Hispanics are Racially White, so What is it About Speaking Spanish Makes m NOT White?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

Admixture and population structure in Mexican-Mestizos based on paternal lineages

In the nonrecombining region of the Y-chromosome, there are single-nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) that establish haplogroups with particular geographical origins (European, African, Native American, etc.). The complex process of admixture that gave rise to the majority of the current Mexican population (~93%), known as Mestizos, can be examined with Y-SNPs to establish their paternal ancestry and population structure. We analyzed 18 Y-SNPs in 659 individuals from 10 Mexican-Mestizo populations from different regions of the country. In the total population sample, paternal ancestry was predominately European (64.9%), followed by Native American (30.8%) and African (4.2%). However, the European ancestry was prevalent in the north and west (66.7–95%) and, conversely, Native American ancestry increased in the center and southeast (37–50%), whereas the African ancestry was low and relatively homogeneous (0–8.8%). Although this paternal landscape concurs with previous studies based on genome-wide SNPs and autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs), this pattern contrasts with the maternal ancestry, mainly of Native American origin, based on maternal lineages haplogroups.

Racist concepts and definitions are not based on science, but on the most visible characteristics of skin hue and culture.

In fact it is IMO 90% a cultural concept that is merely re-enforced with easy visual categorization.

Mexicans are about two thirds white, especially Northern Mexico and they share a close cultural heritage with the US southwestern region.

To call Hispanics anything other than white is simply politics derived from identity ideologies and special interest groups desiring minority status under our current laws.
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Mexicans are a mixed bag, most are Mestizo which is a mix of Indian/white/Black etc etc, there are white Mexicans whose families came from Europe, the bottom of the barrel in Mexico are the Indians and the Blacks who live there.
Hispanic simply means Spanish. White folks living in Spain are Hispanic, as are Mestizos living in Mexico.
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People from Spain do not consider themselves Hispanic, if you call them that they consider it an insult.
His·pan·ic adjective \hi-ˈspa-nik\
: coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin America; also : of or relating to Hispanic people

Full Definition of HISPANIC

: of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal
: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin
People from Spain do not consider themselves Hispanic, if you call them that they consider it an insult.
His·pan·ic adjective \hi-ˈspa-nik\
: coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin America; also : of or relating to Hispanic people

Full Definition of HISPANIC

: of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal
: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

To most people, Hispanic refers to people of Latin America--South and Central America and Mexico. The Spanish and Portuguese speaking people of Europe are right to consider themselves non-Hispanic. That should be respected.
Hispanic simply means Spanish. White folks living in Spain are Hispanic, as are Mestizos living in Mexico.

Basically, anyone that is not Anglo or black and speaks Spanish can be considered a Hispanic. People may not like being called something, but it has nothing to do with insults, it's just a way to say they are not anglo nor black...that's all.
People from Spain do not consider themselves Hispanic, if you call them that they consider it an insult.
His·pan·ic adjective \hi-ˈspa-nik\
: coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin America; also : of or relating to Hispanic people

Full Definition of HISPANIC

: of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal
: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

To most people, Hispanic refers to people of Latin America--South and Central America and Mexico. The Spanish and Portuguese speaking people of Europe are right to consider themselves non-Hispanic. That should be respected.

Hispanic is a United States term, and people from Spain and Portugese are called Spanish/Portugese. But, if you descended from Spain and are living in the United States, and you are not anglo nor black you will probably be considered Hispanic. Spaniards and Portugese may feel insulted being called Hispanic here in the US, but since they are not anglo nor black, that's what most people will consider them to be.

Hispanic/Latino basically mean the same thing.
His·pan·ic adjective \hi-ˈspa-nik\
: coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin America; also : of or relating to Hispanic people

Full Definition of HISPANIC

: of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal
: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

To most people, Hispanic refers to people of Latin America--South and Central America and Mexico. The Spanish and Portuguese speaking people of Europe are right to consider themselves non-Hispanic. That should be respected.

Hispanic is a United States term, and people from Spain and Portugese are called Spanish/Portugese. But, if you descended from Spain and are living in the United States, and you are not anglo nor black you will probably be considered Hispanic. Spaniards and Portugese may feel insulted being called Hispanic here in the US, but since they are not anglo nor black, that's what most people will consider them to be.

Hispanic/Latino basically mean the same thing.

All true.
Mexicans are a mixed bag, most are Mestizo which is a mix of Indian/white/Black etc etc, there are white Mexicans whose families came from Europe, the bottom of the barrel in Mexico are the Indians and the Blacks who live there.

(My bold)

Mexican is a nationality, not an ethnic descriptor, just as US is.

Most Spanish immigration to early Mexico was by soldiers, Church & administrators. The soldiers tended to marry or @ least consort with native women. The Church weren't supposed to consort @ all. The administrators - or @ least the successful ones - either made a pile of money & returned to Spain, or possibly brought their wives & families over to stay with them. & of course there's the question of nearly 800 years of Islamic conquest of the Iberian peninsula, & there was a substantial Jewish presence as well. I'm not sure how Islam & Jews are counted in the Caucasian POV.

Certainly, in post-1920s revolutionary Mexico, the Native Peoples there are not considered the bottom of the barrel. In fact, iconography since the Revolution counts them as heroes, or @ least the native ground of the Cosmic Race, with the Spanish adding the European element.

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