Here's The Democrat Party's Primary Tactic......Propose The Most Silly Thing Imaginable....Then Wait For The Backlash....Then Scream "RACISTS"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud becomes legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says it's racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

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Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud become legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says is racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414
Trumpkin loons hate people who are decent. But keep lying and pretend Dems are as disgusting as treasonous trumpscum
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud become legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says is racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414

Again, I am dumbfounded that the right wing is planting the flag for its last stand of relevancy.....on Dr. Suess and Mr Potato Head. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
The rest of your list is just a mishmash of whining and bitching put forward previously. Don't you righties have any new arrows in your quiver?
Trumpkin loons hate people who are decent
Decent people dont try to limit free speech

Again, I am dumbfounded that the right wing is planting the flag for its last stand of relevancy.....on Dr. Suess and Mr Potato Head.
Meaning that conservatives should not comment on blatent liberal insanity such as banning Dr Suess?

why arent you dumbfounded by the stupid political correctness of liberal censurship?
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Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud becomes legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says it's racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414

Well that is their go to answer to everything. Most of the idiots wouldn't know a real racist if one spit in their face.

Hell they see racists under every tree and behind every bush. Dumbasses every one.
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud becomes legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says it's racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414

Well that is their go to answer to everything. Most of the idiots wouldn't know a real racist if one spit in their face.

Hell they see racists under every tree and behind every bush. Dumbasses every one.
Unity means do what we say or you'll be ruined for life.
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud become legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says is racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414
Trumpkin loons hate people who are decent. But keep lying and pretend Dems are as disgusting as treasonous trumpscum
It sure is funny that the decent people who play by the rules of civilization from thousands of years ago until recently are not the enemy of world history.
The reason why the communists want the capitol turned into an armed camp is because they know they will need this level of protection for what they plan to do. They know that the line is close and they intend to step over it.
The reason why the communists want the capitol turned into an armed camp is because they know they will need this level of protection for what they plan to do. They know that the line is close and they intend to step over it.
Some folks are wondering why Biden signed so many crazy-ass EOs.....
Simple.....get all the lunacy out of the way first.....because Democrats know they won't hang onto Congress very long at the rate they're cram as much of the Bull Shit in while they can.....because later....there will be Hell to pay.

Pelosi is trying to prevent this from happening by writing election fraud into HR-1.
It spells out election fraud and how to get away with it....which is why the Republicans are spending 10 hours reading every word of that POS bill on the floor of the Senate so there are no excuses after the vote.
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud become legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says is racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414
Trumpkin loons hate people who are decent. But keep lying and pretend Dems are as disgusting as treasonous trumpscum
Why are 100% of your posts illiterate insults?
Fox News provides an essential service to the Democrat Party. They point out every ridiculous proposal that Democrats dream up and try to make a reality....and the predictable backlash is an automatic.

The string of ridiculous policies coming from the Biden Administration.....the constant assault on social media of conservatives....Cancel-Culture terrorist mobs on Twitter.....Democrats demanding that NG troops be stationed permanently around the Capital.....HR-1 designed to assure that election fraud become legal.....making everything racist.....removing gender from toys and all forms of expression....proposing reparations for people due to skin color even if the blacks involved never had a relative that was a slave and forcing people pay reparation who never had a relative that owned slaves. As a matter of fact some blacks have relatives who were slave-traders yet they still will get a monthly check.

So what's the latest ridiculous nonsense coming from the Democrat/Communists:

  • Stationing NG troops permanently at the Capital over fake reports of a planned assault on the 4th of March that never materialized
  • Dr Seuss has been deemed a racist....LA Mayor says there is no place for racist imagery
  • Mr Potato Head has his gender he's just 'Potato Head'
  • HS Sec says they have complete control of the Southern Border.....then releases COVID positive illegals deep into the US
  • One mask provides 75% protection....wear two and get 90% protection
  • Rep Fart (Swalwell) sues Donald Trump over Jan 6th riots
  • Kids in cages now changed to migrant child facilities
  • Democrats scream bloody-murder when Texas opens their state....President Unity calls them Neanderthals
  • Joy Reid says is racist to say Biden is spreading COVID at our Southern borders
  • Democrats write stimulus checks for illegals into COVID relief bill
  • Migrant children surges 600% under Biden Administration
  • Biden went home to Delaware on Wednesday again
  • Biden asks if it's okay to take questions....and then somebody cuts off his feed during live teleconference with Pelosi
  • House Dems pressure providers to dump Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN

I know I'm leaving alot out.....because it's just too much to keep track of.....but this is just what they're talking about this week. One thing Democrats are good at is creating chaos....because that's what they're doing.

View attachment 464414
Trumpkin loons hate people who are decent. But keep lying and pretend Dems are as disgusting as treasonous trumpscum
Why are 100% of your posts illiterate insults?
Because it (gender removed) is a snowflake with no mind of it's own.

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