His Demise:Before His Fall, Chemical-Assad Refused To Leave Islamic Fascist Republic Of Iran


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
Behind the decision to conquer the Syrian Hermon - and the "Ring of Fire Vision" that collapsed.
The decision to occupy the Syrian side of Mount Hermon was made unanimously by the cabinet • The ministers met, understood that the Assad regime had collapsed, and the IDF began to act • Senior figures in the defense establishment said: "Qassem Soleimani's vision of a ring of fire is collapsing. As soon as Iran's main smuggling route to Lebanon collapses, Hezbollah will be dramatically weakened" • In the months before Assad's fall: The defense establishment worked with the US and the UAE to remove him from the axis of evil.
Yaron Avraham |
The main edition |
Published 21:52 12.08.24

The occupation of the Syrian Hermon and the buffer zone was raised last night (Saturday) and unanimously accepted at a meeting of the political-security cabinet. Security sources explained to the ministers at the meeting that the IDF would be the spearhead in Syria, and already last night, while the political echelon practically understood that the Assad regime had collapsed - the IDF began operational activity to implement the plan.

Also at the meeting, senior defense officials not only described the collapse of the Assad regime, but also gave an overview and forecast of the impact of what is happening in Syria on the Iranian arena. And this is what the ministers heard: "Qassem Soleimani's vision of a ring of fire is collapsing."

"Once the Syrian axis, as Iran's main smuggling route to Lebanon and allowing militias on its behalf to operate near the border with Israel, ceases to exist, Hezbollah will be dramatically weakened," added senior security officials. "The development in Syria may be the part that strengthens the agreement in Lebanon."

In addition, we published this evening in the "Central Edition" about the Israeli and Western attempts to cut Assad off from the Iranian axis, in the months leading up to his fall. In recent months, especially against the backdrop of the war with Lebanon and the fear of the strengthening of the Shiite supply route from Iran to Lebanon via Syria, the security establishment worked with the US and the UAE to remove Assad from the axis of evil.

The means to remove Assad from the axis of evil: lifting sanctions by the US and pouring money in from the Emirates. Israel saw that this worked on several occasions, especially when Iran considered responding from Iraq and Syria after the Israeli attack on Iran and was met with a clear refusal from Assad.

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