Holy hot holocene, Batman!


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
CO2 Science

"More specifically, the Swedish scientist's study includes a sample of 455 radiocarbon-dated mega-fossils (258 Pinus, 172 Betula, 25 Alnus) that originated from the present-day tree line ecotone and above, thirteen of which had not previously been published. And the resulting history he developed indicates that "summer temperatures during the early Holocene thermal optimum may have been 2.3°C higher than present," which difference, in Kullman's words, "corresponds to a general cooling trend of 0.24°C/century, which matches the Milankovitch model of orbitally-driven climate forcing (cf. Berger, 1988; Esper et al., 2012) and indicates that this mechanism has operated as the ultimate driver of climate change throughout the Holocene.""
Thanks for time-check GoldiRocks.. Let's all sync our sundials..

I THINK what we're hearing is that there was ALREADY one "overshoot" coming INTO the Holcene period. And like the dampened oscillations of a spring freely released --- we might just be seeing another echo of that Milankovich impulse..
Point is, as has been noted on many previous occasions, what might have been the primary drivers 20,000 years ago is most assuredly not guaranteed to be the primary driver at present. You can't pretend all that CO2 just isn't there, nor that it got there by any natural process.

It's time for you guys to read the writing on the wall. Human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the warming we've undergone since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
There's also the point that the referenced study looks at nothing but the tree line in Sweden. I'm not a dendrochronologist, but I think inferring the Earth's temperature to a tenth of a degree by the position of the tree line of three species in an isolated location is a great deal more than a stretch.
Yes let us start studying climate during a warming phase and blame humans so we can push our agenda on others.

Have you run out of original thoughts?

What does this even MEAN?

"Hide the Decline".

Anyone believing the hockey stick hoax can not be taken seriously.

Anyone that only wants to look at the past 100 years is also not be taken seriously.
Yes let us start studying climate during a warming phase and blame humans so we can push our agenda on others.

Have you run out of original thoughts?

What does this even MEAN?

"Hide the Decline".

Anyone believing the hockey stick hoax can not be taken seriously.

Anyone that only wants to look at the past 100 years is also not be taken seriously.

Ever the dumb fuck with not a thing to support your idiotic posts.

NOAA Paleoclimatology Global Warming - The Data

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years

This is a matter of science, so these links are to the real science from real scientists.
Have you run out of original thoughts?

What does this even MEAN?

"Hide the Decline".

Anyone believing the hockey stick hoax can not be taken seriously.

Anyone that only wants to look at the past 100 years is also not be taken seriously.

Ever the dumb fuck with not a thing to support your idiotic posts.

NOAA Paleoclimatology Global Warming - The Data

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years

This is a matter of science, so these links are to the real science from real scientists.

Oh my anyone linking to the Mann Hockey stick is definitely not interested in science.
Have you run out of original thoughts?

What does this even MEAN?

"Hide the Decline".

Anyone believing the hockey stick hoax can not be taken seriously.

Anyone that only wants to look at the past 100 years is also not be taken seriously.

Ever the dumb fuck with not a thing to support your idiotic posts.

NOAA Paleoclimatology Global Warming - The Data

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years

This is a matter of science, so these links are to the real science from real scientists.

And the link I provided wasn't?

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