Hopefully with flea season coming everyone with pets will read this article


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Fleas and ticks are a continuous battle here in the Midwest and many other areas we have travel with our pony size dogs. I never liked using the pesticides that you put on the dogs or pesticides around the areas they are so we have looked for alternatives. We have used diatomaceous earth which works somewhat, the bars of soap. We now use essential oils plus the chickens outside and that seems to be working fairly well. I also give them the heart worming meds and that cuts down on fleas eggs being able to hatch out. It not all perfect but better than losing one of our precious pets. Our mommy dog is now over thirteen years old and hanging in there. That is a pretty good age for a Great Pyrenees. She's a bit slow and can't hold it well when she needs out to potty so she does drop just outside the door at times but at that age I can understand a bit of an accident from time to time and a little extra cleanup.

We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides. That includes what is being grown right into in our food as EPA just gives the exemptions they hand out when they go over the limits no matter how many complaints, illnesses or deaths are caused.

He came inside his mom when our daughter brought us the three year old Great Pyrenees she could no longer keep. It was "By the way mom **** thinks she's pregnant". Sure enough she was. A lot of moaning and groaning from her (she's very vocal but we had not learned what all her noises meant yet) weeks later and she plopped the cutest fuzz ball out on the downstairs floor. He was the only one she had. He's half Pyre and half Border collie but much bigger than his mom.

Bravura aka Bravi.jpg
We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides.

See what happens when you vote for people like Trump?
. . . . all of them, they are all the same.

And none of them have power over the bureaucracy anymore.

We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides.

See what happens when you vote for people like Trump?
First time I ever posted about EPA giving exemption after exemption for glyphosate being grown into the food an rocket fuel in Winter lettuce was on this site back in 2010. Push your ignorance off on someone who knows better than your bullshit and partisan hate.
We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides.

See what happens when you vote for people like Trump?
First time I ever posted about EPA giving exemption after exemption for glyphosate being grown into the food an rocket fuel in Winter lettuce was on this site back in 2010. Push your ignorance off on someone who knows better than your bullshit and partisan hate.
You love yer corporate donors because that is how presidents are made..That is why I grow my own food so I know exactly what is used upon it and my dogs stay away from flea meds from companies that have the Chinese manufacture their products. Feed them garlic there are also organic non-pesticide containing flea repellents.
We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides.

See what happens when you vote for people like Trump?
First time I ever posted about EPA giving exemption after exemption for glyphosate being grown into the food an rocket fuel in Winter lettuce was on this site back in 2010. Push your ignorance off on someone who knows better than your bullshit and partisan hate.
You love yer corporate donors because that is how presidents are made..That is why I grow my own food so I know exactly what is used upon it and my dogs stay away from flea meds from companies that have the Chinese manufacture their products. Feed them garlic there are also organic non-pesticide containing flea repellents.
You ignorant twit, the legislators and DOJ, FDA and EPA are the ones that should be taking the chemical beast to task. They won't because they love their illicit commerce, their personal investments, the money it puts into their reelection campaigns; and not only that your democrat slave enablers and government unions depend on that stock market to give their retirement funds any value.
We no longer have a government by the people for the people that will protect and defend us or our environment from obvious known hazards of dangerous pesticides.

See what happens when you vote for people like Trump?
First time I ever posted about EPA giving exemption after exemption for glyphosate being grown into the food an rocket fuel in Winter lettuce was on this site back in 2010. Push your ignorance off on someone who knows better than your bullshit and partisan hate.
You love yer corporate donors because that is how presidents are made..That is why I grow my own food so I know exactly what is used upon it and my dogs stay away from flea meds from companies that have the Chinese manufacture their products. Feed them garlic there are also organic non-pesticide containing flea repellents.
You ignorant twit, the legislators and DOJ, FDA and EPA are the ones that should be taking the chemical beast to task. They won't because they love their illicit commerce, their personal investments, the money it puts into their reelection campaigns; and not only that your democrat slave enablers and government unions depend on that stock market to give their retirement funds any value.
And it is done by both Repubs and Dems which is why you can't trust any of them.
Did you ever figure out how to renew your Texass DL? Or is it still in need of an arbitrator? Have you ever tried to grow five acers of a cash crop to not be able to spray pest control fluids or powders and have to go out and either vacuum the bugs or pick them off one by one killing them? Have you ever had to pick fleas off a dog and spend hours doing it just for them to repopulate the dog overnight? Ever see a dog slowly bled to death by massive flea infestation? Do you do anything in yer life but be old and bitter?
Did you ever figure out how to renew your Texass DL? Or is it still in need of an arbitrator? Have you ever tried to grow five acers of a cash crop to not be able to spray pest control fluids or powders and have to go out and either vacuum the bugs or pick them off one by one killing them? Have you ever had to pick fleas off a dog and spend hours doing it just for them to repopulate the dog overnight? Ever see a dog slowly bled to death by massive flea infestation? Do you do anything in yer life but be old and bitter?
STFU, stupid

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