Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack
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The bitch found out the hard way it takes more than Muslims, fairies, and freaks to win a national election
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack

More fake news from the Gateway Pundit. This is what Clinton tweeted.

Barcelona, you have our resolve and support
in the face of this cowardly attack. We stand
together against terrorism wherever it strikes.
2:41 PM - 17 Auf 2017

Wait!! There's that word 'terrorism'.. Actually I thought her tweet was better than another one of Trump's thuggish rants. I thought she didn't use the word twitter.

On the other hand, Trump within minutes of the attack, called it terrorism. In Charlottesville when a terrorist killed 1 person and injured 18, Trump didn't say anything. The difference is that Charlottesville was a terrorist attack by a white supremacist.
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack
Trump's approval ratings are headed to the 20's... 40% of Americans want him impeached so what to do what to do.
Start a Hillary thread. That's the ticket!
Steve McRacist uses the nazi sympathizer Gateway Pundit most of the time and then insists he's not a racist. Lol
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack
Trump's approval ratings are headed to the 20's... 40% of Americans want him impeached so what to do what to do.
Start a Hillary thread. That's the ticket!
We Trump patriots don't let poll numbers pertaining to him worry us. Trump has proven he defies any poll numbers and wins.
The bleaker it looks for Trump is directly proportional to the number of Hillary threads the DEPLORABLES vomit out.
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack
Trump's approval ratings are headed to the 20's... 40% of Americans want him impeached so what to do what to do.
Start a Hillary thread. That's the ticket!
We Trump patriots don't let poll numbers pertaining to him worry us. Trump has proven he defies any poll numbers and wins.
Yes you think he's more powerful than any poll. Lol
And all polls involving trump will ALWAYS be wrong...because.. just because.

I see the stock market today reflected the nazi sympathizer prez's outstanding job he did handling the C-Ville crisis.

10 more republicans came out against his deplorable response.

The deplorable base is eroding faster than Trump's weekly orange dye job.
The bleaker it looks for Trump is directly proportional to the number of Hillary threads the DEPLORABLES vomit out.
If Hillary would stop sympathizing with the enemy and start calling ISIS out by name and put natural born citizens first, she might gain a tad of respect.
The bleaker it looks for Trump is directly proportional to the number of Hillary threads the DEPLORABLES vomit out.

Aren't you the same people that said Trump was guaranteed to lose the election? His future's been bleak a long time according to yall.
I dont fraternize with self admitted racists..
I need a shower every time I see one of your posts.
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The bleaker it looks for Trump is directly proportional to the number of Hillary threads the DEPLORABLES vomit out.
If Hillary would stop sympathizing with the enemy and start calling ISIS out by name and put natural born citizens first, she might gain a tad of respect.
Hilary. Obama.. Loretta Lynch..
Newsflash : none are in office,
Stop deflecting from the failing presidency of Donald T Trump.
Once again, just like Obama did, Hillary refuses to call out radical Islam or even condemn ISIS by name after today's attacking. On the other hand, she had no problem calling out legally permitted peaceful confederate heritage supporters in Charlottesville after they were attacked by Antifa Bolsheviks, America's equivalent of ISIS. It's such a blessing she was soundly defeated by Donald Trump through our constitutional election process.



Hillary Clinton Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Islamic Terrorism After Barcelona Attack
Trump's approval ratings are headed to the 20's... 40% of Americans want him impeached so what to do what to do.
Start a Hillary thread. That's the ticket!
We Trump patriots don't let poll numbers pertaining to him worry us. Trump has proven he defies any poll numbers and wins.
Yes you think he's more powerful than any poll. Lol
And all polls involving trump will ALWAYS be wrong...because.. just because.

I see the stock market today reflected the nazi sympathizer prez's outstanding job he did handling the C-Ville crisis.

10 more republicans came out against his deplorable response.

The deplorable base is eroding faster than Trump's weekly orange dye job.
You completely underestimate the silent White majority supporters of our glorious leader. You did it prior to the election. You're doing it post election. You're an ignorant Bolshevik. This is expected.

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