Hijab fail in the UK & the Islamist are crying foul


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The whiners of the fifth column/pillar are working hard to keep those females born into Muslim families on the hijab string. They have only won a few court battles here in America through Obama appointees and soft minded individuals that cannot see the writing on the wall as they give away the precious freedoms so many already fought and died for. The majority of the United States already made their vote count back in November 2016 when they denied Clinton. The UK citizens made their voices count with Brexit. Sounds like the UK has definitely decided either assimilate into the culture or go back to the countries from whence thou came.

BREAKING: European Court of Justice says hijab ban is legal

-A move designed to drive Muslim women out of the workplace, or force them to assimilate and abandon their religious identity...?

Some of the tweets I came across by males of the Muslim persuasion concerning the UK ruling that employers can ban hijabs in their workplace:

"Clear sign of cowards today: picking on Muslim women in #hijab, whether it's thugs on streets, thugs in suits or thugs in wigs"

"#HijabBan: Forcing Muslim women out of the workplace? Or forcing them to get rid of their religious identity?
Sultana Parvin on the European Court of Justice's ruling on hijab...."

Debunking the sensationalist 'jihadi bride' narrative: The number of female terrorists translate to 0.001% of Muslim women in the UK https://cage.ngo/…/the-henry-jackson-societys-fear-mongeri…/

#HijabBan: Forcing Muslim women out of the workplace? Or forcing them to get rid of their religious identity?
Join Sultana Parvin tonight from 9pm for a discussion on the European Court of Justice's ruling legalising the discrimination of faith groups in the workplace www.facebook.com/cageuk


Hijab light- not really

The Queen issued her decree she signed the approval for Brexit. "Notification of withdrawl"

It's about time they make them take those damn tablecloths off their heads and dress like a NORMAL person! :iagree::welcome:
It's about time they make them take those damn tablecloths off their heads and dress like a NORMAL person! :iagree::welcome:
I believe a lot of them would like to but just like any other time in history males attempt to dominate females via their religious misinterpretations.

Queen of Britain Wears the Veil
Doesn't British Queen Elizabeth, always wear a headscarf, especially when she leaves the palace. Perhaps the difference here is that the British Queen is doing it for practical reasons, not religious, or maybe she likes to wear it because she finds it attractive, and in for these reasons it is allowed.
German Newspaper: Queen of Britain Wears the Veil .. Why Ban it for Muslim Women?
Looks like a scarf because she didn't do her hair or wanted to keep it from getting messed up. I wear a scarf when the wind blows to keep my hair from being tangled by the wind. I also wear one when working outside when I don't want dirt in it. Its not compulsory its a choice and that is a huge difference.
Are Arab men really women since they wear scarfs on their heads too?
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Are Arab men really women since they wear scarfs on their heads too?
Who cares what people wear?
A long as it's practical/functional, not smelly, and harms no one.
I could care less what people wear but the fact is this hijab crap is a part of their forced religious crap that is practiced on women.

Queen of Britain Wears the Veil
Doesn't British Queen Elizabeth, always wear a headscarf, especially when she leaves the palace. Perhaps the difference here is that the British Queen is doing it for practical reasons, not religious, or maybe she likes to wear it because she finds it attractive, and in for these reasons it is allowed.
German Newspaper: Queen of Britain Wears the Veil .. Why Ban it for Muslim Women?
She's not forced to wear it, nor does she wears it for religious reasons. So fuck you loser. We're coming to get ALL the fucking hijabs, niqabs and whatever else you beat your women into wearing. And we're going to see THEIR HAIR!!! :eek:
all clothing rules should be declared CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY----thruout the world

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