How convenient that Biden' son emails were found this close to the election


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient

It's an October Surprise, politics is dirty business, of this I have learned. No different than the Access Hollywood tape leak when apparently a mic was left on during an off the cuff chat with Bushes brother. Yeah right, that was all organic...:rolleyes:

They kept that in the can for just such an emergency. They probably intended to save it just in case Trump gained traction with the Reform Party of the day and risked taking votes from the GOP in a general election. I don't know, just throwing it out there.

People should vote on the policies. What will Americas future and the prospects of Americas enemies look like depending on who wins?
Who says they were just found? Mr. Giuliani may have found them a year ago or longer, and just waited until now so that they would have the biggest impact.

Just like the Libs did with the Access Hollywood tapes they held for 10 years? Or when Dubya was running in 2000, the "news" of his DUI bust came just a few days before the election even though the event happened decades previously?

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient
Since the FBI has had the laptop for almost a year, you would certainly think they would have looked into it by now and be able to clear that up, wouldn't you???

Apparently, they don't have any proof that the emails aren't legit, and they just covered the matter up in order to cover for Biden.....

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient
Hate to break it to you.....but the corrupt FBI had this evidence before the impeachment last year.
Why do you think the Democrats decided to stage that farce in the first place?
They had the gall to impeach Trump over crimes that Biden is guilty a way to insulate him from prosecution.
Who says they were just found? Mr. Giuliani may have found them a year ago or longer, and just waited until now so that they would have the biggest impact.

Just like the Libs did with the Access Hollywood tapes they held for 10 years? Or when Dubya was running in 2000, the "news" of his DUI bust came just a few days before the election even though the event happened decades previously?

Politics is a dirty game. Both sides engage in it.

The question will be to Americans, what matters most to them in terms of policy, and, risk to their future.

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient
Since the FBI has had the laptop for almost a year, you would certainly think they would have looked into it by now and be able to clear that up, wouldn't you???

Apparently, they don't have any proof that the emails aren't legit, and they just covered the matter up in order to cover for Biden.....
It's like a lot of people have been saying, the coverup artist, Robert Wray, is a total POS. He has been protecting DOJ criminals for years now. Wray sucks
Which is the best Hunter Biden laptop scandal thread on USMB? There are so many to chose from.
Well, people tend to enjoy seeing you cry when the Democrats' own tactics are used against them!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
No one is crying on the Dem side. They are actually glad to see Trumpers wasting time and resources. No one really cares about this fake noise except loser trumpoholics.

Well the FBI has the laptop and initial indications is that it is round 2 of the Russian meddling. If you can get away with it the first time, then lets do it again. I mean they still are hooked on Hillary. What are the odds that this story concerns emails again and the FBI. History sure does like to repeat itself.

The convenience factor. Its election time and their is an audience that will not wait for the FBI investigation to determine if it real. Which obvious is not important as it is a fun story that will thrill the masses. Well I guess if the email angle worked on Hillary , it should work on Biden. Yeah lets go with that.

The FBI will investigate and their conclusions will be interpreted by Barr and the masses will not care as it is all fake news. They will be torn between the official FBI report that will conclude that it is fake and Barr will interpret it as inconclusive.

But But, they are copies that Rudy the truth teller has shown us. The FBI has the real source of the story. You would think Barr would be barking out load. What is is boy, yes I know it is instant gratification.

There is no proof but conjecture at this point in time but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to stick your hand in their and dig for it.

The story is so fake and so convenient that it begs the question. Should we wait for the official verdict because we know the Russians are laughing and emails are just so damn convenient

Try to keep up, mmkay? Not only does the FBI have Hunter's laptop, but one of Hunter's crooked business partners who is in jail now, is corroborating everything in the laptop.

The jailed business partner has handed over the password to his email account, and his communications with Hunter are being closely looked at...

Biden ex-business partner provides access to MORE emails documenting Hunter’s trading on father's influence

You're truly fucked.

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