Here's some proof the govt. is best suited to run stuff


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
And what better model than the left's flagship State of California? I guess the tents were supposed to slow the exodus of the middle class :auiqs.jpg:

You have to hand it to PROGS, if they say B it means A made perfect sense to a rational person. Sometimes they say C though, for example men in women's sports.

OT, did you know California was a red state before negotiations with Gates and China under the Clinton admin.? That's code for internet & Chinese trade. Course California was a horrible State beforehand, we needed the blue to show us how shit's done.

I can't wait for more socialism, can you? These guys need to be running all healthcare most of all, govt. is AWESOME
My SS check comes like clockwork the 2nd Wednesday of every month and that’s enough government efficiency for me.

The post office stole money from me last year. And I sent a package weeks ago 2 day priority. It's still in transit. Sometimes I receive empty packages too, and and and these guys helped to run our election this time.

Govt. is AWESOME.
My SS check comes like clockwork the 2nd Wednesday of every month and that’s enough government efficiency for me.

The post office stole money from me last year. And I sent a package weeks ago 2 day priority. It's still in transit. Sometimes I receive empty packages too, and and and these guys helped to run our election this time.

Govt. is AWESOME.

Can’t say I’ve ever had any trouble with the Post Office.

Maybe it’s you. Did you do something to piss off the clerk?
My SS check comes like clockwork the 2nd Wednesday of every month and that’s enough government efficiency for me.

The post office stole money from me last year. And I sent a package weeks ago 2 day priority. It's still in transit. Sometimes I receive empty packages too, and and and these guys helped to run our election this time.

Govt. is AWESOME.

Can’t say I’ve ever had any trouble with the Post Office.

Maybe it’s you. Did you do something to piss off the clerk?

Sure, that's what it is. I handed them a package & asked for receipt.
There are certain things the Govt is best suited to run, the military for one....but many things they aren't suited to run.....namely charity..

I worked govt. for a time. The closer to welfare the worst it is. The more effective you are the quicker the rejection. You wouldn't believe the stories, but the gist of it is they'll direct 150 man hours for everyone one it should take, and for the most part they'll end up doing it wrong anyway.
Maybe it’s you. Did you do something to piss off the clerk?
So a "pissed off clerk" will fuck with your mail? Sounds like a great system the government runs. Probably damn near impossibly to fire the dipshit because he's a minority, relative, or quota hire.
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My SS check comes like clockwork the 2nd Wednesday of every month and that’s enough government efficiency for me.

The post office stole money from me last year. And I sent a package weeks ago 2 day priority. It's still in transit. Sometimes I receive empty packages too, and and and these guys helped to run our election this time.

Govt. is AWESOME.

Can’t say I’ve ever had any trouble with the Post Office.

Maybe it’s you. Did you do something to piss off the clerk?

Sure, that's what it is. I handed them a package & asked for receipt.

Fess up. You had a MAGA hat on didn’t you.
You act like that's not above what the left would do with Govt? Don't you recall what Obama did with the IRS to folks that dared to question his policies?
I'm not acting at all. The government is generally the epitome of incompetence and obama was a putz.
Thing with govt. operations is YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE EFFECTIVE. I agree, military should be one of few exceptions. It's why Marines kick your ass should you pull a snowflake, though dollars to donuts they're all in panties now, can't mishandle a snowflake you know, they might melt. I'd be interested to hear from a Sergeant what it's like today.

Replace effective with entitled and I promise you that's exactly how govt. generally operates. The only exclusions are anywhere that's small with great management flying under the radar, NASA and such.

Govt. generally doesn't understand the causes for things, and the effect is much further beyond them. That's just the reality of it.

Trump cut a lot of the red tape out. It's one reason he was declared an enemy of the establishment. PROGS love chaos.
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the 33 years i worked for them i seen quit a few people get fired......
It happens occasionally. I've seen the level of incompetence that passes in many government jobs, though, and it wouldn't fly in the private sector where production equals profit.
My SS check comes like clockwork the 2nd Wednesday of every month and that’s enough government efficiency for me.
You are a poster child for why anyone who gets more from the government than he or she pays in taxes should be declared a ward of the state and should not be permitted to vote.
Can’t say I’ve ever had any trouble with the Post Office.

Maybe it’s you. Did you do something to piss off the clerk?

No, it's the fact the Post Office is as fucked up as a soup sandwich. Hell, my mother has been getting late, misdelivered, and undelivered mail due to an incompetent carrier for at least 2 years now. The carrier is older than dirt, can barely drive, and refuses to retire. My carrier left my mailbox open-regardless of weather-every day.

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