Hillary A Trump Plant?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The MOST conservative House and Senate are going to be sworn in shortly. Trumps picks thus far are proving to be the most conservative in the last 50 years. Each and everyone of his picks is proving itself to totally piss of liberals. {snicker}.

For some liberals CLAIMED he was going to show their "liberal" colors, that sh#t ain't working! I mean for Christ's sake look at his picks liberals, where is the damn liberal picks? Sessions HATES Hillary and he is going to the DOJ. And Cruz to SCOTUS I hope. Get that noose ready!

First you say Hillary will win in a landslide and she gets here ass handed to her. And now with his picks I ask you idiots where are the liberals? After Jan 20 NOBODY is going to pay any attention to your dumb ass. You got ZERO power and since you left that nuke option open {another STUPID idea} conformation is done by a simple majority so you CAN'T block NOTHING.

And you lost even more local power but hey if that is your idea of winning you just keep that sh#t up and by 2020 the only place we will see democrats is in a zoo. Now back to the title just exactly whose brilliant idea was it to destroy the ONLY person who showed a chance against Trump? Hillary.

Whose brilliant idea was it to PRE-load the delegates in her favor? Oh yeah it was HERS. Lot of stupid choices here liberals followed by a lot of stupid claims. And your idiot claims no one qualified would work with Trump? Biden says Trump is not only picking FASTER then Obama but BETTER then Obama! That has to f#cking hurt.

And the ground game has already started for kicking out ILLEGALS. It starts with KNOWN criminals and just how do you intend protesting that idiots? How many of the FEW remaining democrats are going to protest in PUBLIC over throwing murders, rapists and drug dealers OUT of the country? How are you idiots going to "spin" that sh#t and NOT blow 2018?

Some liberal idiots of the press are saying Obama will pardon ALL 750,000 "dreamers" on his final day! You REALLY want to go into 2018 with that hanging around your neck? YOU really think the American public will buy into that? And that is not counting the pardons Hillary and Bill and Huma are going to need?

Your narrative is no better today then it was in the off year and the OLD "elite" democrats are hanging in there. Denial must be one of those 57 states your idiot visited, and he left you there.

The problem with political analysis is that the analysts rely on old assumptions. Democrat administrations usually consist of dirty tricks specialists and spin doctors. There is no evidence that any modern democrat administration ever considered the good and welfare of the Country above another freaking term and personal enrichment. That's another reason that Trump is like a breath of fresh air.He has to take a cut in pay, fly on a commercial jet and live in public housing because he cares about the future of the Republic which looked pretty dismal under two criminal democrat regimes and a moderate republican. Trump doesn't care about spin or lobbyists and he doesn't owe anything to anyone so you can be sure he will appoint the best people for the freaking job regardless of what political analyst hacks think.
What will absolutely destroy the Ds is enforcement of IDs that illegals cannot get without loss of federal grants.
The wildcards are:
Crappy blue state finances and blue state taxes generally being much higher than red state taxes, the blue wall may collapse.
The marginal tax difference after tax reform may completely redraw the electoral map for 2022 and later elections.
The geniuses in charge, Pelosi, Reed, Shumer, Obama, etc.--have analyzed the election---and decided to put a Muslim in charge of the Democratic Party for the next few years.

Let that sink in.

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