Someone may have already posted on this, but am I the only one who is perplexed over the consistent labelling of Najaf as "the holy city of Najaf" in stories that come out of the Associated Press, with no attribution? It doesn't say, "Najaf, a city considered holy by Shiites because of the presence of a shrine," it says "the holy city of Najaf" as if this quality of holiness is an undisputed fact. I'm not aware of any other cities that get this unqualified label- not Jerusalem, not Vatican City, not any other cities that have shrines or mosques, churches or synagogues. Yet since I first heard of Najaf I have seen it referred to as "holy." This is bad journalism and bad writing. "Najaf is in Iraq," or "Najaf is considered holy by Shi'ites," are valid facts. "The city is holy" is only true if you interviewed God about it.