HHS not reporting vaccine injury and death, as required by law


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A great job, indeed. Any victim of the Fauci & Gates 'jab' must be classified as an unvaccinated death.
They kill you and blame another.
Even Satan as father of Lie could be envy.

Doctors are required to report any adverse reaction or fatality to VAERS, but according to these testimonies, this legal process is being circumvented to protect the vaccine industry. According to HHS testimony, many vaccine injury reports aren’t even being documented as vaccine deaths are swept under the rug en masse. O’Malley explained she had a moral obligation to speak out about this. “You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific,” O’Malley said.
She chose to speak up after watching one of her colleagues be coerced into taking the shot even though she didn’t want to, then dying from it. “At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on,” she said, explaining that she is not afraid to speak out and face retaliation from the government because her “faith lies in God and not man.”

This would mean that you can't even trust the Biden administration to protect the lives of Americans. I've never seen such a callous disregard for human life. You can't get any lower than killing for a political advantage.
This would mean that you can't even trust the Biden administration to protect the lives of Americans. I've never seen such a callous disregard for human life. You can't get any lower than killing for a political advantage.

The world is run now by a small sect of satanists.
Do you know the final target of satanist?
Never heard?

The totally extermination of humanity as the biggest wrongdoing on the Earth.

Biden, Merkel, Putin, Schwab, Macron, Erdogan & CO wanna kill you by the 'jab', only completely fools can't understand what's going on

Read a little bit about the true Nature of Satanism.

Satanists ( Freemasons & Co ) annihilated Christianity and subverted all organisations within.
Now they have enough power to kill the entirely humanity.

Inform yourself about satanism and who is behind of any 'president'
I don't know why they bother to suppress this data. Anyone with a brain decided long ago to stay far away from the jab. All that's left of the holdouts are the die-hards. They're not going to change our minds by any trickery that they use to try to make the genocide juice jab look safe.
I don't know why they bother to suppress this data. Anyone with a brain decided long ago to stay far away from the jab. All that's left of the holdouts are the die-hards. They're not going to change our minds by any trickery that they use to try to make the genocide juice jab look safe.

The killer gang knows all of them will receive death sentence for already murdered millions by the 'jab'
To stay alive they wanna kill all of us, so only few remain to punish them
The killer gang knows all of them will receive death sentence for already murdered millions by the 'jab'
To stay alive they wanna kill all of us, so only few remain to punish them
Unbelievable. Their desperation is absolutely palpable. They're scared shitless! Fear causes bad decision making. They are making so many mistakes already.
Can you name only one leading MS western politician who isn't a freemason, sexual deviant, corrupt or secret satanist.
Wanna be glad to know it
You're either insane, or deliberately undermining our country. Fuck you very much.
The world is run now by a small sect of satanists.
Do you know the final target of satanist?
Never heard?

The totally extermination of humanity as the biggest wrongdoing on the Earth.

Biden, Merkel, Putin, Schwab, Macron, Erdogan & CO wanna kill you by the 'jab', only completely fools can't understand what's going on

Read a little bit about the true Nature of Satanism.

Satanists ( Freemasons & Co ) annihilated Christianity and subverted all organisations within.
Now they have enough power to kill the entirely humanity.

Inform yourself about satanism and who is behind of any 'president'
There is no god there is no satan. JoeXi is a piece of sewage slime and CIA puppet.

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