How a small number of powerful far left Democrats are trying to divide us by race.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
In short what is going on in this country is most white people and most Black people are patriotic Americans. We support this country. We go to church, we go to family events. We send our kids to sporting events. Living every day normal lives working very hard contributing to this country. In the past five years or so powerful far left Democrats have attempted to overturn the system. There are a number of reasons this is being done all of them are anti-American. They are attempting to recruit as many people to their side as possible but they don’t have support of the people… right now the far left does have support of powerful rich elite liberals and much of the main stream media. But that support is waining more and more Americans are rejecting the main stream media for alternative news sources …. and if we keep this up then ultimately it will be a victory for America.

We patriotic Americans reject the far left we won’t let the far left win. In the end they can’t win because the will of the American people has always prevail over our enemies. It has been pretty bad with Democrats and the far left pushing race politics during these past four or five years ….as bad as it seems the country has been through worse. So we will prevail.
I reject all extremists on both sides of the political sphere.
This thread is an extremist viewpoint because Trump lost.....Whaaaaa. I reject your lies and your life that has not changed one bit. The opposition of political parties humans are not my enemy they are my friends and I work with and around them five days a week. No one has stopped you from doing anything in this world you have done before.
Its not only race, its gender, its rich versus poor, its young against old. The Democrats deal in fear, without it, they would never win another election,
As we move it to the future and the Democrats are talking about going toward a so-called service industry. Well much of the service industry doesn’t provide union jobs. In the 1960s 35% of all jobs in America were unionized today under 10% of all jobs in this country are unionized. What a fall from Grace if you will

So it seems like the idea of the far left is to have as many Americans working slave service jobs. Basically working a job with no pension, no benefit no union protection. No chance of really getting a good wage. They want us to live in communist style apartments. Notice how the price of homes have skyrocketed.

The hope is that we have politicians come fourth whether independent, democrat or republican and they can bring us better jobs. They can have an answer to the housing crisis. If we work together we can get the price of homes down we can figure out how to bring back more union jobs. We can at least figure out how to bring forth jobs that can give us a good pension or like a good 401(k). Many ideas can be brought forth that’s for sure

I also think that we have a problem with physical fitness in this country. Back in the day the auto plants and steel jobs produced strong men and women. While the service industry doesn’t seem to produce that. So that’s another issue as well.
I reject all extremists on both sides of the political sphere.
This thread is an extremist viewpoint because Trump lost.....Whaaaaa. I reject your lies and your life that has not changed one bit. The opposition of political parties humans are not my enemy they are my friends and I work with and around them five days a week. No one has stopped you from doing anything in this world you have done before.
Your attack on the OP is typical of how Leftists operate. He was making general and accurate statements about the elite Left that is doing everything it can to divide the citizens of this country and you went right after him personally.
As we move it to the future and the Democrats are talking about going toward a so-called service industry. Well much of the service industry doesn’t provide union jobs. In the 1960s 35% of all jobs in America were unionized today under 10% of all jobs in this country are unionized. What a fall from Grace if you will

So it seems like the idea of the far left is to have as many Americans working slave service jobs. Basically working a job with no pension, no benefit no union protection. No chance of really getting a good wage. They want us to live in communist style apartments. Notice how the price of homes have skyrocketed.

The hope is that we have politicians come fourth whether independent, democrat or republican and they can bring us better jobs. They can have an answer to the housing crisis. If we work together we can get the price of homes down we can figure out how to bring back more union jobs. We can at least figure out how to bring forth jobs that can give us a good pension or like a good 401(k). Many ideas can be brought forth that’s for sure

I also think that we have a problem with physical fitness in this country. Back in the day the auto plants and steel jobs produced strong men and women. While the service industry doesn’t seem to produce that. So that’s another issue as well.

I don't believe that unionizing more jobs is the answer, that just makes America businesses raise their prices to cover the higher costs of labor, which makes their stuff too expensive compared to imports from around the world. That's how we lost the auto industry to foreign carmakers, we couldn't compete with them even after they paid the shipping costs to bring their products over here. And not just cars either.
I don't believe that unionizing more jobs is the answer, that just makes America businesses raise their prices to cover the higher costs of labor, which makes their stuff too expensive compared to imports from around the world. That's how we lost the auto industry to foreign carmakers, we couldn't compete with them even after they paid the shipping costs to bring their products over here. And not just cars either.
I agree. I think a portion of the problem is on a whole the system has grown too top heavy with a lot of incompetent peeps in those upper positions.
In short what is going on in this country is most white people and most Black people are patriotic Americans. We support this country. We go to church, we go to family events. We send our kids to sporting events. Living every day normal lives working very hard contributing to this country. In the past five years or so powerful far left Democrats have attempted to overturn the system. There are a number of reasons this is being done all of them are anti-American. They are attempting to recruit as many people to their side as possible but they don’t have support of the people… right now the far left does have support of powerful rich elite liberals and much of the main stream media. But that support is waining more and more Americans are rejecting the main stream media for alternative news sources …. and if we keep this up then ultimately it will be a victory for America.

We patriotic Americans reject the far left we won’t let the far left win. In the end they can’t win because the will of the American people has always prevail over our enemies. It has been pretty bad with Democrats and the far left pushing race politics during these past four or five years ….as bad as it seems the country has been through worse. So we will prevail.
So what are the reasons you think they are trying to destroy the US? Do you think the average liberal holds allegiance to another country, and not the country where they were born and raised, where their families are, and where they have built a life? There is constant talk about anti-American sentiment, but never any explanation of what good the destruction of America would do for liberals.
I reject all extremists on both sides of the political sphere.
This thread is an extremist viewpoint because Trump lost.....Whaaaaa. I reject your lies and your life that has not changed one bit. The opposition of political parties humans are not my enemy they are my friends and I work with and around them five days a week. No one has stopped you from doing anything in this world you have done before.
Then you must reject any group called white lives matter or Black Lives Matter brother. We’re all equal we are all created equal my friend. So we stand on the same side then.

We may have some disagreements but there is a lot more we have in common.
In short what is going on in this country is most white people and most Black people are patriotic Americans. We support this country. We go to church, we go to family events. We send our kids to sporting events. Living every day normal lives working very hard contributing to this country. In the past five years or so powerful far left Democrats have attempted to overturn the system. There are a number of reasons this is being done all of them are anti-American. They are attempting to recruit as many people to their side as possible but they don’t have support of the people… right now the far left does have support of powerful rich elite liberals and much of the main stream media. But that support is waining more and more Americans are rejecting the main stream media for alternative news sources …. and if we keep this up then ultimately it will be a victory for America.

We patriotic Americans reject the far left we won’t let the far left win. In the end they can’t win because the will of the American people has always prevail over our enemies. It has been pretty bad with Democrats and the far left pushing race politics during these past four or five years ….as bad as it seems the country has been through worse. So we will prevail.
That is quite an unhinged apocalyptic screed that you seem to have pulled from the dark recesses of your paranoid and delusional mind. Too bad that it lacks any semblance of substance or any relationship to reality.

To start with, you ominously refer to a “small group of Democrats......” but fail to name any, nor do you really explain how thay are “trying to divide us by race” or how they are trying to “overturn the system” that you describe as consisting of being patriotic, working hard, going to work, church and sporting events”

And while you mention race in your OP tittle, there is no further mention of it anywhere, which is the weakest and most ridiculous part of your weak and ridiculous post

So, again, which Democrats are trying to destroy all of that and exactly how are they doing it? You also fail to explain what the possible motive would be, or how these rough Democrats are trying to recruit others to join them

I get the feeling that you have some strange ideas of what patriotism is but fail to discuss it. A standard definition of patriotism is “

Patriotism Definition . Along with love, patriotism is the feeling of pride, devotion, and attachment to a homeland, as well as a feeling of attachment to other patriotic citizens. The feelings of attachment may be further bound up in factors like race or ethnicity, culture, religious beliefs, or history.

But do not be constrained by that. Feel free to elaborate and expand on it. Once you have accomplished that, the next step is to identify the patriots, or those who may not be patriots.

So please tell us, how has this shadowy group of radical Democrats been unpatriotic.? Please be specific using actual issues that they have pursued or advocated for that, in your mind have rendered them unpatriotic. Please be sure include the role of race in your analysis

Your failure to addresses these issue renders your blather to nothing more than a boatload of bizarre and belligerent bovine excrement
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