Herman Cain needs our help


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
I have never donated to a presidential candidate before. I don't make a lot or have a lot of money. I have heard pundits explain that Herman Cain is not getting the type of money the other candidates are getting because he is new to the political game and does not have regular supporters. I believe Herman Cain is the man for the job and I have donated to his campaign because I know for the first time a candidate really does need it. So if you can spare $10, $20 or more he really could use your help. You can donate on his web site.
I donated last week. It takes money folks so ante up if you like the guy.

I'm active in the Republican party here in west MI, not a party office holder or anything just volunteer to do lots of things. So in the last two weeks or so I've talked to maybe 20-30 other party folks and I'm surprised at the number that have favorable opinions of Mr. Cain. Whether it grows or he fades - flavor of the month as some pundits are putting it - I guess we'll find out down the road.
I recall maybe a week ago some angry leftist on Chrissy BiPolar Matthews say something like,,,,Herman Cain HAS NO MONEY, he can't win! {something like that} what a jerk! thats the left for you, a conservative candidate is on the rise overnight, and they go bash him. I hope Cain is on either end of the ticket! then a large pizza will never cost more than $9.99.
I have never donated to a presidential candidate before. I don't make a lot or have a lot of money. I have heard pundits explain that Herman Cain is not getting the type of money the other candidates are getting because he is new to the political game and does not have regular supporters. I believe Herman Cain is the man for the job and I have donated to his campaign because I know for the first time a candidate really does need it. So if you can spare $10, $20 or more he really could use your help. You can donate on his web site.

Why should I give money to a candidate that has only one platform, which is 999. A tax overhaul that opens a new line of revenue to the government and all economists agree will shift the tax burden to the middle class and the poor away from the rich and large corporations.

All that stuff aside Herman Cain is a known liar, he has been caught eating his own shoe 3-4 times already, and people only started to look at him a month ago.

Only an idiot will support cain, and here is a

He doesnt have any campain money because everyone with money knows he is a fraud and a total failure.
He will not be getting any help for the brother and sisters he belittled as morons because they do not vote republican. No one is going to be voting for him because he is black. I simple abhor the man. He should be in a pulpit instead of the white house. This man panders to whites like Obama panders to hispanics.
999 is a code for pimp.
I'll donate $10 for every idiot who bitches about Cain in this thread, up to $200.


$10 - Water&Whine
$10 - LiarLil

So far, just $20 bucks.
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He will not be getting any help for the brother and sisters he belittled as morons because they do not vote republican. No one is going to be voting for him because he is black. I simple abhor the man. He should be in a pulpit instead of the white house. This man panders to whites like Obama panders to hispanics.
999 is a code for pimp.

Wow, old bag, I bet it never dawned on Mr. Cain that those morons wouldn't be giving him any help.

I do agree though no one will be voting for him because he's black. It'll be because they agree with what he's espousing. Which is code for exercising one of their rights.
He didn't insult blacks for not voting republican. He called them to task for not being open minded and being willing to consider other ideas.

Don't act like its some bad thing either. We all do it everyday on here.
I recall maybe a week ago some angry leftist on Chrissy BiPolar Matthews say something like,,,,Herman Cain HAS NO MONEY, he can't win! {something like that} what a jerk! thats the left for you, a conservative candidate is on the rise overnight, and they go bash him. I hope Cain is on either end of the ticket! then a large pizza will never cost more than $9.99.

I've been a big Herman Cain supporter since the day he officially announced his candidacy in June or July. I would be happy to see him on either end of the ticket, too.

I'm not a Romney fan. I'm not a Perry fan. Bachmann and Ron Paul and Gingrich and the rest are pretenders, has-beens, and never wases. The ONLY other candidate I like is Rick Santorum, and there is no way he can win the nomination. My ideal "Team USA" would be a Cain/Santorum ticket, or visa versa.

The great thing about being a Herman Cain supporter is that the lunatic fringe leftists can't play the "race card". But, they'll just shuffle their trick deck and play the "Uncle Tom" and "Oreo" cards, instead.
Herman Cain needs our help
You mean....like.....remembering HIS NAME??!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AEFRdotvmQ]Palin: Herb Cain or Whatever His Name Is - YouTube[/ame]

Cain has limited experience in politics, a failed run for the presidency and the senate and no experience in government. His 999 plan will raise taxes on the middle class and lower taxes for those in a 28% bracket or higher. The plan is actually a multistage plan that would take decades to fully implement. Since Republicans have not been able to control both the white house and congress for 8 years since the 1920's, chances of the plan making it are somewhere between none and zero. 9 9 9 makes for good political banter but is just not practical.

Cain would certainly be Obama choice as an opponent over Romney.
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