How bad is life in the United States?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?

Oh, it depends on your economic & social situation.

Compared with the majority of people in this cursed world, life in the States is good.

If you have a good job that pays well, you can live in a safe neighborhood, drive a nice car (instead of risking public transportation), and buy all kinds of creature comforts. As the cliche goes, the officially "poor" people in this country live better than many "middle class" people in other countries.

I think that some people are angry and fearful, however, that we will be losing some of our freedoms, especially freedom of speech. I think that they are right.

If we do, most Americans will just do what people have always done throughout history: concentrate on their personal lives & tune out politics. For example, some people have no intention of watching the Inauguration.
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?
I am ready to plant the garden and start canning season.
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?
Not bad but would be better if we weren't all of the sudden so easily offended.
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?

It's not bad as they say, I suggest you buy a house on the south side of chicago or detroit and live in the liberal utopia!!!!
Well, if it wasn't for the government taking all their money and giving it to the Negroes and Mexicans, the Trumpists would have enough money from their Walmart associate job to move out of the trailer and into a nice split level in the suburbs.
Well, if it wasn't for the government taking all their money and giving it to the Negroes and Mexicans, the Trumpists would have enough money from their Walmart associate job to move out of the trailer and into a nice split level in the suburbs. don’t really know a true Trump voter. Just the less than 1% that you see on TV from the News Entertainment media.
The US is too big and diverse to properly address the question, I think. It is somewhat the same as to ask how good the life in the European Union. And of course, the answer will mainly depend on personal perspective and wellbeing.
Well, if it wasn't for the government taking all their money and giving it to the Negroes and Mexicans, the Trumpists would have enough money from their Walmart associate job to move out of the trailer and into a nice split level in the suburbs.
To pay for your taxes?
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?

We all still have a great opportunity to live a good life. Politics are bad but that doesn't define how most Americans live their lives.
I'll never understand all of this anger, and "Save America" and "take our country back" nonsense. The people who involve themselves in this garbage have never shown that they have been subjected to anything any worse than the rest of us have. There have always been riots of various sorts back to the early days of this nation. There have been many assassinations, government-imposed gag-rules, bombings, and attacks on everything from houses of worship to medical clinics to bars. How have these people been more affected than anyone else?

No one needs to take anything back because we are a nation of almost 330 million folks, a nation that has never gone anywhere and does not need saving, much less saving by the likes of these morons.
I'll never understand all of this anger, and "Save America" and "take our country back" nonsense. The people who involve themselves in this garbage have never shown that they have been subjected to anything any worse than the rest of us have. There have always been riots of various sorts back to the early days of this nation. There have been many assassinations, government-imposed gag-rules, bombings, and attacks on everything from houses of worship to medical clinics to bars. How have these people been more affected than anyone else?

No one needs to take anything back because we are a nation of almost 330 million folks, a nation that has never gone anywhere and does not need saving, much less saving by the likes of these morons.
The US is undergoing significant changes in social and maybe political shapes. The changes always scare people because alongside with opportunities they bring uncertainties and issues. One may like it or not, but the US will be much different in say 50 years on than it was 50 years back.
I'll never understand all of this anger, and "Save America" and "take our country back" nonsense. The people who involve themselves in this garbage have never shown that they have been subjected to anything any worse than the rest of us have. There have always been riots of various sorts back to the early days of this nation. There have been many assassinations, government-imposed gag-rules, bombings, and attacks on everything from houses of worship to medical clinics to bars. How have these people been more affected than anyone else?

No one needs to take anything back because we are a nation of almost 330 million folks, a nation that has never gone anywhere and does not need saving, much less saving by the likes of these morons.
The US is undergoing significant changes in social and maybe political shapes. The changes always scare people because alongside with opportunities they bring uncertainties and issues. One may like it or not, but the US will be much different in say 50 years on than it was 50 years back.

This has always been the case, and certainly has been the case in my lifetime. But most folks accept reality and the inevitability of change, and are not violent. These folks seem to have a great sense of entitlement. They are just spoiled.
Just talking to people on this forum you might get the sense that things are pretty bad. People seem very angry and unsatisfied. Is that true though? Nobody really starves in the U.S other than freak situations. Most people can find some kind of employment and decent shelter. Are your lives really so bad that it justifies the anger in politics?

Canada is going to freak out when everyone in Michigan crosses the border.

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