How body camera video in Virginia shattered one of policing's biggest myths


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018

How body camera video in Virginia shattered one of policing's biggest myths
Matthew Guariglia 20 hrs ago


On the night of Dec. 5, a familiar scene unfolded at a gas station in Windsor, Virginia. Police pulled over Caron Nazario, a Black and Latino second lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps, claiming that his car didn't have license plates. (Reports said that temporary plates were taped to the inside of the new car's back window and that they were visible.)

Videos of the incident, some of them from Nazario's cellphone, as well as police body cameras, underscore the deadly truth we have long known about police interactions with people of color: Lawfulness is not always a recipe for safety. Obedience is not always a recipe for safety. The only person who can control the bodily health and well-being of the person pulled over are the people with the weapons. This is the bloody Catch-22 of modern policing in America.

In the video, police approach the vehicle with their weapons already drawn. The first instruction we can hear from the police is "Keep your hands outside the vehicle." Nazario, who still has not been told why he has been pulled over, keeps his hands thrust outside his driver's side window as instructed. Seconds later,

The rest of the stupid police actions.


How can anyone fail to understand why Nazario had solid reason to be afraid of them?
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I can see why he was afraid of the police. It's pretty obvious, the one barking all the orders, was an over zealous, scared shitless moron.

But how did he and other cops get this way? Could it be the hundreds of cops that have been stopped, who got comfy with "routine traffic stops," that got them shot so fast they didn't even have time to react? In Texas, just in the past month, I think we've had 3 or 4. We had one just this morning.
Routine traffic stop. Before the cop even got up to the window, he was shot.
Last week, a Texas State Trooper, pulled a car over. And before he even stopped his patrol car, the gunman got out and shot the cop nearly to death. He died a day or two later.
I've been doing some research lately on this. And it seems that there's a LOT of cops getting in some extremely bad situations over routine traffic stops.
The answer might seem to be to just quit stopping people for minor traffic issues. But considering all the violent, druggy thugs they catch from traffic stops (Like Daunte Wright), a LOT of hardened criminal would never be brought to justice.
Keep in mind, most of this is the fault of violent criminals. Not so much the cops.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely anti BAD cop. But I'm also extreme pro good cop.
Here is a video showing HOW the police properly handle a car stop:

The two incompetant cops didn't do anything properly, they escalated the situation ignored the victims questions and attack while giving him contradictory commands.

The victim told them he was AFRAID of them, the stupid cops didn't change at all, continued being belligerent and threatening.
We need to do away with people with guns enforcing minor traffic violations. You don't need a gun to verify that someone has a temp tag in window. You don't need people with guns to give someone a citation for having an expired registration.
Another overblown incident. Yea the cop was an asshole, but the driver wasn’t the smartest either.

We live a country with over 330 million people. Millions of incidents happen every day with cops in shitty situations. Millions of arrests without incident. If people would just stop being retards they would probably never encounter a cop.
Another overblown incident. Yea the cop was an asshole, but the driver wasn’t the smartest either.
Of course if the driver is white he is automatically smart, especially if he has a gun. Just imagine if this guy was black.
I hope those officers were excused from the force.
Another overblown incident. Yea the cop was an asshole, but the driver wasn’t the smartest either.

We live a country with over 330 million people. Millions of incidents happen every day with cops in shitty situations. Millions of arrests without incident. If people would just stop being retards they would probably never encounter a cop.

Did you read the article?

Did you see the split screen video showing from his angle and from the cops angle? I would be scared too if I was getting the reception the victim was getting.

They came out of their cars loudly telling him to first get his hands out of the window, then seconds later tell him get out of the car, a contradictory command that had him caught in the middle with guns pointing at him from the start, all this over a missing vehicle ID plate, which was later confirmed to be in the back window all along. :auiqs.jpg:

They ignored his repeated questions on WHY they stopped him, which by law the police were supposed to answer, the driver was afraid for a good reason since they acted like rogue cops.

Yes he resisted getting out of the vehicle, but the police didn't have a viable reason for him to get out of the vehicle in the first place, who NEVER showed any sign that he was a danger to them always empty handed and doesn't make threats either. The idiot cop repeatedly spray the chemical for the failure of not leaving the vehicle, which wasn't needed in the first place.

How can you ignore this situation the cop puts him into?

From the article,

"In the video, police approach the vehicle with their weapons already drawn. The first instruction we can hear from the police is "Keep your hands outside the vehicle." Nazario, who still has not been told why he has been pulled over, keeps his hands thrust outside his driver's side window as instructed. Seconds later, he receives the next order from police: "Get out of the car, now." Nazario still has his seat belt on, so any attempts to get out of the vehicle would require violating the first order. He receives these contradictory commands all while two guns are pointed at him, and he still does not know exactly why he has been pulled over.

Between calm requests for clarity, Nazario then tries to assert his identity as an active-duty military officer. "I'm serving this country, and this is how I'm treated?" Would respectability and a shared language of patriotism serve to de-escalate the situation? No, as is made immediately clear by the officer's response: "I'm a veteran, too, and I learned how to obey." Nazario is, in the eyes of the police, a subordinate. He has been taught the chain of command and, as the officers see it, is obligated under threat of physical violence to recognize police as his superiors and obey contradictory orders with no visible justification."

bolding mine


All this over a freaking registration plate! :cuckoo:

The cops ESCALATED the situation with over the top belligerence over a very minor infraction claim, of which they were wrong over since it was taped inside the back window, he was never in violation at all. :laugh:

That is why one cop is fired and why the victim sued and likely win.
Funny how the good cops protect the bad cops. It's almost like enabling bad policing isn't a bad thing.

I think you're right. At least in too many cases. But there's also this thing called "department retaliation." That's a serious thing. If you rat out the wrong cop, other cops can & will retaliate. They'll not back you, if you rat out one of their friends.
Even if you rat out someone that most other cops don't like. Doing it means you're capable of ratting out another officers. That puts a level is distrust in the minds of ones fellow officers.
Another overblown incident. Yea the cop was an asshole, but the driver wasn’t the smartest either.

We live a country with over 330 million people. Millions of incidents happen every day with cops in shitty situations. Millions of arrests without incident. If people would just stop being retards they would probably never encounter a cop.

Recently I did a youtube search "officer shot during traffic stop." HOLY FUCKING HELL, Some of these cops don't even get a chance to get to the suspect window before they're fired upon. Some have a little time to get comfy with the situation, and get shot. All sort of different scenarios going on with just routine traffic stops.

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