Holy CRAP, Electoral College Trump gameplan from Dec 14


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Found this article from back in December on what they plan to do today, introduce a second set of electors for these 3 states they will object to.

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, December 14, 2020
Republican elector nominees in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania cast votes for President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Monday in hopes a court might overturn Joseph R. Biden’s win, even as the Electoral College voted across the nation to certify the Democrat’s victory.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer said Republican elector nominees met at the state capitol to cast votes for Mr. Trump because a Trump campaign lawsuit challenging the state’s election is still pending.

“Had we not meet today and cast our votes, the President’s pending election contest would have been effectively mooted. Our action today preserves his rights under Georgia law,” Mr. Shafer tweeted.

The Pennsylvania GOP said the Trump campaign asked Republican elector nominees to vote for Mr. Trump to preserve the right to another legal challenge that could overturn Mr. Biden’s win.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward,” Trump campaign Pennsylvania chair Bernie Comfort said in a statement. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward said Republican elector nominees also met Monday to vote for Mr. Trump. She said legal challenges to the election are still being heard.

“It is imperative that the proper electors are counted by Congress,” she said.

The actions keep open the option of sending pro-Trump slates of electors to Congress, which will vote on Jan. 6 on whether to accept each state’s electoral votes. Congress can only approve one slate of electors from each state, either for Mr. Biden or for Mr. Trump.

The Electoral College was voting in all 50 state capitals on Monday to confirm Mr. Biden’s 306 electoral votes, and Mr. Trump’s 232. A candidate needs 270 to win the presidency.
So, this has been Trump' s campaign plan, all along, from months ago....?
Not to worry, the budding fascist ploys will be voted down by both chambers and the legal state certified votes will be counted.
Not to worry, the budding fascist ploys will be voted down by both chambers and the legal state certified votes will be counted.
Thanks for the reassurances.... but it just shows this plan goes way back, for his team setting this up with the Republican legislatures.... since when is it not cheating or illegal, for one candidate to work behind the scenes against the will of the people, with a State legislature, to take legislative actions to usurp the will of the people?
The Electoral College was voting in all 50 state capitals on Monday to confirm Mr. Biden’s 306 electoral votes, and Mr. Trump’s 232. A candidate needs 270 to win the presidency.

There little game will win them nothing. But it will really put into question what they did.

The electors have to file certificates signed by the governor and sent to the National Archivist according to 3 USC 6.

As they held these votes in secret, there is no way the governor signed the certificates, and even if they sent them to the National Archivist, they didn't come with the ascertainment certificates.

They can introduce them, but they're in no way legitimate.
Preserve legal claims when all the legal claims have meet an early death. So is this what the future holds that states controlled by one party can preserve legal claims.
Not to worry, the budding fascist ploys will be voted down by both chambers and the legal state certified votes will be counted.
Thanks for the reassurances.... but it just shows this plan goes way back, for his team setting this up with the Republican legislatures.... since when is it not cheating or illegal, for one candidate to work behind the scenes against the will of the people, with a State legislature, to take legislative actions to usurp the will of the people?

The strategy will fail because he is contesting CERTIFIED EC votes of 6 states. The second set of 6 states not certified by any of those 6 states, can be ignored.

If they succeed on any or all of the contested votes, it would automatically go to Trump.

Their strategy is hilarious and a waste of effort.
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Gosh, thanks for all responses!

McConnell just gave a good speech on it.... I can't believe I am even saying this about McConnell.... but he hit some good points.
The strategy will fail because he is contesting CERTIFIED EC votes of 6 states. The second set of 6 states not certified by any of those 6 states, can be ignored.

Their strategy is hilarious!

The article mentioned Georgia (16 EC), Pennsylvania (20 EC) and Arizona (11 EC) that comes to 47 EC votes,

Their plan required then to throw out Bidens 47 EC votes from those three states, and add in those 47EC votes to Trumps totals.

Bringing the new total to 259 Biden to 279 Trump.

The only problem with that immediate math is that those added electors, brings the required majority of the now 585 electors appointed, to 293 votes needed to win.

This would throw the election into the house and senate.

But as neither the house and senate will agree to throw out the Biden votes, and have Pence procedurally accept the Trump votes, that would still leave Biden with 306 votes, where he needs but 293 to win.

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