House Passes National Defense Funding Bill That Rescinds US Military’s Covid Vaccine Mandate.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
No more vaccine mandates for the US military. Will the president sign it?

"The House of Representatives on Thursday passed a national defense funding bill that rolls back the US military’s Covid vaccine mandate. The bill passed the House in a 350 to 80 vote and will head to the Senate. It is unclear if Joe Biden will sign the measure.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin imposed a vaccine mandate for US troops last year. Lloyd Austin wants the vaccine mandate for the US military to stay in place and Joe Biden agrees. “The president agrees with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that the Pentagon should continue to require all service members be vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters."

House Passes National Defense Funding Bill That Rescinds US Military's Covid Vaccine Mandate
I want it rescinded but I hope he doesn't sign it so this crazy funding doesn't pass.
No more vaccine mandates for the US military. Will the president sign it?

"The House of Representatives on Thursday passed a national defense funding bill that rolls back the US military’s Covid vaccine mandate. The bill passed the House in a 350 to 80 vote and will head to the Senate. It is unclear if Joe Biden will sign the measure.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin imposed a vaccine mandate for US troops last year. Lloyd Austin wants the vaccine mandate for the US military to stay in place and Joe Biden agrees. “The president agrees with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that the Pentagon should continue to require all service members be vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters."

House Passes National Defense Funding Bill That Rescinds US Military's Covid Vaccine Mandate
No more Covid-19 shots that don't mean no more shots for military personnel.
No more Covid-19 shots that don't mean no more shots for military personnel.

It isn't the other vaccines that are killing people.

You might want to read between the lines and think really hard as to why they're not mandating the covid vaccine for military personnel. Do we really want our military to be susceptible to the detrimental effects the vaccine has been proven to cause?
It isn't the other vaccines that are killing people.

You might want to read between the lines and think really hard as to why they're not mandating the covid vaccine for military personnel. Do we really want our military to be susceptible to the detrimental effects the vaccine has been proven to cause?
Every vaccine has a percentage of detrimental side effects involved, there is no perfect weapon.
It isn't the other vaccines that are killing people.

You might want to read between the lines and think really hard as to why they're not mandating the covid vaccine for military personnel. Do we really want our military to be susceptible to the detrimental effects the vaccine has been proven to cause?

Master of the "Big Lie" aren't you there, Herr Himmler?
Master of the "Big Lie" aren't you there, Herr Himmler?

Ask yourself this question: What else would have caused the startling increase in sudden deaths, starting in 2021? What do we now have that we didn't have prior to then?

Occam's Razor, bro. “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.” Hell, even the CDC has admitted it.

COVID-19 Vaccination
It isn't the other vaccines that are killing people.

You might want to read between the lines and think really hard as to why they're not mandating the covid vaccine for military personnel. Do we really want our military to be susceptible to the detrimental effects the vaccine has been proven to cause?
They already have more vaccines using the same technology and dangerous adjuvants; thus if you are still under the notion that all other vaccines are safe you aren't keeping up with what big pharma is doing.
Ask yourself this question: What else would have caused the startling increase in sudden deaths, starting in 2021? What do we now have that we didn't have prior to then?

Occam's Razor, bro. “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.” Hell, even the CDC has admitted it.

COVID-19 Vaccination
What increase in sudden deaths? Let's see your proof that exists first!
No more vaccine mandates for the US military. Will the president sign it?

"The House of Representatives on Thursday passed a national defense funding bill that rolls back the US military’s Covid vaccine mandate. The bill passed the House in a 350 to 80 vote and will head to the Senate. It is unclear if Joe Biden will sign the measure.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin imposed a vaccine mandate for US troops last year. Lloyd Austin wants the vaccine mandate for the US military to stay in place and Joe Biden agrees. “The president agrees with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that the Pentagon should continue to require all service members be vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters."

House Passes National Defense Funding Bill That Rescinds US Military's Covid Vaccine Mandate
I dunno..I do note that the bill, which is on Biden's desk as we speak, does NOT reinstate any of those discharged for refusing the shot..not does it upgrade discharges, nor does it offer any reparations or restore any lost benefits.

4 Republican Senators voted against a last-minute amendment, which would have reinstated the discharged service members.

Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.
“These were direct orders from commanding officers,” Cassidy said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who announced the vaccine mandate. “I voted to end the COVID vaccine mandate in the military, but it is not Congress’s place to intervene in the chain of command and set a precedent for military personnel to ignore direct orders.”

The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s (DOD) August 2021 requirement that all service-members receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information the DOD provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation. While the bicameral defense bill released late Tuesday directs the Pentagon to rescind the mandate, it stopped short of requiring the military to restore discharged troops to their prior positions or provide reparations.
I dunno..I do note that the bill, which is on Biden's desk as we speak, does NOT reinstate any of those discharged for refusing the shot..not does it upgrade discharges, nor does it offer any reparations or restore any lost benefits.

4 Republican Senators voted against a last-minute amendment, which would have reinstated the discharged service members.

Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.
“These were direct orders from commanding officers,” Cassidy said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who announced the vaccine mandate. “I voted to end the COVID vaccine mandate in the military, but it is not Congress’s place to intervene in the chain of command and set a precedent for military personnel to ignore direct orders.”

The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s (DOD) August 2021 requirement that all service-members receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information the DOD provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation. While the bicameral defense bill released late Tuesday directs the Pentagon to rescind the mandate, it stopped short of requiring the military to restore discharged troops to their prior positions or provide reparations.

Only four Republicans? So how many Democrats voted against giving those service members back what they deserve? All of them?

Democrats have had a long history of not really caring for our military members. Looks like you've picked up a couple friends along the way, eh?
Only four Republicans? So how many Democrats voted against giving those service members back what they deserve? All of them?

Democrats have had a long history of not really caring for our military members. Looks like you've picked up a couple friends along the way, eh?
You serve? It's all about obeying orders. Those who refused chose not to obey orders..lawful orders. You would have no issue with an order that results in casualties, right? I also point out that, afaik, there have been zero deaths resulting from military COVID vaxxing. Even if there had been, them's the breaks. The rules are different for serving military.
I got to laugh at your long history the right has lately been anything but caring about service members..led by Trump.
Given the probable cultural positions of most of those shit-canned...good riddance.

Oh yeah, they got what they deserved..for refusing to obey lawful orders. Reinstating them would have sent the entirely wrong message~
You serve? It's all about obeying orders. Those who refused chose not to obey orders..lawful orders. You would have no issue with an order that results in casualties, right? I also point out that, afaik, there have been zero deaths resulting from military COVID vaxxing. Even if there had been, them's the breaks. The rules are different for serving military.
I got to laugh at your long history the right has lately been anything but caring about service members..led by Trump.
Given the probable cultural positions of most of those shit-canned...good riddance.

Oh yeah, they got what they deserved..for refusing to obey lawful orders. Reinstating them would have sent the entirely wrong message~

Yes I served. And any soldier can refuse to obey an order that's illegal or unconstitutional. That's called the "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That would include the self-destructive act of allowing themselves to be injected with an unknown and untested substance that has been proven to cause injury and death.
Yes I served. And any soldier can refuse to obey an order that's illegal or unconstitutional. That's called the "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That would include the self-destructive act of allowing themselves to be injected with an unknown and untested substance that has been proven to cause injury and death.
Courts say not....and the order to vaxx was legal. I get your logic..but it does not serve. This isn't even a new issue. More than once, the military has mandated medications that caused harm..for some. I had a reaction the Typhoid vaccine in Boot Camp. Oh well~

Then there is the case of the Anthrax antidote pills of Gulf War 1.
Excellent news! :thup:

"Leading up to the decision, the Defense Department had already ceased all punitive actions against personnel who refused the shot."

Sadly, too late for some.

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