has been fractured by political vitriol. What I have discovered, however, is Trump supporters are far more willing to engage with Biden people and less likely to distance themselves from liberal family members and friends over the election.

We've reached this point because two sides now exist who believe so strongly in their politics of choice the matter of the winner has become a life or death situation. As someone already mentioned the media and entertainment and online industries are largely to blame, as they have sought to divide rather than encourage unity and sanity and reason through healthy debate.

We had to ban shotguns from the Thanksgiving get-together.....there used to be a lot more of us.
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?
In the 70s, the Liberals favorite saying was "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it with my life". Conservatives have remained the same, it is the Liberals who have done a complete 180 and demand complete compliance with their beliefs.
I'm in my 60's with 4 former classmate friends from high school. 2 Liberal leaning and 2 Conservative leaning. They've all worked at their jobs for decades, never drawn a penny of public assistance, married, raised their children, 3 served in the military, all Christian.....the 2 Liberals and 2 Conservatives now refuse to even speak with each other, all over differences in political views.

How did we get to this point?
Must not have been close friends or you would have exerted influence early enough to avoid the 4 of them becoming radicalized. Hopefully they are not sand bagging their lawns yet.
Trump was the nail in the coffin.
The most divisive President in modern-history, if not American history in general.

The only nail is in your head. The political division and hyper-partisanship is all media driven, mostly by the Left, and nutsacks like you pick it right up and run with it.

It all begins with:


There's your problem.

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