House Intel Investigating IC IG Handling of the Whistle Blower Complaint


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Since House Intel Committee Chairman D-Adam Schiff was so reluctant to share critical information - or any evidence - regarding the notorious 'Whistle Blower complaint' that was the basis for the Democrats' record-setting impeachment of the President, the House Intel GOP are being forced to investigate the matter on their own.

What came out of the House Intel Coup Hearings regarding he 'Whistle Blower' complaint was:
- The 'Whistle Blower' did not qualify as a 'Whistle Blower' according to the Whistle Blower Law

- The 'Whistle Blower' did not witness anything and did not have any 1st-hand account knowledge

- The prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ reviewed the complaint and DISMISSED it because 1) The 'Whistle Blower' did not qualify as one under the law, 2) the 'Whistleblower' admitted they did not witness anything, and 3) There was no evidence a crime was committed

- The IC IG changed the rules to allow complaints that had no merit - that was not filed by someone who actually witnessed a crime / violation - to be expedited directly to the House Intel Committee, where admitted Intel-leaking, false crimes claimer Adam Schiff waited to create a crime / Impeachable offense

- The 'Whistle Blower' communicated with Schiff and his staff before filing the complaint

- Schiff defended his / his staff's communications with the 'Whistle Blower'

- Schiff threatened to punish anyone who released the identity of the 'Whistle Blower'

- When called to reveal the identity of the 'Whistle Blower' / have them testify Schiff suddenly claimed not to know the identity of the individual (So how did he communicate with them, as he could he punish anyone who released the identity if he did not know...?

- LAWYER D-Schiff told his fellow 400+ LAWYER House colleagues that a law existed affording the NON-QUALIFYING 'Whistle Blower' the protection of 'anonymity' and 'immunity'
--- When the actual law was presented to Schiff proving it did not exist and when his colleagues challenged him to produce the law he claimed existed, Schiff abandoned his claim (like the false claim for 2+ years that he had evidence of crimes committed by the President) and has refused to provide any such law (Feel free to jump in here DL since you made the same exact claim in defense of Schiff)

The last thing Democrats want is more digging into their 'weakest case for Impeachment in US history', especially after the US IG has exposed more holes in the 'Collusion Delusion' coup attempt than in a slice of Swiss cheese....and more rats than in a rundown cheese factory.

House Intel Republicans investigating inspector general handling of whistleblower complaint
Schiff already admitted to illegally leaking classified / sensitive information.

He was caught committing Sedition by knowingly, intentionally falsely claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, claiming so for 2+years before being forced to admit he had no such evidence.

He was caught during the Intel Committee Hearing lying about the Whistle Blower.

He was caught during the House Intel Committee Hearing attempting to present a self-authored fictional account of the phone call between the Ukraine PM and President as 'evidence' of a crime. Once revealed, he and the Leftist media were forced to claim his attempt had been a 'parody' presented during the somber House Impeachment Hearing.

Hopefully, like the US IG has done with Obama Agency directors and administration members, the House GOP Intel members will expose criminal wrongdoing by the IC IG and perhaps Schiff himself.
Schiff already admitted to illegally leaking classified / sensitive information.

He was caught committing Sedition by knowingly, intentionally falsely claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, claiming so for 2+years before being forced to admit he had no such evidence.

He was caught during the Intel Committee Hearing lying about the Whistle Blower.

He was caught during the House Intel Committee Hearing attempting to present a self-authored fictional account of the phone call between the Ukraine PM and President as 'evidence' of a crime. Once revealed, he and the Leftist media were forced to claim his attempt had been a 'parody' presented during the somber House Impeachment Hearing.

Hopefully, like the US IG has done with Obama Agency directors and administration members, the House GOP Intel members will expose criminal wrongdoing by the IC IG and perhaps Schiff himself.

I think the have the answer to all your problems! It is: You MUST take a SERIOUS look into yourself. Only then can you fully embrace your inner idiot. And people say idiots will inherit the Earth some day. Sweet, bro! MAGA
There's going to be so many democrats in prison we're going to have to build more of them :banana:

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