Hillary told friends Obama is ‘incompetent and feckless’: book


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Hillary told friends Obama is ‘incompetent and feckless’: book

Hillary Rodham Clinton called President Obama “incompetent and feckless” and charged that he had “no hand on the tiller half the time,” during a boozy reunion with college pals, a new book claims.

The scathing attacks came as the wine was flowing at a May 2013 dinner at Le Jardin Du Roi, a cozy French bistro near the Clinton family home in Westchester, according to “Blood Feud,” by best-selling author Edward Klein.

The former first lady, months removed from being Obama’s secretary of state, unleashed the verbal assault between sips of vino, sources told the author.

“When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,” Klein wrote.

Clinton ranted, “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time. That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller,” according to the book, which was excerpted exclusively in Sunday’s Post.

“Obama has turned into a joke,” she went on, according to Klein.

“The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

Hillary told friends Obama is ?incompetent and feckless?: book | New York Post

GO HILLARY...Tar into him!
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This is how the Clinton's work.. They are power hungry pigs. They know how unpopular this President is.. They leak shit to different author friends, media.. it happened all during her last run.. things they want out there to make Hillary look better or to set her apart.. DON'T BE FOOLED by the Clinton machine.. Bill Clinton is known as the smartest politician for a reason.
Hmmm. Might be true, there's no reason they should like each other, but not the best source:


Klein has been criticized for his biography of Hillary Clinton, titled, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, which was released on June 21, 2005. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."[6] The book was attacked not only by liberals, but by conservatives as well. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."[7] In National Review James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level.”[8]"
Edward Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hmmm. Might be true, there's no reason they should like each other, but not the best source:


Klein has been criticized for his biography of Hillary Clinton, titled, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, which was released on June 21, 2005. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."[6] The book was attacked not only by liberals, but by conservatives as well. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."[7] In National Review James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level.”[8]"
Edward Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is your proof as to what I just said above is true.. this is a far left Kook who thinks we need a King-- he wants to create that separation at the same time he supports Odumbo in everything he does.
Hmmm. Might be true, there's no reason they should like each other, but not the best source:


Klein has been criticized for his biography of Hillary Clinton, titled, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, which was released on June 21, 2005. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."[6] The book was attacked not only by liberals, but by conservatives as well. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."[7] In National Review James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level.”[8]"
Edward Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is your proof as to what I just said above is true.. this is a far left Kook who thinks we need a King-- he wants to create that separation at the same time he supports Odumbo in everything he does.
No, I said a King would be able to do something, which is a thing this country no longer does. And don't try thinking for me, you aren't able to do that for yourself let alone someone as smart as I am.
Hillary told friends Obama is ‘incompetent and feckless’: book

Hillary Rodham Clinton called President Obama “incompetent and feckless” and charged that he had “no hand on the tiller half the time,” during a boozy reunion with college pals, a new book claims.

The scathing attacks came as the wine was flowing at a May 2013 dinner at Le Jardin Du Roi, a cozy French bistro near the Clinton family home in Westchester, according to “Blood Feud,” by best-selling author Edward Klein.

The former first lady, months removed from being Obama’s secretary of state, unleashed the verbal assault between sips of vino, sources told the author.

“When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,” Klein wrote.

Clinton ranted, “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time. That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller,” according to the book, which was excerpted exclusively in Sunday’s Post.

“Obama has turned into a joke,” she went on, according to Klein.

“The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

Hillary told friends Obama is ?incompetent and feckless?: book | New York Post

GO HILLARY...Tar into him!

Screw Hilary. She is just as big a hypocrite.
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Dubious hearsay punched up to sell books, maybe the Koch's will buy ten thousand copies and pollute a landfill somewhere with them.
If he was so lousy why did she work for him for nearly 4 years?
Yeah, she senses he is unpopular and now wants to distance herself from him with leaks like this. What a conniving bitch and a liar to boot. Why anyone thinks she should be president is beyond me.
Hillary told friends Obama is ‘incompetent and feckless’: book

Hillary Rodham Clinton called President Obama “incompetent and feckless” and charged that he had “no hand on the tiller half the time,” during a boozy reunion with college pals, a new book claims.

The scathing attacks came as the wine was flowing at a May 2013 dinner at Le Jardin Du Roi, a cozy French bistro near the Clinton family home in Westchester, according to “Blood Feud,” by best-selling author Edward Klein.

The former first lady, months removed from being Obama’s secretary of state, unleashed the verbal assault between sips of vino, sources told the author.

“When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,” Klein wrote.

Clinton ranted, “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time. That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller,” according to the book, which was excerpted exclusively in Sunday’s Post.

“Obama has turned into a joke,” she went on, according to Klein.

“The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

Hillary told friends Obama is ?incompetent and feckless?: book | New York Post

GO HILLARY...Tar into him!

She launched Birther movement and blamed Republicans as did Obama. In turn, Obama rewarded her with a Secretary of State coronation.
If he was so lousy why did she work for him for nearly 4 years?
Yeah, she senses he is unpopular and now wants to distance herself from him with leaks like this. What a conniving bitch and a liar to boot. Why anyone thinks she should be president is beyond me.

Personally, I don't see any love lost between them, particularly when she was railroaded by the dnc, and her friend Soros. And to be honest the Clinton's didn't care for him even before his run.

She remained at State thinking the exposure would have been good towards this possible run.
If he was so lousy why did she work for him for nearly 4 years?
Yeah, she senses he is unpopular and now wants to distance herself from him with leaks like this. What a conniving bitch and a liar to boot. Why anyone thinks she should be president is beyond me.

Personally, I don't see any love lost between them, particularly when she was railroaded by the dnc, and her friend Soros. And to be honest the Clinton's didn't care for him even before his run.

She remained at State thinking the exposure would have been good towards this possible run.

Yeah she's an opportunist like no other. But again she compromised her principles to work for someone she thought sucked, and then turns around and stabs him in the back.
Now, I realize Hillary has no principles other than Hillary but you get my drift.
If he was so lousy why did she work for him for nearly 4 years?
Yeah, she senses he is unpopular and now wants to distance herself from him with leaks like this. What a conniving bitch and a liar to boot. Why anyone thinks she should be president is beyond me.

Personally, I don't see any love lost between them, particularly when she was railroaded by the dnc, and her friend Soros. And to be honest the Clinton's didn't care for him even before his run.

She remained at State thinking the exposure would have been good towards this possible run.

Yeah she's an opportunist like no other. But again she compromised her principles to work for someone she thought sucked, and then turns around and stabs him in the back.
Now, I realize Hillary has no principles other than Hillary but you get my drift.

She is weak of character in every way. The fact she would allow Bill hurt, humiliate her and her child, and generally walk all over her for so many years is proof of that.
Personally, I don't see any love lost between them, particularly when she was railroaded by the dnc, and her friend Soros. And to be honest the Clinton's didn't care for him even before his run.

She remained at State thinking the exposure would have been good towards this possible run.

Yeah she's an opportunist like no other. But again she compromised her principles to work for someone she thought sucked, and then turns around and stabs him in the back.
Now, I realize Hillary has no principles other than Hillary but you get my drift.

She is weak of character in every way. The fact she would allow Bill hurt, humiliate her and her child, and generally walk all over her for so many years is proof of that.
She hardly let Bill walk all over her. She's a bitch on wheels. She stuck with him because divorcing him would hurt her poltically. Everything is political with her.
Yeah she's an opportunist like no other. But again she compromised her principles to work for someone she thought sucked, and then turns around and stabs him in the back.
Now, I realize Hillary has no principles other than Hillary but you get my drift.

She is weak of character in every way. The fact she would allow Bill hurt, humiliate her and her child, and generally walk all over her for so many years is proof of that.
She hardly let Bill walk all over her. She's a bitch on wheels. She stuck with him because divorcing him would hurt her poltically. Everything is political with her.

I agree, but that shows she has no faith in herself, alone.
She thinks she has to have him carry her through. She doesn't believe she can make it on her own merits. Thus, weak of character.
She would have made for a far better President than Obama has been.

I once thought that, but after her missteps in the middle east and what led up to Benghazi, how she handled the aftermath, and her blaming it on the video, and those at State, rather than taking responsibility for her State Dept. actions, makes me think she would have been pretty much the same. Would she have appeared more presidential? Probably.
If he was so lousy why did she work for him for nearly 4 years?
Yeah, she senses he is unpopular and now wants to distance herself from him with leaks like this. What a conniving bitch and a liar to boot. Why anyone thinks she should be president is beyond me.

Personally, I don't see any love lost between them, particularly when she was railroaded by the dnc, and her friend Soros. And to be honest the Clinton's didn't care for him even before his run.

She remained at State thinking the exposure would have been good towards this possible run.

Yeah she's an opportunist like no other. But again she compromised her principles to work for someone she thought sucked, and then turns around and stabs him in the back.
Now, I realize Hillary has no principles other than Hillary but you get my drift.

What would you expect from someone who retained and used the last name of the man who shamed her and the office in order to launch her own political career? It's worse than Pat Nixon running successfully for the senate in order to create a presidential campaign.

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