Hillary Clinton is the New Baghdad Bob


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Hillary Clinton is the New Baghdad Bob

By Daniel Greenfield

No need to worry guys, the Arab Spring is working just fine. Just listen to Hillary Clinton’s speech from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (via Jihad Watch) packed with absurdities like these.

For the United States, supporting democratic transitions is not a matter of idealism. It is a strategic necessity.

It might be more of a strategic necessity for China and Russia, considering that the democratic transition replaced allies with Islamist enemies. It’s obviously a strategic necessity for Huma Abedin and her friends. But it’s a strategic disaster for us.

And we will not return to the false choice between freedom and stability. And we will not pull back our support for emerging democracies when the going gets rough. That would be a costly strategic mistake that would, I believe, undermine both our interests and our values.

But back to Benghazi and the bungled and burgled consulate.

Diplomacy, by its nature has to be often practiced in dangerous places… Our people cannot live in bunkers and do their jobs.

Sure they can. They live in heavily secured facilities even in many allied countries. They live protected by United States Marines.

The question is why the Benghazi consulate had less security than places that were not under threat? But worry not, she’s on the case.

No one wants to find out exactly what happened more than I do.

I bet.

Hillary Clinton is the New Baghdad Bob

Hillary's Price

J. Robert Smith

Rest assured that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton isn't taking a fall over the Benghazi debacle for President Obama without exacting a price -- a steep price. It's not Bill's or Hill's way to give from the heart. Like the devil, the Clintons expect their due, and gosh darn it, they're going to get it -- one way or another.

The Benghazi cover-up is a festering sore on the Obama presidency -- or more immediately, on Mr. Obama's re-election chances. "What did the president know, and when did he know it" is more than a shopworn saying regarding Benghazi and the president's involvement. In fact, a tougher question is whether or not Mr. Obama was the instigator of the cover-up, or as was said during Watergate, a "co-conspirator."

Of course, it's a guessing game as to what Mr. Obama is surrendering to Hillary for graciously falling on her sword. It depends, in fact, on Hillary's gambit working and knocking the bloodhounds off Mr. Obama's trail. The president has already turned over a small mountain of chits to Hillary's sometimes hubby, Bill, for the latter's convention speech on behalf of Mr. Obama. Actors like Bill expect to get paid -- and SAG minimums he ain't accepting.

How handsomely Mr. Obama compensates the Clintons depends in large part on his securing another four-year lease at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Let's hope that Mr. Obama's ability to meet the Clintons' shakedown terms is foiled by that Republican fella from Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. A vexed Bill and an irate Hill aren't the devils Mr. Obama wants to contend with.


Read more: Blog: Hillary's Price

Will there be any consequences for Secretary Clinton accepting responsibility for Benghazi attack?

Bruce Johnson

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accepted responsibility for Benghazi security deficiencies.

Now, who accepts the consequences of responsibility? And what of the disinformation campaign?

Accepting responsibility is only step one. The consequences of failure come second.

Will the second part ever happen? No.

Will Hillary resign? No. Will Hillary suffer any consequence for accepting the "responsibility" for under manning our hottest embassy situation on the 9/11 anniversary? Will she accept responsibilities for the deaths that ensued after requests for additional security? No. Will she be held on misleading the nation as to the causes of the attack. No. This is nothing more than an uncomfortable admission which serves as a diversion.

Will Obama be held for his non attendance of intelligence briefings the week prior to 9/11? Or for flying to Las Vegas on 9/12 for a fund raiser? No. Hillary took the bullet.

This is a vapid "end of story" empty acquiescence. A "Please media, go away", declaration and request. What is necessary now is the consequence of poor decision making and department control which cost lives out there in the "big game". What is necessary is the revelation of who knew what and when. Just like Fast and Furious, somehow "who knew" never comes out. This is political bargaining behind the scenes. We have this on you, and now you will march to our music. It seems to be a more valuable bobble to have in one's political war chest, than to bring to sunlight the facts and the circumstances. In this mode, politicians all appear to have a mutual understanding amongst themselves. Kinda like, "we are all in the same actor's guild, we all make mistakes".

And maybe that is the BIG problem in the American political system. You, Hillary, won't get hurt, but now we own you for a while. The Public will never know. Their right to know seems to have been lost somewhere.


Hillary's "acceptance" or responsibility is only step one. Step two is consequence to Hillary. I am guessing this will never occur. But someone will own her for a while.

Walk softly Mrs. Clinton.

Read more: Blog: Will there be any consequences for Secretary Clinton accepting responsibility for Benghazi attack?
An Israeli Ex-PM Goes to Prison -- Lessons for Hillary
No one's "too big to jail."
February 18, 2016
Ari Lieberman


In a memorable debate with the caustic Socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders on January 17, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noted that “no individual is too powerful to jail.” Hillary may yet live to regret those words but that axiom proved to be true half-way around the world in Israel.


There are currently over one-hundred FBI agents probing her email scandal and their investigation has widened to include whether Clinton co-mingled State Department and Clinton Foundation business. Generally speaking, The FBI does not commence an investigation unless they believe that criminality is afoot. Moreover, the fact that they’ve assigned that many agents to the case and have broadened their probe can only lead to the logical conclusion that the fish are biting – and biting hard.

Clinton initially denied having sent any classified emails on her almost certainly compromised, unsecured public server. Well we now know that this was certainly not the case and that at least 1,666 emails were classified and 22 emails were top secret and their exposure placed lives and methods of intelligence gathering at risk.

Then of course, there’s the issue of whether Clinton used her position as secretary of state to advance the foreign interests of those who contributed vast sums to the Clinton Foundation or otherwise provided the Clintons’ with speaking engagement fees. Of interest will be a convoluted and complex energy deal that allowed a Russian company to obtain 20 percent ownership of America’s uranium reserves. Those deposits are considered to be a strategic asset thereby requiring State Department approval for transfer to a foreign entity. Clinton Okayed the deal. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of the uranium deposits. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did.

In typical condescending and dismissive fashion, Clinton denied any wrong-doing and insisted that she was “100 percent confident” that she would not be indicted. Funny, Ehud Olmert said the same thing.

An Israeli Ex-PM Goes to Prison -- Lessons for Hillary

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