CDZ Hoarding V Stockpiling

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
hoarding is when you do like the asswhipe that bought up all the sanitizer in his area and tried to sell it at 10 times the price for personal gain. what this type of behavior results in is others not being able to get what they need during times of stress and scarcity, and his directly effected the health of a lot of people.

stockpiling on the other hand is when during times of abundance you stock up on things you need that are not scarce and the result is when times get tough you dont cause more of a burden on the system.

my story is that we always keep plenty of things on hand that we will always need like TP and food and so we are not running around right now like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find basic essentials.
we also live on a small urban farm and can our own food and always have 6 months to a yrs of some things.

not sure if anyone knows it but places like patriot supply that provide long term food storage are ran by the mormons and one of their policies is to always keep a yrs supply of food on hand for any emergency that might arise and it also gives them the ability to help others if need be.

so what are your thoughts on the subject???
hoarding is when you do like the asswhipe that bought up all the sanitizer in his area and tried to sell it at 10 times the price for personal gain. what this type of behavior results in is others not being able to get what they need during times of stress and scarcity, and his directly effected the health of a lot of people.

stockpiling on the other hand is when during times of abundance you stock up on things you need that are not scarce and the result is when times get tough you dont cause more of a burden on the system.

my story is that we always keep plenty of things on hand that we will always need like TP and food and so we are not running around right now like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find basic essentials.
we also live on a small urban farm and can our own food and always have 6 months to a yrs of some things.

not sure if anyone knows it but places like patriot supply that provide long term food storage are ran by the mormons and one of their policies is to always keep a yrs supply of food on hand for any emergency that might arise and it also gives them the ability to help others if need be.

so what are your thoughts on the subject???

Yes the hoarding idiots don't realize, or don't care, that people with coughs, for example, won't be wearing masks or be able to clean their hands with sanitizer. Meanwhile, you can still contract the virus while wearing a mask. The masks are for the infected to help stop a cough or sneeze that can carry the virus a long way.
hoarding is when you do like the asswhipe that bought up all the sanitizer in his area and tried to sell it at 10 times the price for personal gain. what this type of behavior results in is others not being able to get what they need during times of stress and scarcity, and his directly effected the health of a lot of people.

stockpiling on the other hand is when during times of abundance you stock up on things you need that are not scarce and the result is when times get tough you dont cause more of a burden on the system.

my story is that we always keep plenty of things on hand that we will always need like TP and food and so we are not running around right now like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find basic essentials.
we also live on a small urban farm and can our own food and always have 6 months to a yrs of some things.

not sure if anyone knows it but places like patriot supply that provide long term food storage are ran by the mormons and one of their policies is to always keep a yrs supply of food on hand for any emergency that might arise and it also gives them the ability to help others if need be.

so what are your thoughts on the subject???

Yes the hoarding idiots don't realize, or don't care, that people with coughs, for example, won't be wearing masks or be able to clean their hands with sanitizer. Meanwhile, you can still contract the virus while wearing a mask. The masks are for the infected to help stop a cough or sneeze that can carry the virus a long way.

not really the topic but a fair point,,,
Not being able to get basic supply's because of greedy hording is disgusting, older folks cant get out as often or as fast, some may be caught short on stock food.
Not being able to get basic supply's because of greedy hording is disgusting, older folks cant get out as often or as fast, some may be caught short on stock food.
exactly,,,and is why stock[piling in times of abundance is so important,,,
ITS the no intelligent thinking behind things like the T paper hoarders, can think of 5 different things usually around the house that could be used including and old wash cloth, rinsed just like you use to wash little kids rear ends. always keeping a decent supply is smart, not caring about any one but your self is not.
hoarding is when you do like the asswhipe that bought up all the sanitizer in his area and tried to sell it at 10 times the price for personal gain. what this type of behavior results in is others not being able to get what they need during times of stress and scarcity, and his directly effected the health of a lot of people.

stockpiling on the other hand is when during times of abundance you stock up on things you need that are not scarce and the result is when times get tough you dont cause more of a burden on the system.

my story is that we always keep plenty of things on hand that we will always need like TP and food and so we are not running around right now like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find basic essentials.
we also live on a small urban farm and can our own food and always have 6 months to a yrs of some things.

not sure if anyone knows it but places like patriot supply that provide long term food storage are ran by the mormons and one of their policies is to always keep a yrs supply of food on hand for any emergency that might arise and it also gives them the ability to help others if need be.

so what are your thoughts on the subject???

Hoarding as its happening now is more like this, the news pushes a storey that we are all going to die, so I go to the store and buy all the tomatoes because PANDEMIC, yet Monday gets here, I'm still alive and I'm throwing 10 pounds of tomatoes out in the trash Monday. Americans are behaving very badly. I'm ashamed of the weak, spineless things Americans have become.
ITS the no intelligent thinking behind things like the T paper hoarders, can think of 5 different things usually around the house that could be used including and old wash cloth, rinsed just like you use to wash little kids rear ends. always keeping a decent supply is smart, not caring about any one but your self is not.
hoarding isnt what your doing if you keep a bigger supply when there is no stress on the system,,,in fact it eases the burden because you dont have to go out and add one ,more person to the demand..,,,
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