Historic Rise In Violent Crimes / Homicides & Media's / Liberals' Attempt To Explain 'Why'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Atlantic: "Why America’s Great Crime Decline Is Over" — "Americans are experiencing a crime wave unlike anything we’ve seen this century. After decades of decline, shootings have surged in the past few years."

Chicago Sun-Times: "Our kids are becoming extinct’: Chicago children are being killed by guns at far faster rate than years past" — "Children in Chicago are dying from gun violence at a rate three times higher than last year, according to a Sun-Times analysis."

Out of nearly 1,500 shooting victims so far this year, at least 52 victims were 15 or younger, compared to 43 last year, an increase of 21%

New York Times: "With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer" — "The upbeat mood at an album release party at El Mula Banquet Hall in Miami-Dade County was shattered when three men in ski masks jumped out of a stolen white Nissan S.U.V. and fired randomly into the crowd early Sunday."

Washington Post: "Officials worry the rise in violent crime portends a bloody summer: ‘It’s trauma on top of trauma’" — "The mayor of Albany never expected to spend her days attending funerals and comforting the families of those killed and injured in a spate of alarming gun violence she finds hard to explain."

The Guardian: "US saw estimated 4,000 extra murders in 2020 amid surge in daily gun violence" — "For exactly a year during the pandemic, the United States did not see a single high-profile public mass shooting. But a surge in daily gun violence contributed to an estimated 4,000 additional murders throughout 2020, in what experts warn will probably be the worst single-year increase in murders on record."

TIME: "As Shootings Continue to Surge in 2021, Americans Set to Face a Summer Plagued by Gun Violence" — "In the year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic’s onset, gun violence has skyrocketed across the U.S., even with nationwide lockdown procedures, social distancing mandates and attempts to limit interactions between individuals."

This past 4th Of July Weekend 400 (four hundred) Americans were shot across the country, 150 were killed. Over 90 people were shot in Chicago with approx 15 killed and approx 6 children killed.

In the midst of an explosion of violent crime and homicides - murders - across the US, especially in Big Blue cities - and recent poll numbers showing a majority of Americans disapprove of the Democrats / Bien administration's support of the 'Defund The Police' campaign and handling of violent crime across the US, Democrats are scrambling to conduct 'PR Damage Control' and find a way to stop the escalation of violent crime and murder.

Part of the problem has been the Democrats' support of lawlessness, of domestic terrorism, and their support for the FAILED 'Defund The police' Movement.

- Foreign/Democrat funded and supported domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Marxist-based groups that openly seek to burn the government down and remake it (aka overthrow the govt), have waged a violent war against the government and law-abiding citizens, committing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities across the country. These terrorists were often bussed in from outside the communities then they looted, damaged, destroyed, and burned businesses and homes to the ground. During the violence well-known prominent Democrats paid the bails of these terrorists who were arrested for committing crimes, to include bailing out terrorists who had attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive with Molotov cocktails. The current VP was one of those Democrats who paid the bails of terrorists to get them back on the streets to commit more crimes against Americans she represented as VP.

During the terrorist protests /violence in Austin the murder rate shot up 67%. In New York shootings shot up 150% and murders rose 50%. Homicides in Portland skyrocketed to 800 (Eight HUNDRED) percent.

Democrats also fully embraced and supported the 'Defund The Police' movement and contributed to the demonization of police, which resulted in violent crime and homicide rates exploding and police officers being hunted, ambushed, shot, and murdered across the country.

Recently the Democrats, alarmed at the backlash from law-abiding citizens over the exploding violence, suddenly declared it wasn't THEM who supported and were defunding the police but was instead the GOP. The ploy fooled NO ONE. While Biden and some federal Democrats were denying any part of supporting 'Defund The Police' other Democrats like AOC and many local Democrats across the country were still calling to defund the police and to replace them with social workers. :p

In Chicago, D-Mayor Lori Lightfoot attempted to claim murder rates were actually DROPPING - a lie, and the very next weekend, the 4th of July weekend, over 90 people were shot, over a dozen killed, and approx 6 children were shot - a record. Lightfoot has tried denying gun violence / homicide rates were climbing, tried blaming 'Racism' for the out of control Black-on-black crime/murder, attempted to blame Trump (who was / is out of office) for the crimes / murders, tried to blame the Democrats' COVID-19 lockdowns, and is now attempting to blame it all on Chicago court systems being closed due to COVID-19. She is such a failure and Chicago's crime / homicide rate is to high that it jeopardizes all Democrats that Dementia Joe is planning to visit to tell Lightfoot to get her shit straight ASAP.

Among Liberal excuses for exploding homicide rates and shootings are:

1. COVID-19 is to blame

2. Depolicing led to it

3. Lack of trust in the police (which they contributed to)

4. More Guns Led To the exploding homicide rate
- All the domestic terrorist violence and exploding crime led law-abiding citizens to buy more guns for their protection. The DOJ just reported only 9% of guns used in crimes come from federally licensed gun dealers and only .8% come from gun shows, so the FBI debunked this false narrative

5. Overwhelmed Hospitals were to blame for increased Homicides. Although I am sure the individuals died from 'lead poisoning', this theory blames doctors for not being able to get to gunshot victims fast enough / not saving them.

6. 'Idle Hands Led To More Violence'. Boredom. No jobs, no basketball courts, no YMCA, etc...led people to decide to go out and commit crimes and kill people. Perhaps pipeline workers, and thousands of others Joe put out of jail got bored not having a job and killed people?! :p

7. A Bad economy. My ancestors, like others, went through the great depression and did not turn to violent un crimes and murder...next excuse....

The Atlantic: "Why America’s Great Crime Decline Is Over" — "Americans are experiencing a crime wave unlike anything we’ve seen this century. After decades of decline, shootings have surged in the past few years."

Chicago Sun-Times: "Our kids are becoming extinct’: Chicago children are being killed by guns at far faster rate than years past" — "Children in Chicago are dying from gun violence at a rate three times higher than last year, according to a Sun-Times analysis."

Out of nearly 1,500 shooting victims so far this year, at least 52 victims were 15 or younger, compared to 43 last year, an increase of 21%

New York Times: "With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer" — "The upbeat mood at an album release party at El Mula Banquet Hall in Miami-Dade County was shattered when three men in ski masks jumped out of a stolen white Nissan S.U.V. and fired randomly into the crowd early Sunday."

Washington Post: "Officials worry the rise in violent crime portends a bloody summer: ‘It’s trauma on top of trauma’" — "The mayor of Albany never expected to spend her days attending funerals and comforting the families of those killed and injured in a spate of alarming gun violence she finds hard to explain."

The Guardian: "US saw estimated 4,000 extra murders in 2020 amid surge in daily gun violence" — "For exactly a year during the pandemic, the United States did not see a single high-profile public mass shooting. But a surge in daily gun violence contributed to an estimated 4,000 additional murders throughout 2020, in what experts warn will probably be the worst single-year increase in murders on record."

TIME: "As Shootings Continue to Surge in 2021, Americans Set to Face a Summer Plagued by Gun Violence" — "In the year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic’s onset, gun violence has skyrocketed across the U.S., even with nationwide lockdown procedures, social distancing mandates and attempts to limit interactions between individuals."

This past 4th Of July Weekend 400 (four hundred) Americans were shot across the country, 150 were killed. Over 90 people were shot in Chicago with approx 15 killed and approx 6 children killed.

In the midst of an explosion of violent crime and homicides - murders - across the US, especially in Big Blue cities - and recent poll numbers showing a majority of Americans disapprove of the Democrats / Bien administration's support of the 'Defund The Police' campaign and handling of violent crime across the US, Democrats are scrambling to conduct 'PR Damage Control' and find a way to stop the escalation of violent crime and murder.

Part of the problem has been the Democrats' support of lawlessness, of domestic terrorism, and their support for the FAILED 'Defund The police' Movement.

- Foreign/Democrat funded and supported domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Marxist-based groups that openly seek to burn the government down and remake it (aka overthrow the govt), have waged a violent war against the government and law-abiding citizens, committing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities across the country. These terrorists were often bussed in from outside the communities then they looted, damaged, destroyed, and burned businesses and homes to the ground. During the violence well-known prominent Democrats paid the bails of these terrorists who were arrested for committing crimes, to include bailing out terrorists who had attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive with Molotov cocktails. The current VP was one of those Democrats who paid the bails of terrorists to get them back on the streets to commit more crimes against Americans she represented as VP.

During the terrorist protests /violence in Austin the murder rate shot up 67%. In New York shootings shot up 150% and murders rose 50%. Homicides in Portland skyrocketed to 800 (Eight HUNDRED) percent.

Democrats also fully embraced and supported the 'Defund The Police' movement and contributed to the demonization of police, which resulted in violent crime and homicide rates exploding and police officers being hunted, ambushed, shot, and murdered across the country.

Recently the Democrats, alarmed at the backlash from law-abiding citizens over the exploding violence, suddenly declared it wasn't THEM who supported and were defunding the police but was instead the GOP. The ploy fooled NO ONE. While Biden and some federal Democrats were denying any part of supporting 'Defund The Police' other Democrats like AOC and many local Democrats across the country were still calling to defund the police and to replace them with social workers. :p

In Chicago, D-Mayor Lori Lightfoot attempted to claim murder rates were actually DROPPING - a lie, and the very next weekend, the 4th of July weekend, over 90 people were shot, over a dozen killed, and approx 6 children were shot - a record. Lightfoot has tried denying gun violence / homicide rates were climbing, tried blaming 'Racism' for the out of control Black-on-black crime/murder, attempted to blame Trump (who was / is out of office) for the crimes / murders, tried to blame the Democrats' COVID-19 lockdowns, and is now attempting to blame it all on Chicago court systems being closed due to COVID-19. She is such a failure and Chicago's crime / homicide rate is to high that it jeopardizes all Democrats that Dementia Joe is planning to visit to tell Lightfoot to get her shit straight ASAP.

Among Liberal excuses for exploding homicide rates and shootings are:

1. COVID-19 is to blame

2. Depolicing led to it

3. Lack of trust in the police (which they contributed to)

4. More Guns Led To the exploding homicide rate
- All the domestic terrorist violence and exploding crime led law-abiding citizens to buy more guns for their protection. The DOJ just reported only 9% of guns used in crimes come from federally licensed gun dealers and only .8% come from gun shows, so the FBI debunked this false narrative

5. Overwhelmed Hospitals were to blame for increased Homicides. Although I am sure the individuals died from 'lead poisoning', this theory blames doctors for not being able to get to gunshot victims fast enough / not saving them.

6. 'Idle Hands Led To More Violence'. Boredom. No jobs, no basketball courts, no YMCA, etc...led people to decide to go out and commit crimes and kill people. Perhaps pipeline workers, and thousands of others Joe put out of jail got bored not having a job and killed people?! :p

7. A Bad economy. My ancestors, like others, went through the great depression and did not turn to violent un crimes and murder...next excuse....

Since the DNC led government says that white supremacy is the biggest threat to the country I would assume they are behind all of the violence, right?

Does it have anything to do with Putin?
Poverty is the highest since the 1960's..

U.S. Records Worst Poverty Spike Since 1960s, Black Americans Hit Hardest​


The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.

Poverty is the highest since the 1960's..

U.S. Records Worst Poverty Spike Since 1960s, Black Americans Hit Hardest​


The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.

That's a cop out. Being poor doesn't give someone a license to steal or murder. If they can afford guns, fancy cars, drugs, and expensive hip-hop clothes, they're not poor.
I don't understand, because if your read the words by all Biden mediums they've declared Biden has brought us together, which is code Trump tore us apart or something like.

Are you suggesting Democrats are lying scum sucks?
Poverty is the highest since the 1960's..

U.S. Records Worst Poverty Spike Since 1960s, Black Americans Hit Hardest​


The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.

This crime is hitting liberal run shitholes the hardest. What have those morons been doing for the last 60 years? This is a liberal problem. Fortunately it appears that it will stay in those liberal hellholes, so it's not really a problem for many Americans.
Since the DNC led government says that white supremacy is the biggest threat to the country I would assume they are behind all of the violence, right?

Does it have anything to do with Putin?

I have not figured out how nor has the Liberal media or Biden administration been able to tell me how 'White Supremacy' is responsible for the BILLIONS in damage to Democrat-run communities al lover the country by foreign/Democrat funded, supported, and protected Marxist-based / duped domestic terrorists or how White Supremacists are to blame for the record-setting Black-on-Black violence, extremely high black abortion rates, or extremely low rate of 2-parent family structure households.

'White Supremacy' versus exploding violent gun crime / homicide rate (800% increase in Portland, 150% in NY, etc...)?

'White Supremacy' versus Open Border Disaster (record number of illegals, largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history, Cartels control the border, 1400% increase in known sexual predators / pedophiles apprehended; illegals from 75 different nations, to include terrorist-infested nations caught at border)

'White Supremacy' versus Russian Cyber Warfare (costing Billions, affecting thousands & attacks going unchallenged)
I'm not sold on 'White Supremacy' being our biggest our biggest threat...
People need to stop using the term "liberal" to describe Woke authoritarians.

One thing they AREN'T is liberal.
Assuming they are human is also bad I think.
There are certainly posters here that do not deserve to be considered such, that's for sure.

They are simply automatons that hate.
I honestly think many democrat posters here may be a result of AI.

People need to stop using the term "liberal" to describe Woke authoritarians.

One thing they AREN'T is liberal.
Assuming they are human is also bad I think.
There are certainly posters here that do not deserve to be considered such, that's for sure.

They are simply automatons that hate.
I honestly think many democrat posters here may be a result of AI.

View attachment 509924
Or A.S., perhaps.

Artificial stupidity.
People need to stop using the term "liberal" to describe Woke authoritarians.

One thing they AREN'T is liberal.
Assuming they are human is also bad I think.
There are certainly posters here that do not deserve to be considered such, that's for sure.

They are simply automatons that hate.
I honestly think many democrat posters here may be a result of AI.

View attachment 509924
Or A.S., perhaps.

Artificial stupidity.
I disagree.

At no other time ih history has propaganda been so well perfected.

I think they may have next to total control over the majority of the populace mastered via votes.
Poverty is the highest since the 1960's..

U.S. Records Worst Poverty Spike Since 1960s, Black Americans Hit Hardest​


The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.

Democrats shut down black-owned small businesses and black poverty spikes.

You are finally figuring this out, mental midget?
The Atlantic: "Why America’s Great Crime Decline Is Over" — "Americans are experiencing a crime wave unlike anything we’ve seen this century. After decades of decline, shootings have surged in the past few years."

Chicago Sun-Times: "Our kids are becoming extinct’: Chicago children are being killed by guns at far faster rate than years past" — "Children in Chicago are dying from gun violence at a rate three times higher than last year, according to a Sun-Times analysis."

Out of nearly 1,500 shooting victims so far this year, at least 52 victims were 15 or younger, compared to 43 last year, an increase of 21%

New York Times: "With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer" — "The upbeat mood at an album release party at El Mula Banquet Hall in Miami-Dade County was shattered when three men in ski masks jumped out of a stolen white Nissan S.U.V. and fired randomly into the crowd early Sunday."

Washington Post: "Officials worry the rise in violent crime portends a bloody summer: ‘It’s trauma on top of trauma’" — "The mayor of Albany never expected to spend her days attending funerals and comforting the families of those killed and injured in a spate of alarming gun violence she finds hard to explain."

The Guardian: "US saw estimated 4,000 extra murders in 2020 amid surge in daily gun violence" — "For exactly a year during the pandemic, the United States did not see a single high-profile public mass shooting. But a surge in daily gun violence contributed to an estimated 4,000 additional murders throughout 2020, in what experts warn will probably be the worst single-year increase in murders on record."

TIME: "As Shootings Continue to Surge in 2021, Americans Set to Face a Summer Plagued by Gun Violence" — "In the year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic’s onset, gun violence has skyrocketed across the U.S., even with nationwide lockdown procedures, social distancing mandates and attempts to limit interactions between individuals."

This past 4th Of July Weekend 400 (four hundred) Americans were shot across the country, 150 were killed. Over 90 people were shot in Chicago with approx 15 killed and approx 6 children killed.

In the midst of an explosion of violent crime and homicides - murders - across the US, especially in Big Blue cities - and recent poll numbers showing a majority of Americans disapprove of the Democrats / Bien administration's support of the 'Defund The Police' campaign and handling of violent crime across the US, Democrats are scrambling to conduct 'PR Damage Control' and find a way to stop the escalation of violent crime and murder.

Part of the problem has been the Democrats' support of lawlessness, of domestic terrorism, and their support for the FAILED 'Defund The police' Movement.

- Foreign/Democrat funded and supported domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Marxist-based groups that openly seek to burn the government down and remake it (aka overthrow the govt), have waged a violent war against the government and law-abiding citizens, committing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities across the country. These terrorists were often bussed in from outside the communities then they looted, damaged, destroyed, and burned businesses and homes to the ground. During the violence well-known prominent Democrats paid the bails of these terrorists who were arrested for committing crimes, to include bailing out terrorists who had attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive with Molotov cocktails. The current VP was one of those Democrats who paid the bails of terrorists to get them back on the streets to commit more crimes against Americans she represented as VP.

During the terrorist protests /violence in Austin the murder rate shot up 67%. In New York shootings shot up 150% and murders rose 50%. Homicides in Portland skyrocketed to 800 (Eight HUNDRED) percent.

Democrats also fully embraced and supported the 'Defund The Police' movement and contributed to the demonization of police, which resulted in violent crime and homicide rates exploding and police officers being hunted, ambushed, shot, and murdered across the country.

Recently the Democrats, alarmed at the backlash from law-abiding citizens over the exploding violence, suddenly declared it wasn't THEM who supported and were defunding the police but was instead the GOP. The ploy fooled NO ONE. While Biden and some federal Democrats were denying any part of supporting 'Defund The Police' other Democrats like AOC and many local Democrats across the country were still calling to defund the police and to replace them with social workers. :p

In Chicago, D-Mayor Lori Lightfoot attempted to claim murder rates were actually DROPPING - a lie, and the very next weekend, the 4th of July weekend, over 90 people were shot, over a dozen killed, and approx 6 children were shot - a record. Lightfoot has tried denying gun violence / homicide rates were climbing, tried blaming 'Racism' for the out of control Black-on-black crime/murder, attempted to blame Trump (who was / is out of office) for the crimes / murders, tried to blame the Democrats' COVID-19 lockdowns, and is now attempting to blame it all on Chicago court systems being closed due to COVID-19. She is such a failure and Chicago's crime / homicide rate is to high that it jeopardizes all Democrats that Dementia Joe is planning to visit to tell Lightfoot to get her shit straight ASAP.

Among Liberal excuses for exploding homicide rates and shootings are:

1. COVID-19 is to blame

2. Depolicing led to it

3. Lack of trust in the police (which they contributed to)

4. More Guns Led To the exploding homicide rate
- All the domestic terrorist violence and exploding crime led law-abiding citizens to buy more guns for their protection. The DOJ just reported only 9% of guns used in crimes come from federally licensed gun dealers and only .8% come from gun shows, so the FBI debunked this false narrative

5. Overwhelmed Hospitals were to blame for increased Homicides. Although I am sure the individuals died from 'lead poisoning', this theory blames doctors for not being able to get to gunshot victims fast enough / not saving them.

6. 'Idle Hands Led To More Violence'. Boredom. No jobs, no basketball courts, no YMCA, etc...led people to decide to go out and commit crimes and kill people. Perhaps pipeline workers, and thousands of others Joe put out of jail got bored not having a job and killed people?! :p

7. A Bad economy. My ancestors, like others, went through the great depression and did not turn to violent un crimes and murder...next excuse....

Republicans have been in power for the last four years but somehow the crime wave this year is all the fault of the Democrats.

Republicans have been in power for 24 of the last 40 years, during which time incarcerations have gone up 10 times over, cops are now killing 1000 suspects a year, and you have more people locked up than China and Russia combined.

What you’ve been doing for the past 40 years has made things much much worse not better. But you’re blaming the Democrats.

Your solution to the rising crime wave, is to do what hasn’t worked for the past 40 years. Oh yes and blame Democrats for all of it because it’s always their fault.

Maybe you should try doing what some of the rest of the first world countries who have successfully contained crime within their borders, are doing.

The only other nation in the world with the same level of black on black crime, murder, and violence, was Apartheid South Africa.

If I were to ask Sleazy what the USA has in common with Apartheid South Africa, he’d likely say “a large black population”. That’s how Republicans have been trained to think. In reality the only thing the USA has in common with Apartheid South Africa, is systemic government protected segregation, economic and social suppression of racial minorities, and police state crackdowns on minorities who were outside their “townships” without authorization.

The white supremacist government of south Africa pointed to the high levels of crime, violence, and murder, as well as the primitive living conditions in the Townships as evidence that black people were, by nature, too uncivilized and criminal in nature to live among whites.

Just as you point to the high levels of crime and violence in the poorest areas of your country as evidence black inferiority.

You claim the US is not a racist nation, yet all discussion of crime and violence begins and ends with race, as do your statistics on crime. Just the fact that you are keeping crime statistics by race, demonstrates the inherent racism and criminalization of the black population.
I'm trying to stay positive here but this bug eyed Lightfoot creature almost makes that impossible. I'm looking hard but I'm just not seeing any good in that lady.

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