How can we trust the CDC and other experts?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.
Whole foods and vitamin supplements are not approved by the FDA.

However, twinkies are approved.


The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.

Just ask your doctor.

You let your doctor stick their finger up your butt. That's trust!

Your doctor has a vested interest in keeping you alive.

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.
Not really getting why it is so difficult to understand that the response to the Covid pandemic EVOLVES over time. Because, lets get real here, the virus itself is evolving, our response had better be evolving as well. Just an hour ago I heard Fauci himself say that as data continues to flow in, recommendations will change.

From a personal perspective, my position has evolved over time. Initially, I was not going to get the vaccine. I am healthy as a horse, although not young, not really elderly either. No chronic conditions, albeit with a little hypertension that has been under control for a couple decades. And the vaccine was not FDA approved. But things EVOLVED. The vaccine is FDA approved. The Delta variant is attacking younger, healthier individuals. And I have a family to consider. So I got the vaccine.

Honestly, I am sick and tired of the politicization of the Covid pandemic. It is disgraceful, unpatriotic, and STUPID. The virus doesn't give two shits if you are Republican or Democrat. We should be putting forth a unified effort and trust the experts. Otherwise, this thing is never going to go away.
Not really getting why it is so difficult to understand that the response to the Covid pandemic EVOLVES over time. Because, lets get real here, the virus itself is evolving, our response had better be evolving as well. Just an hour ago I heard Fauci himself say that as data continues to flow in, recommendations will change.

From a personal perspective, my position has evolved over time. Initially, I was not going to get the vaccine. I am healthy as a horse, although not young, not really elderly either. No chronic conditions, albeit with a little hypertension that has been under control for a couple decades. And the vaccine was not FDA approved. But things EVOLVED. The vaccine is FDA approved. The Delta variant is attacking younger, healthier individuals. And I have a family to consider. So I got the vaccine.

Honestly, I am sick and tired of the politicization of the Covid pandemic. It is disgraceful, unpatriotic, and STUPID. The virus doesn't give two shits if you are Republican or Democrat. We should be putting forth a unified effort and trust the experts. Otherwise, this thing is never going to go away.
Why do they not differentiate between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus? Why do they call the variant from India the Delta variant? I get that this is a fluid process. Why not come out and say it? You’re an educated man and did your own research. Same with me. I had the virus back in March 2020 and donated convalescent plasma for nearly 15 mos. Yet I was put in the same category of those who never had the virus? That’s pretty pathetic.
We can't trust either but that does not mean all of this is not real. People really are getting sick and dying.

It's as wrong to present this as some fraudulent political event as it is for the reaction to it being led by someone who said all of this was worth the cost of doing the research.

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.
Circumstances changes, new information emerges, some things don't work, others do, this isn't rocket science here.

Intelligent people adjust, morons scream when asked to do the same.

So scream away, morons.
Circumstances changes, new information emerges, some things don't work, others do, this isn't rocket science here.

Intelligent people adjust, morons scream when asked to do the same.

So scream away, morons.

I would like for someone to ask Fauci if he has changed his views on research and the risk of a pandemic.

If not he should be immediately fired. Well, he should be anyway.
Circumstances changes, new information emerges, some things don't work, others do, this isn't rocket science here.

Intelligent people adjust, morons scream when asked to do the same.

So scream away, morons.
Yet the CDC still refuses to acknowledge the difference between those who had the virus and those who didn’t. Who are the morons?
We can't trust either but that does not mean all of this is not real. People really are getting sick and dying.

It's as wrong to present this as some fraudulent political event as it is for the reaction to it being led by someone who said all of this was worth the cost of doing the research.

Sure it's a real event. The virus was bioengineered. After they release their bug they offer the public a worthless injection. Sadly, millions are deceived and believe the govt and propaganda.
Sure it's a real event. The virus was bioengineered. After they release their bug they offer the public a worthless injection. Sadly, millions are deceived and believe the govt and propaganda.

There is a ton of valid information out there that shows the vaccine does make a difference.
Why do they not differentiate between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus? Why do they call the variant from India the Delta variant? I get that this is a fluid process. Why not come out and say it? You’re an educated man and did your own research. Same with me. I had the virus back in March 2020 and donated convalescent plasma for nearly 15 mos. Yet I was put in the same category of those who never had the virus? That’s pretty pathetic.
I will try and answer your question with a quote,

The reason for that is natural immunity varies tremendously from person to person depending on age or health conditions, the health of one’s immune system,” he explains. “It also varies tremendously in how long it lasts depending on those similar conditions. Someone who has natural immunity from a year ago or more likely has waning immunity.”

Dr. Webb continues, saying immunity to coronaviruses, in general, lasts about one cold and flu season. Additionally, he says that while you may have a natural immunity to one variant does not mean it will work against another.

“The bottom line for natural immunity is that it does offer some protection, it’s not a bad thing by any stretch,” he explains. “But for public health policy, it’s very difficult to apply that because it varies so widely.”

In short, the effectiveness of natural immunity varies from person to person. The natural immunity is short-lived and usually contained to just one strain of the virus. As the virus mutates, those with only natural immunity risk be attacked by evolving strains. I mean have we ever heard someone say they were not getting a flu shot this year because they had the flu last year?

Finally, the purpose of vaccinations is not the elimination of the virus. In the history of the world vaccines have only completely eliminated one disease, smallpox. The purpose of vaccinations is to relieve the pressure on our health care system. While having natural immunity provides some protection against hospitalization and death, even better than having the vaccine alone. Having both natural immunity and the vaccines provides even better protection.
I will try and answer your question with a quote,

The reason for that is natural immunity varies tremendously from person to person depending on age or health conditions, the health of one’s immune system,” he explains. “It also varies tremendously in how long it lasts depending on those similar conditions. Someone who has natural immunity from a year ago or more likely has waning immunity.”

Dr. Webb continues, saying immunity to coronaviruses, in general, lasts about one cold and flu season. Additionally, he says that while you may have a natural immunity to one variant does not mean it will work against another.

“The bottom line for natural immunity is that it does offer some protection, it’s not a bad thing by any stretch,” he explains. “But for public health policy, it’s very difficult to apply that because it varies so widely.”

In short, the effectiveness of natural immunity varies from person to person. The natural immunity is short-lived and usually contained to just one strain of the virus. As the virus mutates, those with only natural immunity risk be attacked by evolving strains. I mean have we ever heard someone say they were not getting a flu shot this year because they had the flu last year?

Finally, the purpose of vaccinations is not the elimination of the virus. In the history of the world vaccines have only completely eliminated one disease, smallpox. The purpose of vaccinations is to relieve the pressure on our health care system. While having natural immunity provides some protection against hospitalization and death, even better than having the vaccine alone. Having both natural immunity and the vaccines provides even better protection.
Some? What % catch it a 2nd time please?

The CDC has embarrassed itself as did Fauci. Their flip flopping has been sad and comical. Wear masks. Don’t wear masks. Social distance but not outside or always or when not vaccinated or still even when vaccinated.

Vaccines required for all, Zero differentiation between those with natural immunity and those who never had the virus.

Not to mention the virus origins. Wuhan Lab (most likely) or some market (unlikely). Calling the strain that started in India the Delta Variant? Odd.

Fauci himself has been a disaster. First saying masks don’t work then saying wear two masks. Democrats blaming Trump supporters for continued spread when they said they would
Not take the Trump vaccine initially. That means you Kamala Harris and you Joy Reid. Media is equally complicit in the hypocrisy.

Credibility is in the toilet and rightfully so.
We cant.

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