Hillary, girlfriend, please just go away!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Hillary, keeps trying to find a reason to justify her loss.....okay, I get it....but girlfriend....you lost because your a lousy candidate, crooked to the core, never should have ran in the first place and because nobody likes you!!! You lost to a newby black guy, almost lost to a 90 year old Jew and to lose to the worst human being on the planet????? You really are shocked?
Hillary, keeps trying to find a reason to justify her loss.....okay, I get it....but girlfriend....you lost because your a lousy candidate, crooked to the core, never should have ran in the first place and because nobody likes you!!! You lost to a newby black guy, almost lost to a 90 year old Jew and to lose to the worst human being on the planet????? You really are shocked?
wow....this was actually a good post by you tiger...
Where was the attitude BEFORE the election, Tigerred? You sound like an independent now. Welcome to the club!
The snowflakes are rioting because they're mad Trump won. Well sweethearts, the alternative was Hillary. As I heard on the radio several months ago, we had two choices: "You must walk through one of two doors. Behind door number one IS a man eating lion. Behind door number two MIGHT be a man eating lion. Your choice."

Hillary Clinton lost because she's Hillary Clinton
Commentary - Chicago Tribune
And the one that could be a man eating lion may just be the most popular president in history! See what he and Congress do for the people of this country instead of themselves. Before they pass any item, a quetion should be asked of all lawmakers..."How does this bill help the citizens of this country?"
Trump won because he wasn't Hillary.

Why Trump Won
...even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008, and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines. Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him. That Hillary Clinton never got beyond her email scandals, the pay-for-play Clinton Foundation wrongdoing, and the Wikileaks and Guccifer hackings reminded the electorate that whatever Trump was or had done, he at least had not brazenly broken federal law as a public servant, or colluded with the media and the Republican National Committee to undermine the integrity of the primaries and sabotage his Republican rivals.

Finally, the more Clinton Inc. talked about the Latino vote, the black vote, the gay vote, the woman vote, the more Americans tired of the same old identity politics pandering. What if minority bloc voters who had turned out for Obama might not be as sympathetic to a middle-aged, multimillionaire white woman? And what if the working white classes might flock to the politically incorrect populist Trump in a way that they would not to a leftist elitist like Hillary Clinton? In other words, the more Clinton played the identity politics card, the more she earned fewer returns for herself and more voters for Trump.
Why Trump Won
Hillary could go off the scene as a class act by graciously accepting that she lost and imploring the rioters to do so as well. Oh, who am I kidding, this is Hillary we're talking about.
Absolutely. He has a golden opportunity here to be a real statesman.

How right you are. But how frail are humans.

He has the House and Senate for two years just like Obama did. Obama blew it big time with his arrogance. Drunk with power, his weak character folded.

Now we'll see Trump's metal.

Hillary, keeps trying to find a reason to justify her loss.....okay, I get it....but girlfriend....you lost because your a lousy candidate, crooked to the core, never should have ran in the first place and because nobody likes you!!! You lost to a newby black guy, almost lost to a 90 year old Jew and to lose to the worst human being on the planet????? You really are shocked?

I thought you were referring to Hillary's lesbian girlfriend Huma. Maybe they'll have the same jail cell during their stay in federal prison.

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