How Bloomberg failed to secure his nomination.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
You need a big pair of balls to beat Trump.

You also need a big sac to the nominee that contests Trump.

When the Democrat candidates last night went apeshit over Stop and Frisk...

He apologized for it... GG

Should have told them like it was Bloomberg. NYC WAS A FUCKING WARZONE before you came to office and restored the Rule of Law. Little black girls no longer had to worry about being shot while waiting for the school bus.

You fucked up Bloomberg. You had your chance, and you ruined it.

There's reason Habeas Corpus and other rights under the Constitution become SUSPENDED during a time of domestic strife...because the Rule of Law itself is no longer en force.

"I not only prevented NYC from becoming modern day Chicago, but I restored its greatness."

That should have been you answer.

Let the "minorities" scream and berate you for that. No one will hear their nonsense.
I agree. With the Democrats clearly looking for a savior. He could have and should have taken a position of strength, instead he kissed the ring of the Race hustlers. Hey as long as he is bending over, maybe he could self fund a Reparations program. :04:
Bloomie accomplished nothing which is a piss poor performance. All that money, all those campaign workers and he got nothing out of either. In one night he proved his inability to run anything.
Fuck man I'm actually pissed.

I wanted to see them Dems embrace a sane candidate.

All he had to do was stand up for his Stop and Frisk policy in NYC. It was the right thing to do. Minority children no longer have to fear being shot on the sidewalk (like in Chicago).

In fact that's how I would have rubbed it in. "Chicago could use a little Stop and Frisk, don't you agree?"
and how tall is he? 5 foot 4?,,,,hmm,,,,we never elect a short man as president

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