Hillary Screamed Into Phone After Losing To Trump, Had These 2 People To Blame


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I thought it was extremely tacky when Podesta came out instead of Hillary to address the supporters. I bet she was in pretty bad shape, probably mad as a hornet.

"While this in of itself is incredibly tacky and speaks volumes about Hillary’s character, now an even more bizarre story is coming out about what happened the following morning after Trump was declared the winner.

Author Ed Klein joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to give juicy details about the morning following Hillary’s loss, saying that she phoned a friend and was “inconsolable” and “couldn’t stop crying.” But rather than pointing the finger inwards and blaming herself for her election going south, she condemned the very two people who had her back throughout the entire election, who were paramount to burying and white-washing her continual influx of scandals: Obama and FBI Director Comey.

“Here’s what I know, not my opinion. About 6:30 this morning she called an old friend,” Ed Klein began. “She was crying inconsolably. She couldn’t stop crying. And her friend, her female friend from way, way back said it was even hard to understand what she was saying she was crying so hard. This is Hillary we’re talking about. Eventually her friend said she could make out that she was blaming James Comey, the Director of the FBI, for her loss, and, I don’t understand exactly, the president of the United States for not doing enough."

INSIDER: Hillary Screamed Into Phone After Losing To Trump, Had These 2 People To Blame
We haven't heard from the Hildebeast or the Huma lately.... perhaps....

Well she can still play President in her oval office replica at chapaqua .....hire some rubes to be SS agents to cuss out
It figures that she would blame others for her own failures.

Even the media has admitted they were wrong on many counts throughout the campaigns/election cycle. And have been trying to figure out how to explain away those fake polls, when people were saying they had already made up their minds by September......and anything that came out after didn't have an effect on their vote.
Man, we are SO LUCKY she didn't win. What an evil human being.


Obama NAMED her SOS,,,,,he didn't have to give her anything in his cabinet.

Comey is head of the FBI...he is supposed to investigate things, like when the SOS is "EXTREMELY CARELESS" with classified information.

She has exactly 1 person to blame. She can blame that person every time she looks in the mirror.
Newsmax?!?! :laugh2:
See? You and your type are the reason the Democrats lost.

You want to live in your liberal echo chamber. If it doesn't come from the lying MSM, you won't even consider it. I'll bet the fact that she lost came as a shock to you, didn't it?


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