Hilary takes stage barking Iike a dog; Seriously...THIS is presidential???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Libs talk about how Trumps profanity here and there is not "presidential". Yeah....I suppose taking the stage and barking like a feral mutt is better?? Real classy Dems.

And to think....for so many years....THIS IS what we had for Secretary of State. No wonder ISIS and Putin laughed at us.

If the GOP wants to win the White House just run THIS 10 seconds as the 1 and only commercial non stop from June to November.

THIS cannot sit in the Oval Office.

Libs talk about how Trumps profanity here and there is not "presidential". Yeah....I suppose taking the stage and barking like a feral mutt is better?? Real classy Dems.

And to think....for so many years....THIS IS what we had for Secretary of State. No wonder ISIS and Putin laughed at us.

this is what they call

a "barking moonbat" not often caught on screen
To be honest I see no problem here. In context she was trying to be funny...nothing to see here.

She was on stage barking like a dog.

Your video is not accurate.......she didn't do it over and over and she was telling a story. But hypocritical you are....trying to compare her funny imitation of a dog that barks when someone is lying to Trumps' vulgar and crass vocabulary. And his lies.........arf, arf, arf!
shes mentally unfit and physically unfit- im more concerned about her coughing fit.
Hillary Has Coughing Fit During Race Speech - Breitbart
I have posted numerous times here that Hillary is setting her supporters up for here soon departure from the race for 'health reasons'.
She will quit a couple of weeks before someone in the FBI 'leaks' to Hillary she is about to be 'perp walked' out of her mansion.
The same FBI 'leaker' will also call the cable networks.
All the minor and major crimes the Clintons have committed over the years are coming home to roost.
Karma has a bigger dick the Obama's tranny wife.
In Britain they use the phrase: "Barking Mad". It means the person is fucking crazy.
Hillary has finally ended any speculation.
The Youtube video perfectly ironic of Hillary barking her head off will be shown until the end of time.
I can't wait to see the 'Barking Mad' T-shirts selling on Ebay by Friday.
Debbie and the DNC STILL haven't stop watching their TVs. They are still sitting in front of them in darkened rooms j staring at the blank screens. Take-out not touched. Debbie developing a slight eye twitch.
Hillary might as well have pulled down her pants and started dancing the Twist while singing 'Moon River'.
Certifiably 'Barking Mad'.
The only person who could make the whole DEM campaign up would be Joseph Heller.
Each chapter gets fucking more out there than the next. No. Not even Heller would put Hillary on a stage barking her fucking head off.........as a reaction to .......GET THIS!!! Someone telling her a lie!
Dear GOD the woman is fucking nuts.
I wonder how many poor dogs she would have gone through listening to Bill Clinton explain where he had been all afternoon?
I CAN'T WAIT to watch what happens the next time she's on stage giving one of her talking point 'SCREECHES".
The chorus of Sander's supporters will sound like a pack of fucking 'Blue Ticks' after a bear.
What gets me is she talking about others lying. She can't tell the truth, when she speaks it should come out as dogs constantly barking. Obama too.
What gets me is she talking about others lying. She can't tell the truth, when she speaks it should come out as dogs constantly barking. Obama too.

The simple fact is the two runners for the GOP are liars as well as Hillary. I don't think Bernie has lied to the same extent as those three, but I don't agree with his views on the direction the country can go.

With that said, why do you support liars in the GOP?
What gets me is she talking about others lying. She can't tell the truth, when she speaks it should come out as dogs constantly barking. Obama too.

The simple fact is the two runners for the GOP are liars as well as Hillary. I don't think Bernie has lied to the same extent as those three, but I don't agree with his views on the direction the country can go.

With that said, why do you support liars in the GOP?
I support Ben Carson, he seems to be honest.

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