How Bernie will keep the SCOTUS from becoming overwhelmingly conservative


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Bernie's imminent win in November means that when Ruth Ginsburg dies, she be replaced by a liberal.
Breyer Is 81, so his health my deteriorate or he might decide to retire. Another liberal will replace him.
Then any conservative could have heart complications or any other health issue.
I think Bernie was sent by God to stop the right wing trend.
Hell, when Bernie has to tax everyone in the country at a 300% tax rate to pay for all of his "free shit", there won't be a SCOTUS....

They'll all quit!!!
Bernie's imminent win in November means that when Ruth Ginsburg dies, she be replaced by a liberal.
Breyer Is 81, so his health my deteriorate or he might decide to retire. Another liberal will replace him.
Then any conservative could have heart complications or any other health issue.
I think Bernie was sent by God to stop the right wing trend.
Bernie's imminent win in November means that when Ruth Ginsburg dies, she be replaced by a liberal.
Breyer Is 81, so his health my deteriorate or he might decide to retire. Another liberal will replace him.
Then any conservative could have heart complications or any other health issue.
I think Bernie was sent by God to stop the right wing trend.

Okay, you can believe that.

When he loses all the Suburban Moms because they don't like Communism, and Trump gets a second term, tell me about this brilliant plan again.
Bernie's imminent win in November means that when Ruth Ginsburg dies, she be replaced by a liberal.
Breyer Is 81, so his health my deteriorate or he might decide to retire. Another liberal will replace him.
Then any conservative could have heart complications or any other health issue.
I think Bernie was sent by God to stop the right wing trend.

Marxists reside in the pits of hell.
Bernie's imminent win in November means that when Ruth Ginsburg dies, she be replaced by a liberal.
Breyer Is 81, so his health my deteriorate or he might decide to retire. Another liberal will replace him.
Then any conservative could have heart complications or any other health issue.
I think Bernie was sent by God to stop the right wing trend.
I think you are a delusional fool. There's a better chance of spotting a herd of white unicorns grazing on Nancy Pelosi's lawn than Sander's, the child pornographer getting elected President.

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