Hey Pastor Morris, Born in Bethlehem is not a Messianic Prophecy


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
YOU ARE BEING MADE A FOOL and passing along that lie unto the world.
1)MICAH 5:10 is not a messianic prophecy.
2) Micah 5:10 (used in Matthew) is not about a town, the context is about a LINEAGE thus the Hebrew Gender form and the term CLAN is used regarding( a name)
Bethlehem(son of) Ephratah.
BEiNG BORN OUT OF A LINEAGE(CLAN) IS NOT being born out of a town.
IT SAYS "BETHLEHEM EPHRATAH" not just Bethlehem, thst is because it's about a
person who is named Bethlehem not a town.
BEING BAMBOOZLED is not your fault except for the fact those fooled by the lie are to lazy or stupid to read the Tanakh version for themselves and fact check the FALSE claims.
when you are corrected of the error and you do not recant or you continue the lie, that is when you become guilt of evil missrepresentation and missguidance all to save face and affiliation pride. THIS EVIL STARTED FROM THE INITIAL LIE, but was spread by equal evil inclinations to lie to save face.
YOU ARE BEING MADE A FOOL and passing along that lie unto the world.
1)MICAH 5:10 is not a messianic prophecy.
2) Micah 5:10 (used in Matthew) is not about a town, the context is about a LINEAGE thus the Hebrew Gender form and the term CLAN is used regarding( a name)
Bethlehem(son of) Ephratah.
BEiNG BORN OUT OF A LINEAGE(CLAN) IS NOT being born out of a town.
IT SAYS "BETHLEHEM EPHRATAH" not just Bethlehem, thst is because it's about a
person who is named Bethlehem not a town.
BEING BAMBOOZLED is not your fault except for the fact those fooled by the lie are to lazy or stupid to read the Tanakh version for themselves and fact check the FALSE claims.
when you are corrected of the error and you do not recant or you continue the lie, that is when you become guilt of evil missrepresentation and missguidance all to save face and affiliation pride. THIS EVIL STARTED FROM THE INITIAL LIE, but was spread by equal evil inclinations to lie to save face.
does pastor morris post here?No? Then what the hell are you doing addressing a thread to him?

have you been watching evangelical TV again? Got all riled up? you yelled at the tv and nothing happened so you came to yell at him from here? Thanks for nothing.

What is that, some kind of weird addiction? You enjoy being poked in the eye? Don't you have any other channels?
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Ah the same old Hobe ... I don’t quite see things the same way as you do....I see the post that Michael placed here as a learning experience ... Out of curiously or the will to learn and better oneself people may look into it and see if there is merit to what Michael said in this way we better ourselves by constantly learning and growing..Now that being said I have not seen any refutation of what Michael pointed out and quite frankly you do not know who lurks here or posts here as well...When Michael and I posted on the desperate preachers board many years ago a lot of his lessons were used by people who either posted on that board or lurked there and did not post....Even on this board I am sure there are many lurkers and onlookers for everyone ONE individual that posts here and I am sure they share any interesting information or nugget of knowledge with each other if it has merit... For all you know one of the pastors colleagues or flock has seen this post and passed on the message to said pastor which may or may not change his teaching of this very subject.... Therefore your sarcasm is without merit... However I do enjoy you giving it to everyone you converse with on this board and I am sure you can come up with a new insult or poke in my direction that can keep us all entertained...Wink Wink...
Ah the same old Hobe ... I don’t quite see things the same way as you do....I see the post that Michael placed here as a learning experience ... Out of curiously or the will to learn and better oneself people may look into it and see if there is merit to what Michael said in this way we better ourselves by constantly learning and growing..Now that being said I have not seen any refutation of what Michael pointed out and quite frankly you do not know who lurks here or posts here as well...When Michael and I posted on the desperate preachers board many years ago a lot of his lessons were used by people who either posted on that board or lurked there and did not post....Even on this board I am sure there are many lurkers and onlookers for everyone ONE individual that posts here and I am sure they share any interesting information or nugget of knowledge with each other if it has merit... For all you know one of the pastors colleagues or flock has seen this post and passed on the message to said pastor which may or may not change his teaching of this very subject.... Therefore your sarcasm is without merit... However I do enjoy you giving it to everyone you converse with on this board and I am sure you can come up with a new insult or poke in my direction that can keep us all entertained...Wink Wink...

Ok.ok. You guys are begging for it... but I'll resist the temptation. lol...excuse me, let me clear my throat, ahem. Now lets get serious.

Maybe you should tell your buddy that if he wants to get something across he has to make it comprehensible to our unfortunate friends who have not studied these subjects at all.. They have only been required to memorize doctrine by rote or just overheard someone gibbering about the end of the world on 42st. Make it simple otherwise he might as well be clanging cymbals ( wink wink) in the middle of the night while everyone else is trying to sleep.

They'll just throw shoes at him.

Maybe he should start with something like, "Its time to awaken sleepy heads. Get out of bed. Mommy says you have to go to school, now" And then educate..

God is One, One is not three. God is good, but you cannot eat him. etc., etc. Over and over and over. In a few thousand years they'll get it . Well, maybe some. Then they can begin to read genesis. Maybe a few more thousand years after that they will understand that the story is not about the creation of the material universe. Those goofballs. Hopefully they will come to understand the hidden purpose of God before the sun explodes. I wouldn't bet on it though.

And damn, please remind Hashev that he doesn't have to strut around like he is on a catwalk in a fashion show.

They'll just throw shoes at him.
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Hobe, your ad Hominem avoidance response inadvertantly proved my point by questioning Pastor Morris or his flock's will to research, thus find this OP in the search engines.
From my Lexicon:
"Bethlehem Ephrathah" = the tense in the Hebrew is MASCULINE GENDER and birthplaces are feminine gender therefore it's not a birth place its a birth lineage one comes out of. Bethlehem the son
(or grandson) of Ephrathah (1 Chronicles 4:4, 2:50-51).
Micah 5:2 reads: "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, "too little to be among the clans" of Judah (showing a lineage not a city ).

But this was not the only messed up assumption by the Pastor.
The comment about astronomical percentages of a messiah figure being born at that exact area opens up a xan of worms for the pastor because after the error is exposed the set standard is problematic when we find those astronomical odds of Jesus fulfilling the prophecy of Lucifer and the only prophet that could be deemed Lucifer.
Backing this: Ezekiel 28:14-15 on Lucifer being the only prophet deemed perfect and called
Anointed (christ)
Cherub (guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew).
earlier verses in Ezekiel 28 deem him the only propher who fell to the the pit for claiming to be a god.-Acta 2:27 1 Peter 3:19 and Apostles creed only Jesus came as thw first fallen messiah and my post toward EWTN proved Jesus was the imposter messiah, who also impostered God. THERE IS NO OTHER PROPHET WHO COULD FULFILL THE PROPHECY OF LUCIFER. Itcs beyond astronomical odds and probabilities, it's the "only logical conclusion" fulfillment- PERIOD!
And my post on the astronomical odds that Jesus and the Roman scam carries the number of the beast is a standard The Pastor set that comes back to bite him in the end.
50 MILLION MURDERS and Thousands of wars later, backs this commentary and conclusion, for surely if Muslims had comitted those numbers of murders and wars the Christian conclusion would be that they were Satanic, (evidence is in that conclusion with much less numbers), therefore logic states Christianity itself inadvertantly admits being satanic using it's own standards.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
IT SAYS "BETHLEHEM EPHRATAH" not just Bethlehem, thst is because it's about a
person who is named Bethlehem not a town.

Ephrath is a description for members of the Israelite tribe of Judah, as well as for the possible founders of Bethlehem.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
YES CYRUS WAS "A" MESSIAH type to the Jews and Greeks, AKA ANOINTED to perform messianic roles but never termed
"THE" Moshiach.
BUT YOUR RESPONSE which did not fit this topic becomes VERY FITTING in irony.
Because: Who inspired Cyrus and changed (battled his heart) to do the Messianic roles?
Kings were anointed and High Priests were anointed. The Kohanim (lineage of Aaron) are anointed to be Priests.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart.
It was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
So Shalem (Evening Star-Michael) still is the one anointing Jacob, Cyrus, and anyone else who will do that rightousness hence the wrestling with their hearts and minds to do the right thing.
Now ask Pastor Moris the odds of that, being the first and last name of Moshiach emerges everywhere including in the name of the Temple and City and Sheva Day of rest as they always told you would carry the name.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
YES CYRUS WAS "A" MESSIAH type to the Jews and Greeks, AKA ANOINTED to perform messianic roles but never termed
"THE" Moshiach.
BUT YOUR RESPONSE which did not fit this topic becomes VERY FITTING in irony.
Because: Who inspired Cyrus and changed (battled his heart) to do the Messianic roles?
Kings were anointed and High Priests were anointed. The Kohanim (lineage of Aaron) are anointed to be Priests.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart.
It was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
So Shalem (Evening Star-Michael) still is the one anointing Jacob, Cyrus, and anyone else who will do that rightousness hence the wrestling with their hearts and minds to do the right thing.
Now ask Pastor Moris the odds of that, being the first and last name of Moshiach emerges everywhere including in the name of the Temple and City and Sheva Day of rest as they always told you would carry the name.

Just your usual babbling, nothing to see here.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
YES CYRUS WAS "A" MESSIAH type to the Jews and Greeks, AKA ANOINTED to perform messianic roles but never termed
"THE" Moshiach.
BUT YOUR RESPONSE which did not fit this topic becomes VERY FITTING in irony.
Because: Who inspired Cyrus and changed (battled his heart) to do the Messianic roles?
Kings were anointed and High Priests were anointed. The Kohanim (lineage of Aaron) are anointed to be Priests.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart.
It was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
So Shalem (Evening Star-Michael) still is the one anointing Jacob, Cyrus, and anyone else who will do that rightousness hence the wrestling with their hearts and minds to do the right thing.
Now ask Pastor Moris the odds of that, being the first and last name of Moshiach emerges everywhere including in the name of the Temple and City and Sheva Day of rest as they always told you would carry the name.

Just your usual babbling, nothing to see here.

And his faithful companion Shimon, the brown nosed dork, made entirely from inanimate matter, was wondering why no one responds.. He seems to think that dumbfounded silence validates Hashev's gibberish and declares victory.

He's a real winner. Every time someone say the word return in a sentence he guzzles some beer, claims that he made you say his name, and then burps
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for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING
for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING

Hmm. Maybe he really is the Messiah then?

Let us all rejoice!

The good Lord has blessed us with another drunkard.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
YES CYRUS WAS "A" MESSIAH type to the Jews and Greeks, AKA ANOINTED to perform messianic roles but never termed
"THE" Moshiach.
BUT YOUR RESPONSE which did not fit this topic becomes VERY FITTING in irony.
Because: Who inspired Cyrus and changed (battled his heart) to do the Messianic roles?
Kings were anointed and High Priests were anointed. The Kohanim (lineage of Aaron) are anointed to be Priests.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart.
It was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
So Shalem (Evening Star-Michael) still is the one anointing Jacob, Cyrus, and anyone else who will do that rightousness hence the wrestling with their hearts and minds to do the right thing.
Now ask Pastor Moris the odds of that, being the first and last name of Moshiach emerges everywhere including in the name of the Temple and City and Sheva Day of rest as they always told you would carry the name.

Just your usual babbling, nothing to see here.

And his faithful companion Shimon, the brown nosed dork, made entirely from inanimate matter, was wondering why no one responds.. He seems to think that dumbfounded silence validates Hashev's gibberish and declares victory.

He's a real winner. Every time someone say the word return in a sentence he guzzles some beer, claims that he made you say his name, and then burps
YOU said my name when asked who your mystery messiah was and you answered Yashu.
The book of Joshua (Yohshua) is called Hosea because proper transliteration is that
in that time period Y=H sound.
BUT THANKS, you just killed christianity for placing Jesus everywhere it says pierced and for not being mentioned once in the Tanakh and for never mentioning the name of the Father in the NT. (Waiting your next ad hominem reply to avoid you backing yourself in a corner). :)
for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING

Hmm. Maybe he really is the Messiah then?

Let us all rejoice!

The good Lord has blessed us with another drunkard.
I don't drink, so you'll have to find a better displacement response.
In other news, the post-exilic Jews declared Cyrus was the Messiah, so the Jewish racists here really have no room to to talk about others and 'prophecy'.
YES CYRUS WAS "A" MESSIAH type to the Jews and Greeks, AKA ANOINTED to perform messianic roles but never termed
"THE" Moshiach.
BUT YOUR RESPONSE which did not fit this topic becomes VERY FITTING in irony.
Because: Who inspired Cyrus and changed (battled his heart) to do the Messianic roles?
Kings were anointed and High Priests were anointed. The Kohanim (lineage of Aaron) are anointed to be Priests.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart.
It was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
So Shalem (Evening Star-Michael) still is the one anointing Jacob, Cyrus, and anyone else who will do that rightousness hence the wrestling with their hearts and minds to do the right thing.
Now ask Pastor Moris the odds of that, being the first and last name of Moshiach emerges everywhere including in the name of the Temple and City and Sheva Day of rest as they always told you would carry the name.

Just your usual babbling, nothing to see here.

And his faithful companion Shimon, the brown nosed dork, made entirely from inanimate matter, was wondering why no one responds.. He seems to think that dumbfounded silence validates Hashev's gibberish and declares victory.

He's a real winner. Every time someone say the word return in a sentence he guzzles some beer, claims that he made you say his name, and then burps
YOU said my name when asked who your mystery messiah was and you answered Yashu.
The book of Joshua (Yohshua) is called Hosea because proper transliteration is that
in that time period Y=H sound.
BUT THANKS, you just killed christianity for placing Jesus everywhere it says pierced and for not being mentioned once in the Tanakh and for never mentioning the name of the Father in the NT. (Waiting your next ad hominem reply to avoid you backing yourself in a corner). :)
I never said anything about any yashu. Now your name is Yashu?I thought you name was Michael.

I was talking about the times when I said something about the return of Christ and then you went, HA! I made you say my name. Hashev. lol

Checkmate! :happy-1:
for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING

Hmm. Maybe he really is the Messiah then?

Let us all rejoice!

The good Lord has blessed us with another drunkard.
I don't drink, so you'll have to find a better displacement response.
You should seriously think of trying some communion wine. It would only be an improvement. You could be transformed from a false prophet into an idolator. Then you can shoot for a monkey and eventually you may even stand and walk upright like a man.

Such is the power of Christ!
'It's just that I've got a "hang-up" about the Chinese christ, Ti Tsang, who saved little children from the underworld.'
(Livia Kohn, taoist scholar)

Winning the best short film for the 2018 Israeli Academy Awards was Kilometer 147, a story about a dead camel in the road, precisely on the border between two towns, neither of which would take the responsibility to remove the carcass.
for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING

Hmm. Maybe he really is the Messiah then?

Let us all rejoice!

The good Lord has blessed us with another drunkard.
I don't drink, so you'll have to find a better displacement response.
You should seriously think of trying some communion wine. It would only be an improvement. You could be transformed from a false prophet into an idolator. Then you can shoot for a monkey and eventually you may even stand and walk upright like a man.

Such is the power of Christ!
You mean the Man/Is/SHEV/ITZ WINE?
for the record-----amongst Hebrew speakers -----and writers----especially
of the past, the term "messiah" was used extensively for special people and
sometimes even derisively.....as in for that old drunkard over there HOLDING

Hmm. Maybe he really is the Messiah then?

Let us all rejoice!

The good Lord has blessed us with another drunkard.
I don't drink, so you'll have to find a better displacement response.
You should seriously think of trying some communion wine. It would only be an improvement. You could be transformed from a false prophet into an idolator. Then you can shoot for a monkey and eventually you may even stand and walk upright like a man.

Such is the power of Christ!
You mean the Man/Is/SHEV/ITZ WINE?

No silly. You don't drink old wine when new wine directly from the kingdom of heaven is available for purchase..unless you're a cheapskate..But still I guess it's better than nothing.



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