Home Secretary resigns after lying to Parliament about racist immigration policy

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
UK interior minister Amber Rudd resigns over immigration scandal

Britain's Home Secretary Amber Rudd resigned today as pressure mounted on her to quit the cabinet post amid a scandal over authorities mistreatment of long-term UK residents wrongly labelled as illegal immigrants.

Rudd, who was due to make a House of Commons statement later in the day, had been under increasing pressure to quit over the scandal involving Caribbean immigrants who were brought to the UK from the so-called "Windrush generation" from the 1940s.

She had faced criticism over the existence of UK Home Office deportation targets and her knowledge of them.

"The prime minister [Theresa May] has tonight accepted the resignation of the Home Secretary," a Downing Street spokesperson said.

Rudd, who faced calls to step down from the opposition Labour Party, telephoned May to inform her of her decision to resign.

Rudd had been under pressure to explain apparent discrepancies between her evidence to the Parliaments Home Affairs Select Committee last week denying any knowledge of deportation targets for illegal migrants in the UK Home Office headed by her and a memo leaked to the media that linked her to such targets.

The furor has grown since The Guardian reported that some people who came to the UK from the Caribbean in the decades after World War II had recently been refused medical care in Britain or threatened with deportation because they could not produce paperwork proving their right to reside in the country.

Those affected belong to the Windrush generation, named for the ship Empire Windrush, which in 1948 brought hundreds of Caribbean immigrants to Britain to help it rebuild after the devastation of World War II.

In recent weeks Rudd and May have apologised repeatedly to the Windrush generation, saying all pre-1973 Commonwealth immigrants who do not already have British citizenship will get it, and those affected will get compensation.

This is just the start of it. Rudd lied to parliament and Theresa May knew she was lying and stayed silent.

Even my tory friend is embarrassed and not taking calls.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
It was an accumulation of lies. Firstly there were no targets and then there were local targets but she wasnt aware of them. She then went to parliament and stated that there were no targets that she was aware of. I dont know what the american equivalent is.
Anyway the day after that a letter was leaked to the press. The letter showed her discussing the "ambitious" targets with Mrs May.
She had to go.
UK interior minister Amber Rudd resigns over immigration scandal

Britain's Home Secretary Amber Rudd resigned today as pressure mounted on her to quit the cabinet post amid a scandal over authorities mistreatment of long-term UK residents wrongly labelled as illegal immigrants.

Rudd, who was due to make a House of Commons statement later in the day, had been under increasing pressure to quit over the scandal involving Caribbean immigrants who were brought to the UK from the so-called "Windrush generation" from the 1940s.

She had faced criticism over the existence of UK Home Office deportation targets and her knowledge of them.

"The prime minister [Theresa May] has tonight accepted the resignation of the Home Secretary," a Downing Street spokesperson said.

Rudd, who faced calls to step down from the opposition Labour Party, telephoned May to inform her of her decision to resign.

Rudd had been under pressure to explain apparent discrepancies between her evidence to the Parliaments Home Affairs Select Committee last week denying any knowledge of deportation targets for illegal migrants in the UK Home Office headed by her and a memo leaked to the media that linked her to such targets.

The furor has grown since The Guardian reported that some people who came to the UK from the Caribbean in the decades after World War II had recently been refused medical care in Britain or threatened with deportation because they could not produce paperwork proving their right to reside in the country.

Those affected belong to the Windrush generation, named for the ship Empire Windrush, which in 1948 brought hundreds of Caribbean immigrants to Britain to help it rebuild after the devastation of World War II.

In recent weeks Rudd and May have apologised repeatedly to the Windrush generation, saying all pre-1973 Commonwealth immigrants who do not already have British citizenship will get it, and those affected will get compensation.

This is just the start of it. Rudd lied to parliament and Theresa May knew she was lying and stayed silent.

Even my tory friend is embarrassed and not taking calls.
Hey Douche how is that crime doing over there in London? Huh, you fucking worthless piece of trash, that called me a coward because I will avoid that city with a plague upon it?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
There were 15 murders in London in February against 14 in New York, according to London’s Metropolitan Police Service and the New York Police Department. For March, 22 murders were investigated in London, with 21 reports in New York.
I wont go to either city, full of shit fuck liberals...
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
It was an accumulation of lies. Firstly there were no targets and then there were local targets but she wasnt aware of them. She then went to parliament and stated that there were no targets that she was aware of. I dont know what the american equivalent is.
Anyway the day after that a letter was leaked to the press. The letter showed her discussing the "ambitious" targets with Mrs May.
She had to go.
Good. At least in one nation, government 'workers' are forced out for lying.

In the USA, an entire administration can lie about four dead Americans in Benghazi, and not-a-one is fired or resigns. They also lied repeatedly about their healthcare plan, their gun running to drug cartels, and government transparency...to name just a few.

Isn't America great?
I don't care what happens in England. England has become a cesspool of muslims, crime has gone through the roof, and flipping off a red light camera sends you to prison. Just let it die peacefully.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
It was an accumulation of lies. Firstly there were no targets and then there were local targets but she wasnt aware of them. She then went to parliament and stated that there were no targets that she was aware of. I dont know what the american equivalent is.
Anyway the day after that a letter was leaked to the press. The letter showed her discussing the "ambitious" targets with Mrs May.
She had to go.
Good. At least in one nation, government 'workers' are forced out for lying.

In the USA, an entire administration can lie about four dead Americans in Benghazi, and not-a-one is fired or resigns. They also lied repeatedly about their healthcare plan, their gun running to drug cartels, and government transparency...to name just a few.

Isn't America great?
She hung on for 3 weeks acting as a human shield for the Prime Minister who implemented the policy when she was Home Secretary. Dont think that the politicians in the UK are any different to your own. She would still be in the job if there hadnt been a whistle blower in the Home Office.
British citizens have died because of this policy and a resignation is the least that should happen.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
It was an accumulation of lies. Firstly there were no targets and then there were local targets but she wasnt aware of them. She then went to parliament and stated that there were no targets that she was aware of. I dont know what the american equivalent is.
Anyway the day after that a letter was leaked to the press. The letter showed her discussing the "ambitious" targets with Mrs May.
She had to go.
Good. At least in one nation, government 'workers' are forced out for lying.

In the USA, an entire administration can lie about four dead Americans in Benghazi, and not-a-one is fired or resigns. They also lied repeatedly about their healthcare plan, their gun running to drug cartels, and government transparency...to name just a few.

Isn't America great?
She hung on for 3 weeks acting as a human shield for the Prime Minister who implemented the policy when she was Home Secretary. Dont think that the politicians in the UK are any different to your own. She would still be in the job if there hadnt been a whistle blower in the Home Office.
British citizens have died because of this policy and a resignation is the least that should happen.
Time for May to exit too.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.

In the US there are only two parties and the two parties will always be there scratching each others' backs.

In the UK there are more parties.
IMO, England is so far gone, the people may as well become Frenchmen.
What's the big deal? American politicians and bureaucrats lie ALL the time and there are no consequences. The liars in the previous administration included just about everyone, and no one resigned.
It was an accumulation of lies. Firstly there were no targets and then there were local targets but she wasnt aware of them. She then went to parliament and stated that there were no targets that she was aware of. I dont know what the american equivalent is.
Anyway the day after that a letter was leaked to the press. The letter showed her discussing the "ambitious" targets with Mrs May.
She had to go.
Good. At least in one nation, government 'workers' are forced out for lying.

In the USA, an entire administration can lie about four dead Americans in Benghazi, and not-a-one is fired or resigns. They also lied repeatedly about their healthcare plan, their gun running to drug cartels, and government transparency...to name just a few.

Isn't America great?
She hung on for 3 weeks acting as a human shield for the Prime Minister who implemented the policy when she was Home Secretary. Dont think that the politicians in the UK are any different to your own. She would still be in the job if there hadnt been a whistle blower in the Home Office.
British citizens have died because of this policy and a resignation is the least that should happen.
Time for May to exit too.
I would imagine that she would love to get out. Her only job is trying to deliver brexit , a policy she voted against.
She has no friends in her own party and her government is propped up by the DUP.
The DUP have a veto over any brexit deal that May might want to do. The Irish border is a problem without a solution and the EU have given a June deadline for the UK to find one.
Its possible that the next few months will see her government collapse and brexit along with it.

In comparison with the UK, Trumps administration is a smooth running machine.

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