Hillary, Danchenko, Steele, Kerry, Comey, Obama & Brookings Institute At Heart Of Russian Collusion Treason Scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The article is superb and does a meticulous job covering all the connections and collaboration of American Left-Wing / Democrat domestic enemies whose attempts to cover up crimes while stealing the Presidency with the help of foreign enemies reached all the way to the Oval office.

At the heart of the 'machine' that created and pushed the 'Russian Collusion' narrative was the left-wing STINK Tank, the Brookings Institute, that not only helped author the lies and weave the narrative but also helped tear the country apart by promoting the lie as fact.

The cast of those involved, as exposed so far, is a 'Who's Who' of top (Democrat) politicians (Hillary, Obama, John Kerry, etc...), Treasonous Govt Directors / Employees (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hill, etc...), and Brookings members going back decades with connections to Hillary, Danchenko, and Steele.

The 'Russian Collusion' scandal and associated / connected failed Obama coup attempt is the largest case of political corruption, crime, and government collusion, crime, and treason in the history of the United States.

It makes Watergate look like a 'Dine and Dash' misdeneanor pulled off by immature high school kids.

Those involved, especially Hillary, Obama, Biden, and Obama's criminal administration should be listed as a criminal, treasonous black mark on our nation's history, their legacies and reputations tainted forever.

The Brookings institute should be officially labeled as a criminal, anti-American organization consisting of domestic enemies that worked with foreign enemies of the state to steal an election, rip the nation apart, and support the treasonous failed attempted political coup run by the Obama administration.
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I don't doubt they all colluded to promote the Russiagate Hoax along with most of the corporate media, but we all know nothing will be done to fully expose them and prosecute them. Much like all the pedo elites tied to Epstein, they are above the law.

Further evidence we live in a failed state.

The article is superb and does a meticulous job covering all the connections and collaboration of American Left-Wing / Democrat domestic enemies whose attempts to cover up crimes while stealing the Presidency with the help of foreign enemies reached all the way to the Oval office.

At the heart of the 'machine' that created and pushed the 'Russian Collusion' narrative was the left-wing STINK Tank, the Brookings Institute, that not only helped author the lies and weave the narrative but also helped tear the country apart by promoting the lie as fact.

The cast of those involved, as exposed so far, is a 'Who's Who' of top (Democrat) politicians (Hillary, Obama, John Kerry, etc...), Treasonous Govt Directors / Employees (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hill, etc...), and Brookings members going back decades with connections to Hillary, Danchenko, and Steele.

The 'Russian Collusion' scandal and associated / connected failed Obama coup attempt is the largest case of political corruption, crime, and government collusion, crime, and treason in the history of the United States.

It makes Watergate look like a 'Dine and Dash' misdeneanor pulled off by immature high school kids.

Those involved, especially Hillary, Obama, Biden, and Obama's criminal administration should be listed as a criminal, treasonous black mark on our nation's history, their legacies and reputations tainted forever.

The Brookings institute should be officially labeled as a criminal, anti-American organization consisting of domestic enemies that worked with foreign enemies of the state to steal an election, rip the nation apart, and support the treasonous failed attempted political coup run by the Obama administration.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hill, Brookings members, Danchenko, and Steele should all be charged with "insurgency."

The article is superb and does a meticulous job covering all the connections and collaboration of American Left-Wing / Democrat domestic enemies whose attempts to cover up crimes while stealing the Presidency with the help of foreign enemies reached all the way to the Oval office.

At the heart of the 'machine' that created and pushed the 'Russian Collusion' narrative was the left-wing STINK Tank, the Brookings Institute, that not only helped author the lies and weave the narrative but also helped tear the country apart by promoting the lie as fact.

The cast of those involved, as exposed so far, is a 'Who's Who' of top (Democrat) politicians (Hillary, Obama, John Kerry, etc...), Treasonous Govt Directors / Employees (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hill, etc...), and Brookings members going back decades with connections to Hillary, Danchenko, and Steele.

The 'Russian Collusion' scandal and associated / connected failed Obama coup attempt is the largest case of political corruption, crime, and government collusion, crime, and treason in the history of the United States.

It makes Watergate look like a 'Dine and Dash' misdeneanor pulled off by immature high school kids.

Those involved, especially Hillary, Obama, Biden, and Obama's criminal administration should be listed as a criminal, treasonous black mark on our nation's history, their legacies and reputations tainted forever.

The Brookings institute should be officially labeled as a criminal, anti-American organization consisting of domestic enemies that worked with foreign enemies of the state to steal an election, rip the nation apart, and support the treasonous failed attempted political coup run by the Obama administration.
Congratulations, easyt65. You have been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Crappy Threads Which Did Not Age Well.

The article is superb and does a meticulous job covering all the connections and collaboration of American Left-Wing / Democrat domestic enemies whose attempts to cover up crimes while stealing the Presidency with the help of foreign enemies reached all the way to the Oval office.

At the heart of the 'machine' that created and pushed the 'Russian Collusion' narrative was the left-wing STINK Tank, the Brookings Institute, that not only helped author the lies and weave the narrative but also helped tear the country apart by promoting the lie as fact.

The cast of those involved, as exposed so far, is a 'Who's Who' of top (Democrat) politicians (Hillary, Obama, John Kerry, etc...), Treasonous Govt Directors / Employees (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hill, etc...), and Brookings members going back decades with connections to Hillary, Danchenko, and Steele.

The 'Russian Collusion' scandal and associated / connected failed Obama coup attempt is the largest case of political corruption, crime, and government collusion, crime, and treason in the history of the United States.

It makes Watergate look like a 'Dine and Dash' misdeneanor pulled off by immature high school kids.

Those involved, especially Hillary, Obama, Biden, and Obama's criminal administration should be listed as a criminal, treasonous black mark on our nation's history, their legacies and reputations tainted forever.

The Brookings institute should be officially labeled as a criminal, anti-American organization consisting of domestic enemies that worked with foreign enemies of the state to steal an election, rip the nation apart, and support the treasonous failed attempted political coup run by the Obama administration.
You left out Mueller. and tried to cover it up, by wiping Strozk and Paige's phones and then lied to The AG about it. Mueller actively participated in The Treasonous COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane..

And let's not forget just a few years earlier, Mueller, Comey, Eric Holder, Obama, Biden, McCain and Clinton were all involved in the drooked Uranium One - Rosatom deal.

Also don't forget, Steele's Russian Partner Skirpal was also involved.
You know, they guy that they tried to poison him and his daughter to death?

BTW, let's also think about Joe's cozy relationship with Iran and Russia. Joe lifted sanctions on Iran, and made backdoors for Russia around sanctions so they can deal with Iran. Iran recently sent Russia a horde of Suicide Drones, based on stolen American Drone Technology, that Russia is now using on Ukraine.

Let that sink in for a minute.
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I guess this thread is an attempt to hide the fact that Durham lost ANOTHER case
Congratulations, easyt65. You have been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Crappy Threads Which Did Not Age Well.
Even I did not expect Durham could not find 1 honest juror in DC. Should have known - its home to the biggest collection of immoral, unethical, lying, compromised, corrupt, criminal, Constitution and Rule of Law violating, scumbags in this country.
Even I did not expect Durham could not find 1 honest juror in DC. Should have known - its home to the biggest collection of immoral, unethical, lying, compromised, corrupt, criminal, Constitution and Rule of Law violating, scumbags in this country.
Oh I see...it was all those dishonest jurors.

Congratulations, easyt65. You have been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Crappy Threads Which Did Not Age Well.
Tell me Ruskie Chicom Troll..... You going to go to Putin or to Xi for help in the 2024 election? Most likely you like to rotate your contractors, so I am thinking you hire Iran this time.

After all Quid Pro Joe took sanctions off of Iran, and made a sweetheart deal with Russia so Iran could send suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with.

You love that Quid Pro Quo China Joe shit, don't yah?

Bloody Joe and Camel Toe Hoe. Worst Dreadful Duo to ever get installed into office in our Banana Republic.
I guess this thread is an attempt to hide the fact that Durham lost ANOTHER case
Why are you helping Bloody Joe kill Ukrainians with The Suicide Drones Iran Built, Joe Approved, and were shipped to Russia through the Loop Holes Quid Pro Joe created for both countries?

Your Avatar of a Ukrainian Flag is a disgrace.
Why are you supporting Mass Murdering Joe who started this war in the first place?
Why do you hate Ukraine?
Why are you, Joe and Putin working together to kill Ukrainians and start WWIII?
Tell me Ruskie Chicom Troll..... You going to go to Putin or to Xi for help in the 2024 election? Most likely you like to rotate your contractors, so I am thinking you hire Iran this time.

After all Quid Pro Joe took sanctions off of Iran, and made a sweetheart deal with Russia so Iran could send suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with.

You love that Quid Pro Quo China Joe shit, don't yah?

Bloody Joe and Camel Toe Hoe. Worst Dreadful Duo to ever get installed into office in our Banana Republic.
Did a Trump/Putin lover just call a Biden supporter a Putin sympathizer?
That’s some weird reverse psychology.
Did a Trump/Putin lover just call a Biden supporter a Putin sympathizer?
That’s some weird reverse psychology.
It's not every day that we have Obama, Clinton, Biden and The DNC beg Putin for a Dirty Dossier to save them from Orange Man Bad.
They paid Pooty Poot Putin $14 Million Dollars to try to interfere in our elections in their favor, and try to help take down Trump with a Treasonous COUP afterwards.

You may now go back to your regular job of waxing Putin's Pubes.

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