Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
This is the typical mind of any given homicidal maniac. Unfortunately one always slips through the cracks and wreaks havoc.
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
So all these Holocaust museums we're paying for all over the place are in memory of Jewish victims only? Christian victims are less important?
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
So all these Holocaust museums we're paying for all over the place are in memory of Jewish victims only? Christian victims are less important?
It was mostly Jews that were killed in the death camps
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
So all these Holocaust museums we're paying for all over the place are in memory of Jewish victims only? Christian victims are less important?
It was mostly Jews that were killed in the death camps
You couldn't be more wrong. Even if you take the 6 million Jewish victims figure (and not even the Auschwitz museum dares bandy that number about anymore), it still pales by comparison to the 66 million Christians the Jew-dominated Bolsheviks killed.
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
So all these Holocaust museums we're paying for all over the place are in memory of Jewish victims only? Christian victims are less important?
It was mostly Jews that were killed in the death camps
You couldn't be more wrong. Even if you take the 6 million Jewish victims figure (and not even the Auschwitz museum dares bandy that number about anymore), it still pales by comparison to the 66 million Christians the Jew-dominated Bolsheviks killed.
Ok I see ?? You’re a Nazi !!
The Bolsheviks were as Russian as Vodka
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
So all these Holocaust museums we're paying for all over the place are in memory of Jewish victims only? Christian victims are less important?
It was mostly Jews that were killed in the death camps
You couldn't be more wrong. Even if you take the 6 million Jewish victims figure (and not even the Auschwitz museum dares bandy that number about anymore), it still pales by comparison to the 66 million Christians the Jew-dominated Bolsheviks killed.
Ok I see ?? You’re a Nazi !!
The Bolsheviks were as Russian as Vodka
LOL, such ignorance. Sad, really.

On September 16, 1918, the British ambassador to Norway, Sir Mansfeldt Findlay, who oversaw the shipment of arms and supplies from the Allies to Russia during the First World War, sent a message by telegraph to British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in London containing the report of the Dutch ambassador to Russia on the conditions inside Russia under the Bolsheviks. Sir Findlay ends the message with:

I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.

The February 8, 1920, edition of the Illustrated Sunday Herald (London) carried an article by Winston Churchill in which the future prime minister wrote:

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others... In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses...

The Russian common man, too, saw Bolshevism as Jewish. On March 13, 1919, as the Red Terror was just reaching cruising altitude, Lenin went personally to address striking workers at a factory in St Petersburg. He was confronted by a hostile crowd shouting, "Down with the Jews, down with the Commissars!" (Later, two hundred strikers were shot.)

In the Russian civil war, the military and political leaders on all sides saw Bolshevism as a Jewish enterprise. The Whites, who fought the Reds, systematically and routinely conflated Jew and Bolshevik, subjecting tens of thousands of Russian Jews to mass executions on those grounds. In an anti-Bolshevik backlash, independent Ukrainian militia units also brutally slaughtered Jewish civilians, as did the Greens—local militias comprised of farmers and peasants.

The city of Minsk had the largest population of Jews in the Soviet Union. Bolshevism had never really taken hold there because leftist Jewish political energy had long been absorbed by the Jewish Workers Bund. Once in power, the Bolsheviks outlawed all other parties, so the Jewish Workers Bund became the Minsk Bolshevik party” The Bund had held some of its meetings in synagogues before the revolution. After assuming the mantle of the Bolsheviks, they simply made the arrangement permanent and ruled the city from synagogues renamed workers' cultural centers, leaving the rest of the synagogues to continue operating as usual. Of the 657 synagogues in Minsk in 1917, 547 were still functioning in 1930”, even receiving state funding to run Yiddish language schools.

By contrast, here is a report from a British subject who left Petrograd in November, 1918:

The foreign press has, as I understand, published some details about the September massacres in Petrograd, when more than one thousand men were shot in Kronstadt and at the Peter-Paul Fortress indiscriminately, without any trial, not even the pretence of a court-martial; shot, or drowned, as was the case with Father Ornatsky, the well-known priest of the Kazan Cathedral in Petrograd, who was drowned with his two young sons, who were officers, along with many others. Whereas the shooting in big towns has during the last months decreased owing to Lenin's personal dislike of Red terrorism, it is continuing in the provinces, where priests, landowners, physicians, rich merchants, lawyers, are indiscriminately shot in cold blood, without any trial and without any reason besides a general pretext of being counter-revolutionists. Arrests and domestic searches are going on as before. There are some thousands of men and women starving in the prisons of Petrograd — professors of universities, eminent lawyers, priests, generals, officers, ladies of society, bankers, &c. There are towns and districts where all the priests who have to wear their hair long in accordance with religious custom now have been forced to have it cut short, in other towns churches have been desecrated and bishops arrested or shot.

So, is Judeo-Bolshevism just a canard as the ADL claims? On the one hand we have the foreign diplomats who dealt with them, the political and military entities who battled them, the common people who lived under them, and the damning evidence of their own actions all affirming Bolshevism was Jewish. On the other hand we have the ADL, a century after the fact, denying it.

But, one hundred years ago, Jews themselves said Bolshevism was Jewish as, for example, this, among many other examples, from The American Hebrew, September, 10, 1920.

That achievement [the Bolshevik takeover], destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct...What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries.

But not only is Judeo-Bolshevism a canard, says the ADL falsely, it's an anti-Semitic canard—a product of Jew-hatred, a falsehood maliciously propagated expressly to harm the Jewish people. In other words, the conclusion to which we were led by our own investigation and by the light of our own reason makes us, in the eyes of the ADL, not just wrong, but intentionally wrong because we hate Jews, because, in other words, we are enemies.
A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia", British Foreign Office, London, April 1919
Vladimir Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political parties and Social movements in Russia: 1918 – 1922; 1994: 69-72
Peter Drucker, reviewing Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk by Elissa Bemporad
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
Hey jerk !! Don’t use that H word !! It only applies to the 6 million Jews
Olo-oax ?
..some of it was because Russia was not as advanced as other countries ....poor farming techniques/machines/etc....also, part of it was political conflict....
.....so, it's not exactly like the Jewish Holocaust
Bolsheviks were Russian , you buffoon
Die, worm. Come back when you have something of substance to say,
..some of it was because Russia was not as advanced as other countries ....poor farming techniques/machines/etc....also, part of it was political conflict....
.....so, it's not exactly like the Jewish Holocaust
It was much much worse
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
1. 66 million in how many years?
2. a lot of those deaths were not malicious
The Russians were savages for sure but they killed each other for political reasons and to gain power. Maybe it's a subtle difference but the Nazis murdered Jews and other racial minorities because it was thought they were inferior. No culture in human history ever murdered with such cold blooded precision and efficiency as the Nazis.
Last edited:
66 million Russians died in the Holocaust. This was published ten years after the Bolsheviks had arrived in Russia and taken power and ten years before Hitler came to power in next-door Germany

Anti-Bolshevik Vade-Mecum
Office of the International Entente Against the Third International
Geneva, March 1926
The Red Terror
The terrorist doctrine of the leaders of the Bolshevist International:
  • Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution. (Lenin.)
  • You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form. (Trotsky.)
  • Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality. (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • We represent organised terror... we know no quarter. (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • We shall carry on organised terror. If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too.(Lassovsky.)
  • We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence. (Latzis.)
  • With the Red Army, the detachments of the extraordinary commission constitute the glory and beauty of the communist party. (Zinovieff.)
The Cheka, which is now known as the G.P.U., is the instrument through which the bolshevist leaders carry out their terrorist doctrines. It is at one and the same time a surety police, a political police, an organ of counter-espionage, and an extraordinary tribunal, without public ministry or defence, or judges worthy of the name. It possesses special detachments in each centre, has a special service of executioners and administers the prisons.
All the organisms of the Cheka are directed by members of the communist party. The special personnel is recruited among liberated convicts, robbers and assassins, among the agents of the "Ochrana", among degenerates and intellectual perverts.
The personnel of the Cheka is composed of Jews, Russians, Letts, Poles, Armenians, Hungarians, the scum of every race.
It is the élite of evildoers to whom the soviet government has given power of life and death. It is this Cheka, this G.P.U. which has been and is still the pillar of bolshevism. Bieloborodoff, Dzerjinsky's assistant, has declared: "Terror is at the base of the soviet power.
If we suppress the Cheka," said the congress of the Russian communist party, "the power of the soviets cuts the branch on which it sits.
This formidable organisation is divided into a number of sections, sub-sections and organs of various descriptions: general sections for action, information, finance, transport, etc. They are all under the orders of Unschlicht, who comes immediately under Dzerjinsky [ Dzerzhinsky ]. The G.P.U. has numerous sections in nearly every foreign country charged with spying and terrorist activities.
r/conspiracy - Holocaust: Coked out of their minds, head-to-toe black leather, they murdered millions
Head of the CheKa, the monster, Dzerzhinsky
The chief of the Cheka, Dzerjinsky, who in addition occupies one of the highest posts in the soviet administration, is the most odious of the whole band of bolshevik criminals. The streams of innocent blood which he has caused to flow, and the innumerable tortures he has inflicted on millions of victims will never be forgotten.
Here, in a few words, are some brief sketches of some of Dzerjinsky's [ Dzerzhinsky's ] underlings (Dzerzhinsky was a Polish Jew whose father changed the family name in a successful bid for Polish nobility).
Sarokine is a rough and uncultivated person who plays the dandy. He treats prisoners as slaves and dirt, but he rarely shoots them himself.
Advokine is fond of dress. All he wears is noticeably new and his hands flash with jewels. He is a cocaine addict.
Tschernavski, cocaine maniac, had always to kill a certain number of victims or he was not happy.
Rosa Schwarz at Kieff [ Kiev ], who counted her victims by hundreds, took cocaine, and, cigarette in mouth, went to see the prisoners naked in their cells and killed them with a revolver shot or burned their eyes with her cigarette.
Deutsch, who, at Odessa, organised the shame of women and assassination of men, was decorated with the order of the Red Flag.
Terrihochoff, shot prisoners by moonlight in the gardens of the Cheka.
Who were the chiefs of the Cheka at Odessa? Several Jews, some Chinese and a negro whose speciality was to pull the tendons of his victims while watching their faces and showing his white teeth in a broad smile.
One could continue this enumeration indefinitely.
The agents of the Cheka — subalterns, commandants, gaolers, executioners, feared by all, wearing Wellington boots and leather jerkins, and carrying revolvers at their waists — go wherever they please. They have free railway passes and free food and lodging. They lead a life of debauch and are bound to their immediate chiefs and the soviet government by the terrible fellowship of crime.
czar putin wants Dzerzhinsky statue back ...

A Vote on Restoring a Secret Police Chief's Statue Opens Old ...
www.themoscowtimes.com › 2021/02/25 › a-vote-on-rest...

6 days ago — An archive picture of the Dzerzhinsky statue where it once stood on ... country's Soviet past and a government-backed vote on whether to restore “Iron Felix” ... Throughout his two decades in office, President Vladimir Putin has ...
..some of it was because Russia was not as advanced as other countries ....poor farming techniques/machines/etc....also, part of it was political conflict....
.....so, it's not exactly like the Jewish Holocaust

Nice hallucination. I can help you with your brainwashing-programming. I will show you a picture of a Russian jew who was the head of the NKVD and what he had to say. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. And if you want to know about the holohoax, I will also give you a video that is about 15 minutes long of what a truthful Jew had to say about it.

View attachment 463472
View attachment 463474
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from your post:
''''''This one jew alone is said.........'''' = great proof there--HAHAHAHHAHAAH
you're babbling--blah blah blah
Sociopaths have risen to positions of power repeatedly throughout history. The payment in lives for their inhumanity is inestimable. The lesson to be learned is much greater than mere "politics". You will miss the essential message if you fix only on ephemeral labels.
The Russians were savages for sure but they killed each other for political reasons and to gain power. Maybe it's a subtle difference but the Nazis murdered Jews and other racial minorities because it was thought they were inferior. No culture in human history ever murdered with such cold blooded precision and efficiency as the Nazis.

The Russian Communist Jews killed for political reasons and power True....but so did the socialist christian nazis.
The socialist christian nazis killed racial miniorities, the deformed, gay, political enemies--------so did the Russian Communist Jews. The Communist Jews weren't as open about their hate, but that is probably only because they were outnumbered by "christians" in russia and opted to not advertise this fact as they needed the "people support" especially among the christian sects especially the Russian Orthrodox church. If christians had been a miniority in Russia----think they too would have been put on freight cars for gas chambers.

I have always said that the only real difference between communists and socialists was the religion of the leaders. Russian Jews verses basically the German Catholics/Lutherans. Neither really cared about the people---they just wanted to gain more power for themselves.

Socialism and communism are the same thing NOW----that is why no one really understands the difference between the two. The only different WAS in the religion of their revolutionary leaders----now this difference has faded as these factions have become tolerant and diverse in religious acceptance (more Atheistic) but have kept the same goals---promise the little people free shit to gain their support in allowing a few people (the globalist billionaires now) taking over and ruling over every aspect of their lives.

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