How Did Lil Wayne & Steve Bannon Get A Pardon Before Julian Assange?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Several controversial names do appear, including Steve Bannon, who has pleaded not guilty to charges he defrauded donors in a "We Build the Wall" online fundraising campaign. Trump had spent the past days deliberating over a pardon for the man who helped him win the presidency in 2016 and followed him to the White House. During his final hours in office there was a frantic debate underway behind the scenes on whether to grant Bannon a pardon."

So a guy who fleeced millions in donations from gullible Trump supporters and pocketed the money for himself, that guy gets a pardon before the WikiLeaks guy?? Granted, fleecing money from gullible Trump supporters for personal gain is the core business model for ancillary Trump grifters, but still....Elliot Broidy even got a pardon before Assange?? Elliot, a guy who got millions from Chinese globalists to try to get the DOJ to drop a money laundering case?? That guy?? Well to be fair, Brody was a top GOP fundraiser and deputy chair of the RNC and he and Trump were really close....and we all know Biden forced Brody to do it because of China and stuff...

However, on the bright side -- Trumpers have long waited with bated breath to see if Kwame Kilpatrick would finally be released from his 20 plus year corruption and racketeering prison sentence, and thanks to Diamond and Silk, Trump made it happen....which should totally trigger the libs because Obama refused to pardon Kilpatrick.
I don't trust Steve Bannon. But Little Wayne is a honest guy.

Would you support him if he ran for president in 2024??

He is not educated in politics. You have to know about economics and international and constitutional and national law.
If he ever becomes president. He will only be a puppet because he will have to get his advice from his advisors and which they could be plants.
One thing about Pres. Trump. He knows economics but don't know that much about the laws. That is why the Deep state had infiltrated in those areas. But they could never give him any advice on the economy.
Hillary didn't know much about economics, and that is why she had brought Mark Cuban to her debate with Pres. Trump. He was there to see if Pres. Trump's numbers are correct.
But Wayne can start off at the bottom like being an assembly person and work his way on up to the presidency. Or President Trump can elect him to be his advisor for the Black community in his second term. At that time Pres. Trump can show him the ropes.

I don't trust Steve Bannon. But Little Wayne is a honest guy.

Would you support him if he ran for president in 2024??

He is not educated in politics. You have to know about economics and international and constitutional and national law.
If he ever becomes president. He will only be a puppet because he will have to get his advice from his advisors and which they could be plants.
One thing about Pres. Trump. He knows economics but don't know that much about the laws. That is why the Deep state had infiltrated in those areas. But they could never give him any advice on the economy.
Hillary didn't know much about economics, and that is why she had brought Mark Cuban to her debate with Pres. Trump. He was there to see if Pres. Trump's numbers are correct.
But Wayne can start off at the bottom like being an assembly person and work his way on up to the presidency. Or President Trump can elect him to be his advisor for the Black community in his second term. At that time Pres. Trump can show him the ropes.

If Trump or you or anyone else believes Lil Wayne is an "advisor for the Black community" -- you have ZERO respect for the Black community...
I don't trust Steve Bannon. But Little Wayne is a honest guy.

Would you support him if he ran for president in 2024??

He is not educated in politics. You have to know about economics and international and constitutional and national law.
If he ever becomes president. He will only be a puppet because he will have to get his advice from his advisors and which they could be plants.
One thing about Pres. Trump. He knows economics but don't know that much about the laws. That is why the Deep state had infiltrated in those areas. But they could never give him any advice on the economy.
Hillary didn't know much about economics, and that is why she had brought Mark Cuban to her debate with Pres. Trump. He was there to see if Pres. Trump's numbers are correct.
But Wayne can start off at the bottom like being an assembly person and work his way on up to the presidency. Or President Trump can elect him to be his advisor for the Black community in his second term. At that time Pres. Trump can show him the ropes.

At that time Pres. Trump can show him the ropes.
Yeah...I bet he can...I'm sure his supporters would help:


"Several controversial names do appear, including Steve Bannon, who has pleaded not guilty to charges he defrauded donors in a "We Build the Wall" online fundraising campaign. Trump had spent the past days deliberating over a pardon for the man who helped him win the presidency in 2016 and followed him to the White House. During his final hours in office there was a frantic debate underway behind the scenes on whether to grant Bannon a pardon."

So a guy who fleeced millions in donations from gullible Trump supporters and pocketed the money for himself, that guy gets a pardon before the WikiLeaks guy?? Granted, fleecing money from gullible Trump supporters for personal gain is the core business model for ancillary Trump grifters, but still....Elliot Broidy even got a pardon before Assange?? Elliot, a guy who got millions from Chinese globalists to try to get the DOJ to drop a money laundering case?? That guy?? Well to be fair, Brody was a top GOP fundraiser and deputy chair of the RNC and he and Trump were really close....and we all know Biden forced Brody to do it because of China and stuff...

However, on the bright side -- Trumpers have long waited with bated breath to see if Kwame Kilpatrick would finally be released from his 20 plus year corruption and racketeering prison sentence, and thanks to Diamond and Silk, Trump made it happen....which should totally trigger the libs because Obama refused to pardon Kilpatrick.
I wonder if Bannons release will affect the case against the wheelchair guy who was also in on the scam ? Could the Feds compel Bannon to give evidence against him ? And by accepting this pardon isnt Bannon admitting his guilt in the first place ?

Somebody should be held accountable for this scam.
Julian Assange is a rapist and out thousands of soldiers lives in danger due to the classified information he leaked.
Wait. The OP WANTS Julian Assange to get a pardon?


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