Hillary Turns Republican Hitman & Liar Trey Gowdy Into Her Bitch


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina).
After questioning Hillary Clinton for 11 hours in Congress, the head of the House Select Committee investigating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya didn't have a concrete answer about whether he'd learned anything new.

On Thursday, Clinton sat with lawmakers on Capitol Hill for a daylong hearing about the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Over the course of the day, lawmakers grilled Clinton about everything from her use of a private server while serving as secretary of state, to the rationale behind her support of an international military incursion into Libya in the first place.

But when asked by a reporter after the hearing about what new information the committee had gleaned from the hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) didn't have an answer.
"In terms of her testimony, I don't know if she testified that differently today than she's previously testified," Gowdy said.

The congressman then said that he'd follow up by looking at the day's transcripts.

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy A Bald Faced Liar - Daily Kos

On October 7, 2015, Trey Gowdy sent a public letter to Rep Elijah Cummings that made the false accusation that:

In addition to Sidney Blumenthal's business interests, Secretary Clinton also apparently received classified infonnation from Blumenthal-information she should have known was classified at the time she received it. In one email, Blumenthal writes "Tyler spoke to a colleague currently at CIA, who told him the agency had been dependent for intelligence from [redacted due to sources and methods] ." This information, the name of a human source, is some of the most protected information in our intelligence community, the release of which could jeopardize not only national security but also human lives. Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague-debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address.49 There may be other instances as well where Secretary Clinton passed on classified information she received from Sidney Blumenthal. [My emphasis]Yesterday, the

CIA confirmed that Gowdy lied:

Rep. Trey Gowdy Melts Down - Crooks and Liars

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton

CIA Debunks Benghazi Witch-Hunters: Gowdy LIED About ...


Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina).
After questioning Hillary Clinton for 11 hours in Congress, the head of the House Select Committee investigating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya didn't have a concrete answer about whether he'd learned anything new.

On Thursday, Clinton sat with lawmakers on Capitol Hill for a daylong hearing about the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Over the course of the day, lawmakers grilled Clinton about everything from her use of a private server while serving as secretary of state, to the rationale behind her support of an international military incursion into Libya in the first place.

But when asked by a reporter after the hearing about what new information the committee had gleaned from the hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) didn't have an answer.
"In terms of her testimony, I don't know if she testified that differently today than she's previously testified," Gowdy said.

The congressman then said that he'd follow up by looking at the day's transcripts.

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy A Bald Faced Liar - Daily Kos

On October 7, 2015, Trey Gowdy sent a public letter to Rep Elijah Cummings that made the false accusation that:

In addition to Sidney Blumenthal's business interests, Secretary Clinton also apparently received classified infonnation from Blumenthal-information she should have known was classified at the time she received it. In one email, Blumenthal writes "Tyler spoke to a colleague currently at CIA, who told him the agency had been dependent for intelligence from [redacted due to sources and methods] ." This information, the name of a human source, is some of the most protected information in our intelligence community, the release of which could jeopardize not only national security but also human lives. Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague-debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address.49 There may be other instances as well where Secretary Clinton passed on classified information she received from Sidney Blumenthal. [My emphasis]Yesterday, the

CIA confirmed that Gowdy lied:

Rep. Trey Gowdy Melts Down - Crooks and Liars

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton

CIA Debunks Benghazi Witch-Hunters: Gowdy LIED About ...

It's way too early in the morning for jokes, dufus. GFY.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina).
After questioning Hillary Clinton for 11 hours in Congress, the head of the House Select Committee investigating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya didn't have a concrete answer about whether he'd learned anything new.

On Thursday, Clinton sat with lawmakers on Capitol Hill for a daylong hearing about the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Over the course of the day, lawmakers grilled Clinton about everything from her use of a private server while serving as secretary of state, to the rationale behind her support of an international military incursion into Libya in the first place.

But when asked by a reporter after the hearing about what new information the committee had gleaned from the hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) didn't have an answer.
"In terms of her testimony, I don't know if she testified that differently today than she's previously testified," Gowdy said.

The congressman then said that he'd follow up by looking at the day's transcripts.

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy A Bald Faced Liar - Daily Kos

On October 7, 2015, Trey Gowdy sent a public letter to Rep Elijah Cummings that made the false accusation that:

In addition to Sidney Blumenthal's business interests, Secretary Clinton also apparently received classified infonnation from Blumenthal-information she should have known was classified at the time she received it. In one email, Blumenthal writes "Tyler spoke to a colleague currently at CIA, who told him the agency had been dependent for intelligence from [redacted due to sources and methods] ." This information, the name of a human source, is some of the most protected information in our intelligence community, the release of which could jeopardize not only national security but also human lives. Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague-debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address.49 There may be other instances as well where Secretary Clinton passed on classified information she received from Sidney Blumenthal. [My emphasis]Yesterday, the

CIA confirmed that Gowdy lied:

Rep. Trey Gowdy Melts Down - Crooks and Liars

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton

CIA Debunks Benghazi Witch-Hunters: Gowdy LIED About ...

It's way too early in the morning for jokes, dufus. GFY.

Don't look here stroker, the joke's in your hand.
By some odd coincidence of time, I watched a lot of this hearing. One aspect that struck me, aside from questions that contained their own personal answer, was the absolute hatred on the faces of many of the republicans. It was visceral and contained so strong an element of hatred that it made you wonder at the person's values and goals.
By some odd coincidence of time, I watched a lot of this hearing. One aspect that struck me, aside from questions that contained their own personal answer, was the absolute hatred on the faces of many of the republicans. It was visceral and contained so strong an element of hatred that it made you wonder at the person's values and goals.

I got the same impression. The hearings at first may have had a purpose but can anyone at this point deny that the purpose was to smear Hillary Clinton?
By some odd coincidence of time, I watched a lot of this hearing. One aspect that struck me, aside from questions that contained their own personal answer, was the absolute hatred on the faces of many of the republicans. It was visceral and contained so strong an element of hatred that it made you wonder at the person's values and goals.

I got the same impression. The hearings at first may have had a purpose but can anyone at this point deny that the purpose was to smear Hillary Clinton?
Those were the Democrat debates. God, what morons!
How many times does this woman need to do something sleazy, wrong, or even criminal before you stop bending over and letting her screw you over? It's not like it isn't obvious she lies
By some odd coincidence of time, I watched a lot of this hearing. One aspect that struck me, aside from questions that contained their own personal answer, was the absolute hatred on the faces of many of the republicans. It was visceral and contained so strong an element of hatred that it made you wonder at the person's values and goals.

I got the same impression. The hearings at first may have had a purpose but can anyone at this point deny that the purpose was to smear Hillary Clinton?
Those were the Democrat debates. God, what morons!

I would have given you a funny for this if it weren't for the fact that Hillary's got the nomination wrapped up.
How many times does this woman need to do something sleazy, wrong, or even criminal before you stop bending over and letting her screw you over? It's not like it isn't obvious she lies

Then it shouldn't be difficult to prove it and punish her. At best Gowdy is incompetent.
How many times does this woman need to do something sleazy, wrong, or even criminal before you stop bending over and letting her screw you over? It's not like it isn't obvious she lies

Then it shouldn't be difficult to prove it and punish her. At best Gowdy is incompetent.

Get your head out of your butt and maybe we will. The FBI is working pretty hard on that felony investigation as we speak. But its difficult to get anyone convicted when the justice department is corrupted

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