Hillary lost but Trump Won


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Seems like an obvious statement.
Putting aside all the reasons Hillary lost based on what she did or didn't do'
We watched why Trump is a billionaire and now President elect.
How many really saw the obvious?
Trump applied to the American voter for the CEO job running the country.
Here's why he will make a historically great President:
In no particular order.
Trump ran his campaign like a successful CEO does.
He did what he is world famous for. He hired and fired without mercy.
Someone wasn't performing he immediately got rid of them and replaced them. If the replacements didn't perform he got rid of them without hesitation.
When he hired the best people he let them do their job.
The old Giddish saying is: "You don't make money when you sell. You make money by 'paying right'.
He watched every penny being spent like a hawk.
He used his enemy, the LIB MSM like a truck stop whore.
Trumpis exactly the type of CEO for America that is needed.
If any of your have money invested in companies you know Trump is exactly the CEO you would want at the helm.
Ironically it's the LIB pyjama-boys with their ridiculous 'man-buns' and the budding LIB snowflakes who have never worked for anything in their lives who are 'demonstrating' against Trump.
Give them a decade working in Starbucks part time making minimum wage serving other LIB fools willing to pay eight bucks for a cup of burnt coffee.
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and yet the left claims victory because the last 500,000 votes came from people that were just as intelligent as gerbils.
Dear Rexx Taylor it's not just intelligence
because similar could be argued for emotionally driven voters who got hyped up to vote because of Trump celebrity media style that turned off many serious political voters but effectively reached the reality TV crowd and others, even really deserving hard working blue collar types who may not have the highest SAT scores. Intelligence is not the only factor to judge voters by, sometimes it can miss a sector of the population with a vested interest in the outcome who very well should be counted.

What I could ask you is what about the military and veteran vote vs the immigrant and welfare vote.

Isn't it a conflicting interest to have military whose VA care domestically and whose service abroad in foreign regions DEPEND on the chief office and direction taken.
People lobbied to depend on govt for benefits they aren't required to earn by public service as the military are.

Is this good or bad to put that on federal govt instead of requiring states to manage the policy of welfare and workers of their populations to make sure they are legal and contributing and not draining the state.
People complain most about states like CA and TX having federal dependence because of vast welfare populations by size alone.

How does this affect the vote compared with military votes and service.

Would you change that and how? Thank you!
could this happen again, lets say Pence is ahead by 1.5 Million votes in 2020, election night, and we are waiting for Callyfornia to call in their votes, and there votes supercedes Pences by about 200,000. yet, Pence has already won about 320 electoral votes,,are we going to go thru this debacle again?

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