History Channel Proves JESUS WAS NOT Jewish


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

Just more theorising. Respectfully not taking much notice of such speculations.

Thanks for your reply.
Are you saying theories of the History channel, cause I Agree just about everything they do lately is mere conjecture and they should be called the Sci-fi channel.
THE HISTORICAL FIGURES used for the Jesus myth is full of evidence that there is more then one figure being combined for the image, however since Rome distorted and changed names,times, and days (as it said Satan would) then it's hard to tell what comes from which figures accts and which is mere plagiarised from scripture or mythology of previous deities.

Example evidence: Widows mite is a Jannaeus Alexander coin the King in the era of Yeshu son of mary of 100bc who fled towards Egypt, came back a forbidden maggis sorcerer trickster (Benny Hinn type con artist).
Yet this is not the Galilean christ Yehuda the tax revolter of 6bc time of King Herod and Lysanias who died in 35bc. Therefore the Galilean crucified by Rome in Herod's era can't be Yeshu nor the AD era christ by the Jordan with James and John the Baptist. Those Apostles of Theudas died Martyrs and claimed Paul was teaching another Christ. While we see Rome favored the Half Roman Yeshu son of the Harlot Mary they became known by the third John of Patmos as the Harlot Church.
All followers of a messiah figure got compiled as Christians aka those following a christ thus the compiled grouping now following a new name, one none of the christs would recognize.
None of the christs ever fulfilled Messianic roles nor prerequisites of secreting Moshiach and the name.
Hashev-----CALM DOWN----they are doing their holiday-----HOWEVER----I must say--- I take "JOHN" with a grain of salt. I do not believe that he was anybody whose writings should be taken seriously FOR ANY REASON-----he (or they) make no sense
Religions are full of myths, e.g. the Noah myth, the Moses myth, etc. More important are the ethical systems they encompass.
Hmmmmm...maybe the right place to read John then is on the throne eh Irosie....... regardless instead of getting into one of these did Jesus exist debates I prefer to look at how myths become all encompasing and tend to become bigger then life even though all of us know we are bound by certain physical laws....Many of the things that are attributed to the Jesus myth are physical impossibilities and are downright rediculous but one must have an open mind to see these things but if the people in jesus suposed days were an ignorant and unenlightened lot compared to today how come people still swallow such utter nonsense hook line and sinker one must really ask....
Hmmmmm...maybe the right place to read John then is on the throne eh Irosie....... regardless instead of getting into one of these did Jesus exist debates I prefer to look at how myths become all encompasing and tend to become bigger then life even though all of us know we are bound by certain physical laws....Many of the things that are attributed to the Jesus myth are physical impossibilities and are downright ridiculous but one must have an open mind to see these things but if the people in jesus suposed days were an ignorant and unenlightened lot compared to today how come people still swallow such utter nonsense hook line and sinker one must really ask....

you said nothing Shimmy. The book of JOHN---interestingly enough---according to scholars, comes virtually from NOWHERE-------there is no historic JOHN. John is not JOHN THE BAPTIST----who does seem to be an historic guy-----of the essene and nazarite type of-----monastic hysterics. John is just a kind of collection of writings by different persons put together into JOHN who seems to be the JOHN DOE of the NICEAN COUNCIL. THE BOOK OF REVULSIONS is attributed to "JOHN" ------the book of revulsions is a kind of replay on the parts of DANIEL that also seem mushroom galvanized.
For these reasons I take JOHN with a grain of salt in reference to HISTORY----
the stuff has literary value-------but I see no reason to try to DERIVE HISTORY
from it. It seems to me stuff authored ----LATER
Yes Irosie hence the best place to read John is on the "throne" while doing ones business must I spell it out......lol...
Hmmmmm...maybe the right place to read John then is on the throne eh Irosie....... regardless instead of getting into one of these did Jesus exist debates I prefer to look at how myths become all encompasing and tend to become bigger then life even though all of us know we are bound by certain physical laws....Many of the things that are attributed to the Jesus myth are physical impossibilities and are downright ridiculous but one must have an open mind to see these things but if the people in jesus suposed days were an ignorant and unenlightened lot compared to today how come people still swallow such utter nonsense hook line and sinker one must really ask....

you said nothing Shimmy. The book of JOHN---interestingly enough---according to scholars, comes virtually from NOWHERE-------there is no historic JOHN. John is not JOHN THE BAPTIST----who does seem to be an historic guy-----of the essene and nazarite type of-----monastic hysterics. John is just a kind of collection of writings by different persons put together into JOHN who seems to be the JOHN DOE of the NICEAN COUNCIL. THE BOOK OF REVULSIONS is attributed to "JOHN" ------the book of revulsions is a kind of replay on the parts of DANIEL that also seem mushroom galvanized.
For these reasons I take JOHN with a grain of salt in reference to HISTORY----
the stuff has literary value-------but I see no reason to try to DERIVE HISTORY
from it. It seems to me stuff authored ----LATER

for HISTORY ----I consider the writings attributed to "JOHN" on a level only slightly superior to the stuff in the koran.. NOT HISTORY
I know The Baptist has no text, Book of John is regarding another John and the one in Patmos is a third John.
Figuring out the historical John in the River Jordan helps piece together the various stories to their appropriate christ figures. It's essential in figuring who was teaching what.
Example: if John the Baptist is from the 100bc era then it makes more sense from what we know of Yeshu straying, then it being an ad era figure Theudas. Because now Theudas isn't teaching Just Torah he's teaching forbidden offshoot nonsense and people therefore are eating from knowledge that is both good and evil.
I used to think Theudas was just conveying a Typical Judaic message and the son of man to come, but according to the Mandeans they partook in a book from a woman that they considered evil (is this the infamous Q central source of the gospels?) They considered John the righteous one and Jesus (Theudas) the false prophet who had Salome kill him, so he could steal his flock.
Read up on what the Mandeans teach and compare it to the many NT physical light teachings.
Makes more sense if This Salome was the wife of Jannaeus who followed and befriended Yeshu and who reinstayed Shimon high priest of the Temple.
Either Johncs account is a different friend follower by the same name or they use Salome to converge or confuse the historical connections so you can't figure which historical Christ they are refering to.
See how this can be confussing thus need sorting out?
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

1. there were many people called "messiahs". the word christ was a roman designation so i'm not sure how many there were. ultimately, it's irrelevant.

2. i think there is uniform agreement that the person known as jesus, then known as yeshua was an essene... a jew.
yeah ---well HASHEV------I do not believe that the thing can be SORTED OUT (with apologies to you born agains out there) ----the NT was far too ENGINEERED and
it is the only source we have. ---------there is just so much 'reading between the lines'
that can be done and it always offends people---------THEY ARE DOING A HOLIDAY---leave them alone........!!!!!!. (things would have been a lot better if the Christian
religion had not been created by the Romans)
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

1. there were many people called "messiahs". the word christ was a roman designation so i'm not sure how many there were. ultimately, it's irrelevant.

2. i think there is uniform agreement that the person known as jesus, then known as yeshua was an essene... a jew.

nope----the essene theory was kinda debunked. ----JOHN THE BAPTIST may have been an essene. Essenes were a monastic sect-----out there in the
hills and wilderness-----kinda south
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

1. there were many people called "messiahs". the word christ was a roman designation so i'm not sure how many there were. ultimately, it's irrelevant.

2. i think there is uniform agreement that the person known as jesus, then known as yeshua was an essene... a jew.
Agree with the first part, but I don't agree with conveying the name Yeshu with IeSous, Esus was the TriGod IEsous conveys to the swine or
THE Esus (tri god).
None of the Christ figures were Essenes, I believe that started when trying to fit him into everyrhing including the Dead Sea Scrolls which were damaging to Christianity in that it showed Michael as the Biblical redeemer and Moshiach.
Instead of apologizing to JW's and Jews it was easier for them to do as they always do and place him in text wherw he ought not be.
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

1. there were many people called "messiahs". the word christ was a roman designation so i'm not sure how many there were. ultimately, it's irrelevant.

2. i think there is uniform agreement that the person known as jesus, then known as yeshua was an essene... a jew.

nope----the essene theory was kinda debunked. ----JOHN THE BAPTIST may have been an essene. Essenes were a monastic sect-----out there in the
hills and wilderness-----kinda south

The Essenes taught Light and darkness as spiritual light= knowledge and truth and spiritual darkness =lies and ignorance & folly. The Nazarenes however taught literal physical mystical light like a khandelini force.
It's possible the Baptist taught it symbolically then In stealing the flock and text (which by the way was burned like the missing books of Q) the Christ figure (Theudas) taught physical light but highly unlikely since the surviving members of John would have kept the Essene teachings and knowledge of him being one intact.
Nothing in the Scrolls even remotely mirrors what the Mandeans or Christians teach. There are some writers on the scrolls who take great liberty in creating undocumented commentary in full knowledge that the readers would never be able to check the validity of their statements.
That is why I recommend unbiased Versions like Professor Geza Vermes in English.4

Note: commentary by writers taking liberties to make stuff up include the claim that John is the messenger of righteousness in the scrolls but according to Mandeans this would make Jesus the wicked prince and would put them both in the 100bc era. So it doesn't fit the AD John.
Actually the scrolls are accounting one of the Maccabees particularly Jonathan Maccabee as the wicked one who started out good then turned brutal with being influenced and Helenized.
The description had to be the era of the Maccabees which stoped before The 100bc Yeshu era. 140bc? I forget.
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The interesting part about the swine connection to me is that jews are forbidden to eat swine(though not all observe this) but i find it interesting that they are consuming their god not only in wafer form but in flesh and meat as well....very telling indeed... Isaiah 66 has lots to say about who these people are and their end.....
The episode was trying to prove John the Baptist claimed remains as carbon dated at 30ad.
The only Christ figure in the AD era was the One called Theudas by the Jordan dying in 45ad means we have the correct region in accts of John and era.
This AD christ Theudas is said to be Jesus yet the Christ who stole Johns flock also stole his luciferous teachings as seen in the NT and Physical light teachings of the surviving followers of John called the Mandeans. The teachings match up and are not Judaic. The Son of Mary figure of 100bc used for the Image of Jesus was half Roman as his father was Pandera and his cult the Hanotzrim were called offshhot for teaching Egyptian mysticsm and underworld death cult nonsense.
The Nazarenes are supposed to be HaNotzrim, but it is not known if John was of that earlier cult or whether Nazarenes got confused for Hanotzrim due to similar words in Hebrew.
Either way since James is an AD era figure and they swear John is then Theudas is the one they are calling Jesus and Theudas was not teaching pure Judaism, nowhere in Judaism do we teach our God as the mystical luciferous Light rays between the sun and earth. Neither do we teach reverence or salvation in death nor kingdom in death. Which is why Cjristians need us to come out of our k8ngdom in life ideas for sake of rheir adversary and satanic kingdom in death lust. Notice all cultures venerating a kingdom in death have caused humanity to be savages in sending their opponents there. Kings and kingdoms have used the philosophy of death afterlife to get slaves to fight for them, war for them, die for them. It's been used for power grabs and some of rhe most sadistic demented acts known to man. Solve the abusive teachings of death and death cultism and you solve Radical Jihaadism which is but an emulation of what Christianity has already done due to the same teaching of paradise in death.

Nazis always said Jesus was not a Jew - they said he was the son of a german soldier in the roman army. A kind of darwinistic soldier not a peacekeeper. But convinced Nazis had to believe too the sun is an iceberg (no joke!) - what's the same quality of truth. And the Nazis founded also the organisation "German Christians" (=Jesus is an Aryan) who fought against all Christians in Germany (=Jesus is a Jew). And because you yourselve are without any doubt indeed not a Jew, Hashev, I'm asking myselve what's your motivation. I don't think it's only funny what you are doing.

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