How are you leftist going to deal with islam?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.
That's basically what I was going to in our Constitution and rule of law.

NO religion rules this country. Not Islam, not Buddhism, not Hinduism, not Christianity. You are more than welcome to worship as you please....but you will not make the rules for everyone....and no matter what the religion....when my own.....I will fight and die for that freedom....the freedom of religion and the freedom FROM religion.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.

Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Srebrenica massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Serbs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


yeah.....this happened.....So go fuck yourself racist.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.

Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Fuck you....he said absolutely NOTHING about "punishing" the "blasphemers of Islam" are a lying, dishonest fuck.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.

Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

You forgot to cite the legislation Obama presented to Congress to prosecute and imprison those who are critical of Islam.

Or is this just more whining from the right about ‘political correctness.’

And imagine how conservatives would ‘deal’ with Islam.
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.

Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Now go read the rest of what he said.
As long as their anti american, the homocrats will support them, once they arent, then the democrats will bitch about all of their policies......
I think we should deal with people as individuals and not lump all Muslims together. You might as well ask, how should we deal with those heretical Protestants?
Don’t know about ‘leftists,’ but Constitutional case law will address any religion’s effort to conjoin church and State.

The trick is to not allow conservatives to undermine and weaken Establishment Clause principles, where many on the right seek to codify Christian dogma into secular law.

Vote for the president, he’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who will ensure there is a high and sturdy wall protecting you and others from the scary Muslims.

Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Now go read the rest of what he said.

What: blah, blah, blah? He and his sec. of state have been apologizing for the freedom of speech Americans have because it can "inflame" islamists. The man in the white house does not support the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. He took an oath to uphold the law, and then went on to sign executive orders disregarding the laws he swore to uphold. He has been a liar and a fraud from day one, and Charles Manson and Jim Jones would be proud of the way he has duped his "followers".
I think we should deal with people as individuals and not lump all Muslims together. You might as well ask, how should we deal with those heretical Protestants?

If they want to install Shariah law in this country, they should be deported.

Well that’s idiotic, unsurprisingly; particularly if you’re talking about American citizens. Otherwise you can’t ‘deport’ people simply because they advocate something unpopular or un-Constitutional – conservatives advocate un-Constitutional laws all the time.

There are Christians who want to base our laws on the bible, should they be deported as well?

And obviously as a conservative you’d afford them no due process.
I think we should deal with people as individuals and not lump all Muslims together. You might as well ask, how should we deal with those heretical Protestants?

wow a liberal wants to treat people as individuals......well shit in a bucket......hell must have frozen over
I think we should deal with people as individuals and not lump all Muslims together. You might as well ask, how should we deal with those heretical Protestants?

If they want to install Shariah law in this country, they should be deported.

Well that’s idiotic, unsurprisingly; particularly if you’re talking about American citizens. Otherwise you can’t ‘deport’ people simply because they advocate something unpopular or un-Constitutional – conservatives advocate un-Constitutional laws all the time.

There are Christians who want to base our laws on the bible, should they be deported as well?

And obviously as a conservative you’d afford them no due process.

well since most of them are....probably not.....
That's basically what I was going to in our Constitution and rule of law.

NO religion rules this country. Not Islam, not Buddhism, not Hinduism, not Christianity. You are more than welcome to worship as you please....but you will not make the rules for everyone....and no matter what the religion....when my own.....I will fight and die for that freedom....the freedom of religion and the freedom FROM religion.

Would that be the Constitution as written, or as intreprted and would those be all laws or just the ones a president happens to feel like enforcing?
If MamaObama wins he will continue apologizing ...the way he has done for 4 years.
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Because he already spoke in favor of punishing "blasphemers" of the prophet? That is eroding the freedom of speech. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Now go read the rest of what he said.

What: blah, blah, blah? He and his sec. of state have been apologizing for the freedom of speech Americans have because it can "inflame" islamists. The man in the white house does not support the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. He took an oath to uphold the law, and then went on to sign executive orders disregarding the laws he swore to uphold. He has been a liar and a fraud from day one, and Charles Manson and Jim Jones would be proud of the way he has duped his "followers".

Which makes him different from other politicians, how?

But anyways, back to my statement. Did you go read the rest of what he said, or does it not matter because you'll find a reason to hate him no matter what?
How are you leftist going to deal with islam? Islam isn't fair to other religions or many of your beliefs. It uses violence to get its way throughout all its lands.

Do you seriously believe that a growing islam is going to be fair to your beliefs? You do understand that islam wants to put into place sharia's law and if you let them flood into the west one day that will occur. Look at the violence already for just insulting their prophet! I can't see free speech surviving within such a religion like France, Britain within the next 50 years.

Your down fall maybe at the hands of islam. There's no peace with this religion as it can lie to your face then slide the knife into your backs.

Until you sign up to go fight the scary muslims, I won't take much of what you say seriously.

Here's how I'd deal with Islam.

First, I'd develop energy sources that don't require oil. Instead of spending 900 Billion a year to play hall monitor in the Middle East, we invest in our own infrastructure and develop the cutting edge technologies of the 21st century, not the 19th.

Second, I'd let them know in no uncertain terms, we aren't taking sides in their conflicts. Bibi's Debit Card is going to come back "insufficient funds". An argument about whether Yahweh or Allah has a bigger dick doesn't involve us. Nor do arguments about how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

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