Hillary Lost Because She's a Woman?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Clinton lost because she is a lying criminal whore and her husband is a lying criminal whore. Look how she treated her supporters when she knew she lost. Fuck that skank. Conway is a true American.
Yeah, I'm skeptical of the argument she lost because she is a woman. A fair amount of the GOP would have listed Condoleezza Rice and Sarah Palin on their wish list for top of ticket in 2016. Yeah, it isn't proof that misogyny is a myth, but it's hard for me to say that "GOP HATES WOMAN!" when there is clearly a large portion that would vote for a woman that matches their political views.

I still think Hillary lost for the same reason Jeb! lost, namely voters are sick of political dynasties, insiders, and folks that feel entitled to public office. This was a change election and she was the status quo.
What is telling is the fact that WHITE women voted for Trump. The Media told us all along that Hillary was the champion of women's rights. Apparently the white women in America didn't feel that way. It is true that minority women voted for Hillary but white women, both undereducated and college educated overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

WHITE males, both undereducated and college educated voted for Trump as well. Minorities voted for Clinton. It appears the line was drawn between the minority community and the white community. It appears that the working white community and the white business owners totally rejected the Democratic policies of the past eight years while the minorities embrace those policies.

In any case, Hillary did not come out of the election as the voice of the American woman.
I guess minorities are stupid then if they embrace democrats.

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